Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 20, the movie "Fortress" held its premiere in Beijing. Director Han Keyi, actors Guo Xiaodong, Chen Duling, Jing Gangshan, Lu Xin, Yang Bo, Feng Hao, Liao Mengyan and other main creative actors appeared and chatted and interacted w

entertainment 5421℃

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 20, the movie " fortress " held its premiere in Beijing. Director Han Keyi, actors Guo Xiaodong, Chen Duling, Jing Gangshan, Lu Xin, Yang Bo, Feng Hao, Liao Mengyan and other main creative actors appeared and chatted and interacted with the audience in the post-screening session. The movie will be released nationwide on March 22, and pre-sales are now fully open.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 20, the movie 'Fortress' held its premiere in Beijing. Director Han Keyi, actors Guo Xiaodong, Chen Duling, Jing Gangshan, Lu Xin, Yang Bo, Feng Hao, Liao Mengyan and other main creative actors appeared and chatted and interacted w - Lujuba

event site. The

movie "Fortress" is adapted from real history. It uses the five party members known as the "Shaoshan Five" - ​​Mao Fuxuan, Mao Xinmei, Li Genghou, Zhong Zhishen, and Pang Shukan as character prototypes. It cleverly integrates espionage and suspense elements into the historical background. It shows the heroic story of the battle of wits and courage between revolutionary patriots and enemy agents on the hidden front.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 20, the movie 'Fortress' held its premiere in Beijing. Director Han Keyi, actors Guo Xiaodong, Chen Duling, Jing Gangshan, Lu Xin, Yang Bo, Feng Hao, Liao Mengyan and other main creative actors appeared and chatted and interacted w - Lujuba

Guo Xiaodong. When

talked about how to create this film, the director said that "Fortress" has a prototype story. The team read a lot of information and did a lot of homework. Every character in the film is worth exploring. I hope this This film can give everyone a deep understanding of this period of history, and draw the power of faith from the game between the enemy and ourselves. Guo Xiaodong, who plays the role of Shen Zhuoyi, said that this role is very challenging and very different from the roles he has played before. He dedicated his first experience of playing a villain to "Fortress" and interpreted the role like a dark heart. The stars are dancing alone. Chen Duling also lamented about the role of Zheng Hong, saying that Zheng Hong shows many female characteristics. Although she is afraid when facing enemies, she is not timid. Like chamomile, she can grow in adversity. Jing Gangshan shared that in the role of Yang Jingchen, he sincerely regards Mao Jiaxuan as a brother. Although he often plays a villain, this character is actually very layered.

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Huixiaowan) On March 20, the movie 'Fortress' held its premiere in Beijing. Director Han Keyi, actors Guo Xiaodong, Chen Duling, Jing Gangshan, Lu Xin, Yang Bo, Feng Hao, Liao Mengyan and other main creative actors appeared and chatted and interacted w - Lujuba

Chen Duling. The character creation and plot design in the

movie "Fortress" are excellent, allowing the audience to feel the complexity and depth of human nature, and also highlighting the dedication and greatness of the revolutionary patriots. Mao Jiaxuan, played by Chen Minghao , is sleek and sophisticated on the outside, but sticks to his faith in his heart, always facing heavy pressure and danger from hostile forces. Shen Zhuoyi, played by Guo Xiaodong, is a typical workplace elite, smart and resourceful, and good at using all resources to achieve his goals. Yang Jingchen, played by Jing Gangshan, is arrogant and domineering to his subordinates, but obedient to his superiors, fully demonstrating his power and cunning. The intricate relationships and conflicts between them inject rich drama into the film, making the audience's emotions fluctuate and they are always looking forward to the next development.

editor, Xu Meilin

proofreader, Zhang Yanjun

Tags: entertainment