Xue Tianlong (right) is teaching students to play suona. Photo by Huang Huixian At 7 pm on March 18, a suona version of "Tinker Bell" played in the suona class at the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center. This is one of the youth charity classes of the National Art School of the Z

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Xue Tianlong (right) is teaching students to play suona. Photo by Huang Huixian At 7 pm on March 18, a suona version of 'Tinker Bell' played in the suona class at the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center. This is one of the youth charity classes of the National Art School of the Z - Lujuba

Xue Tianlong (right) is teaching students to play suona. Photographed by Huang Huixian

html At 7pm on March 18, a suona version of "Tinker Bell" played in the suona class at the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center.

This is one of the youth charity classes of the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center National Art School. At first glance, the classroom is packed with 16 students, all young faces. Next to them are D-key suonas prepared by themselves according to the requirements. Some students also The suona was painted and decorated, and the level of care shown is evident.

"This class is not easy to grab. Nearly 500 people signed up at the beginning. I am really lucky to be able to choose this public welfare course." Chen Xin, a post-95s student, said while showing off her carefully selected suona, "I plan to take every class seriously I want to learn so that I can show off my skills at the company’s annual meeting.”

’s teacher is named Xue Tianlong, a young suona player in the Zhejiang Performing Arts Group National Orchestra. He was surprised by young people's love for traditional folk music. "I originally expected that 30 people would sign up, which would be good. Now there are nearly 500 people signing up. It is also a new challenge for me."

"Come on, let's try it first." Blow out the sound." After Xue Tianlong finished speaking, the 16 suonas in the classroom played together. The scene was quite shocking, but the sound was high and low, weak and strong, and it didn't sound satisfactory.

"We can be unreliable when playing suona, but we should strive to be in tune." Xue Tianlong's relaxed and humorous teaching style kept the classroom laughing. This is the second lesson of the suona class. He starts from the most basic music theory knowledge and leads the students to become familiar with suona little by little.

The assistant teacher next to him is named Jin Chengyi. He is only 12 years old this year. He has been learning to play suona from Xue Tianlong for more than two years. He came to help after class tonight. Although she is young, her guidance is unambiguous. Xue Tianlong jokingly calls her the "senior sister" in the class. Whenever there is a demonstration session, she always makes a show, which attracts bursts of applause from everyone.

Before get out of class ended, Xue Tianlong specially brought Zhou Ping, director of the training department of the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center, to the stage, "I heard that the cultural center has now opened a public welfare 'art study room' to facilitate citizens to practice in the free classrooms. I also want to secure a study room for the Suona class. "Zhou Ping agreed immediately.

As the organizer of the event, Zhou Ping did not expect that night school courses would be so popular among young people. "The reason why we opened public welfare classes for young people was mainly to provide them with an opportunity to study and relax."

She said that the cultural center Previous courses were mainly held during the day on weekdays, and most of the attendees were older students. Since last year, the cultural center has opened its evening hours and has set up related courses that are closer to the preferences of young people. "We have held beauty classes, cooking classes, new media editing classes, etc. before, and they are very popular."

Since this year, the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center Actively explore traditional cultural characteristics, in addition to suona classes, Yue opera classes, pankou classes, etc. are also "hard to find". Taking night classes to learn art is particularly popular among young people. "I am from Fujian, and I often heard suona playing when I was a child." Peng Bijin, a post-95s girl, enjoyed folk music performances on a TV party program, and gradually developed a strong interest in national musical instruments such as suona and guzheng, as well as traditional culture.

In Xue Tianlong’s view, the suona is rich in expressiveness and is a representative national musical instrument. “Nowadays, young people work and live at a fast pace, so they can relax while playing the suona.” He said that the professional learning of the suona actually has a high threshold. and difficulty. As an amateur course, I hope to lead everyone to appreciate the charm of suona through limited class hours. "Being able to play a few simple songs is a very good result."

's class has just ended. In the WeChat group next week The group solitaire was launched in the course, and within a short time, 16 students completed the solitaire, and everyone made an appointment to meet next week.

Reporter’s Notes

Let young people and excellent traditional culture go both ways.

A Suona public welfare class made people feel the vigorous vitality of excellent traditional culture among young people.

China’s excellent traditional culture has never lacked audiences. At present, we need to continue to build platforms to make it more relevant to the present and to young people. From this point of view, this attempt is worthy of praise.The Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center uses youth public welfare classes as a carrier to build a bridge for cultural and artistic experience, allowing young people to go both ways with excellent traditional culture.

Today, we are pleased to see that more and more young people are entering museums, art galleries, and cultural centers, constantly absorbing the nutrients of China's excellent traditional culture; at the same time, they are also working hard to explore in their respective fields, making the excellent traditional culture "Crossing borders" and "going out of the circle" form a positive interaction, allowing excellent traditional culture to continue to shine with the glory of the times.

(Source: People’s Daily)

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