Spring is coming to Pengcheng, and everything is budding. As the city grows greener, some nature spirits frequently "visit" the mangroves. Recently, many staff and volunteers witnessed wild boars in Futian Mangrove Ecological Park in Shenzhen. Previously, the "national first-leve

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Pengcheng is in spring, and everything is budding. As the city grows greener, some nature spirits frequently "visit" the mangroves. Recently, many staff and volunteers witnessed wild boars in Futian Mangrove Ecological Park in Shenzhen. Previously, the "national first-level protected animal" - the little civet has also appeared in the mangroves.

Spring is coming to Pengcheng, and everything is budding. As the city grows greener, some nature spirits frequently 'visit' the mangroves. Recently, many staff and volunteers witnessed wild boars in Futian Mangrove Ecological Park in Shenzhen. Previously, the 'national first-leve - Lujuba

▲The infrared camera recorded the little civet.

This is not the first time that wild boars have been "captured" in the park. According to the staff of the Mangrove Foundation (mcf), this is not the first time that wild boars have appeared in Futian Mangrove Ecological Park. In 2021, staff have photographed wild boars. The scene of wild boars walking in the park has now returned again, triggering a wave of discussion among citizens.

Wild animals frequently "visit" mangroves, perhaps in search of food or in search of a new habitat. In the picture released this time, behind the bushes and woods where wild boars appear, there is a modern city scene with many high-rise buildings. It makes people feel sad that the distance between wild animals and humans is closer than imagined.

Spring is coming to Pengcheng, and everything is budding. As the city grows greener, some nature spirits frequently 'visit' the mangroves. Recently, many staff and volunteers witnessed wild boars in Futian Mangrove Ecological Park in Shenzhen. Previously, the 'national first-leve - Lujuba

▲ Footage of a wild boar captured by the Mangrove Foundation (MCF) infrared camera.

How humans and nature can live in harmony has always been an ecological topic of great concern in Shenzhen. It is understood that Shenzhen has a total of 585 species of terrestrial wild animals, 2,080 species of wild vascular plants, a forest area of ​​777 square kilometers, and a forest coverage rate of 39.2%, ranking among the top cities of the same level in the country.

In this modern city, Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve is the only national nature reserve in the hinterland of the city and the smallest in area. It is also the last native mangrove wetland in Shenzhen Bay, providing a great environment for birds and other Wildlife provides a quality environment in which to “make their home”.

While the population of terrestrial wild animals is rapidly recovering and growing, the problem of harm caused by wild boars and other terrestrial wild animals has also become prominent. Previously, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration issued the "Work Plan for the Prevention and Control of Damage Caused by Wild Boars and Other Terrestrial Wild Animals", which proposed the basic principles of giving priority to protection, focusing on prevention, and implementing classified policies. By 2025, the healthy development of wild animal populations will be achieved. In 2035, wildlife populations will develop healthier, important habitats will expand, and habitat quality will further improve.

As the ecological environment continues to improve, wild animals appear frequently in the city. How should citizens respond if they encounter them by chance? Taking encounters with wild boars as an example, staff remind citizens that first of all, citizens need to stay calm and not behave excessively or make too loud noises to avoid irritating them. If wild boars approach citizens, they should quickly find hiding places to hide, such as trees and bushes. Wait, or try to escape to a higher place or a place with obvious shelter to avoid direct conflict with wild boars, because their strength and aggressiveness cannot be underestimated. To seek help, citizens should call as soon as possible while ensuring their own safety. Call the Park Telephone Reporting Service Center or 110 or 119 for assistance. Professional rescuers will rush to the scene quickly and properly deal with the wild boar problem.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Wei Yuchen

Tags: entertainment