Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi

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Das rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively.

No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei.

Huang Chunmei said that Big S is a fool who used his own money to sell houses again and again, and the 80 million in the joint account was withdrawn by Wang Xiaofei. It is a fact that we owe money. If we don’t pay it back in this life, we will pay it back in the next life.

Zhang Lan responded confidently and still had clear logic.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

Regarding Huang Chunmei's claim that Wang Xiaofei owed her family 170 million but had not yet paid it back, Zhang Lan shouted to them to return the wedding house she bought to her. Zhang Lan said that Huang Chunmei sold the wedding house for NT$300 million, which is about more than 60 million yuan.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

What does Zhang Lan mean? It’s clear: you want us to pay back 170 million, okay, you can first return the 300 million wedding house to me.

In addition to shouting that Huang Chunmei returned to the wedding room, Zhang Lan's response focused on the big S.

In the chat records posted by Wang Xiaofei, the elder S did not agree with them taking their children back to Beijing for the winter vacation. It was mentioned that Zhang Lan was not allowed to see her children. How much opinion does Big S have of Zhang Lan? This "inaccuracy" explains everything.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

Zhang Lan didn't care about this.

She believes that she is not only a mother and grandmother, but more importantly, she is an entrepreneur, a positive and responsible entrepreneur. It doesn't matter whether the child sees her or not.

Regarding Big S’s divorce agreement and when she contacted Gu Junye, Zhang Lan posted a timeline again.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

is a very subtle thing. At first, Big S said that he would not remarry. If Big S remarries, Wang Xiaofei will no longer continue to pay the mortgage and related expenses. This agreement will be effective from the beginning.

Later, Big S's lawyer asked to cancel this agreement. It was changed to say that no matter how Big S's relationship status changes, there will be no restrictions on Big S's living expenses and mortgage payments. Otherwise, the truth about the divorce will be clarified publicly.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

I don’t know what Big S originally meant by the “truth about divorce”? Wang Xiaofei cheated? Or those domestic violence? Or is there something shocking behind the scenes?

In addition, Zhang Lan also revealed the timeline of the relationship between Big S and Gu Junye, saying that the two had been pen pals for 15 years and did not contact each other after their divorce. Moreover, on August 14, 2021, Big S sent tattoo pigment to Gu Junye, and the bill was reimbursed by the hotel.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

There is also something about Big S and Gu Junye’s marriage registration. The two were registered in South Korea on February 8, 2022, and in Taiwan on March 28, 2022. However, the divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei was not recognized until October 28, 2022, in the mainland court.

Therefore, Zhang Lan believed that Big S was bigamous from the beginning.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

If you have not forgotten, in a live broadcast last year, Zhang Lan repeatedly mentioned the date of August 14th, saying that if she broke the news, it would have a great impact on the two children, so she did not say it at the time.

Now it is clear that this date is the day when Big S sent something to Gu Junye. And August 14, 2021, happens to be the Chinese Valentine’s Day. The Chinese Valentine's Day is known as "Chinese Valentine's Day" . Is this why Zhang Lan said she was afraid of affecting her children?

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

But Big S’s manager denied it, saying that Big S didn’t send anything to Gu Junye.

The express delivery list posted by Wang Xiaofei, the recipient has the same Roman pronunciation as Gu Junye, but there is a problem with the phone number. It starts with "+86" , which should be sent to the mainland. Therefore, Taiwanese media also suspected that the express delivery number was fake.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

After Zhang Lan responded, Huang Chunmei did not continue to respond to Zhang Lan's topic. Instead, she talked about the whereabouts of the gift money from the wedding held by Big S and Wang Xiaofei in Sanya. Huang Chunmei said that she had publicly said that she would not accept gift money because she was "marrying her daughter", not "selling her daughter".

However, some guests rumored that Zhang Lan received the gift money privately, and asked Zhang Lan about his whereabouts, but he did not receive a dime.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

There were news reports that year that Zhang Lan donated more than 5 million yuan in wedding gifts to Japan and Yunnan for disaster relief. This is what the big s means.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

However, Wang Xiaofei later publicly responded to the matter and posted the donation invoice, but it was 3 million, and they said they had to pay some themselves to get the 3 million.

3 million and 5 million, the difference is nearly half. Where did the different part go?

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

Big S’s long article mentioned Wang Xiaofei’s marital infidelity and domestic violence during pregnancy, which made people sigh endlessly.

However, Big S did not mention these things during the divorce, let alone resolve it through legal channels. Can it also be understood that the financial compensation in the divorce agreement also includes hiding those things?

Zhang Lan said that there is a problem with the values ​​​​of Das, and he has set a bad example and made young people afraid of marriage. This is also playing the emotional card, even though it was her son Wang Xiaofei who cheated on her many times during the marriage.

Big S rarely posted a long article to criticize Wang Xiaofei, and even named Zhang Lan. Zhang Lan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so of course she has to respond positively. No, this is a response to both Big S and S’s mother Huang Chunmei. Huang Chunmei said Bi - Lujuba

But behind the emotional cards are shrewd calculations and a balance of interests. You said I owed you 170 million, and I said you sold my house for 300 million. Today, every hot search is inseparable from "settling accounts."

How about you both hire an accounting team to do a good accounting of the past ten years or so!


Author: Liuliu

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