According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S

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Ministry of Education website reported on March 19 that the central government recently approved: Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang Shuguo no longer serves as president and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

On March 19, Xi'an Jiaotong University held a meeting of teachers and cadres. Comrade Peng Jinhui, deputy director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting to announce the decision of the CPC Central Committee and delivered a speech.

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

Video screenshot: Metropolis Express

On that day, teachers and students of Xi'an Jiaotong University bid farewell to Wang Shuguo. The scene was very touching.

public information shows that Wang Shuguo was born in October 1958. In April 2014, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and President of Xi'an Jiaotong University; in May 2017, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

In the past ten years, Wang Shuguo left many touching scenes on the campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Wang Shuguo once said a tearful farewell to the incoming secretary of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Four years ago, when Zhang Maizeng, the former party secretary of Xi'an Jiaotong University, resigned, he bid farewell to the president Wang Shuguo in tears. The gray-haired two people both cried and their eyes were red. Related pictures triggered a wave of enthusiasm among netizens. discussion.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News report on November 17, 2020, on November 13, Zhang Maizeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University, officially resigned. The Internet went viral, and many faculty, staff, and students rushed to the scene to say goodbye after hearing the news that day. Before leaving, Zhang Maizeng and principal Wang Shuguo hugged each other. The white-haired two people both cried and had red eyes.

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

In 2020, President Wang Shuguo bid farewell to Zhang Maiceng, the outgoing Party Secretary of the school, in tears (Photo source: Qianjiang Evening News)

Staff of the Party Committee Office of Xi’an Jiaotong University said that at Secretary Zhang’s farewell party, many teachers and students did come spontaneously, Secretary Zhang and Principal Wang have always been friendly. They hugged each other and said goodbye in tears. The scene was very touching. A video released by

at Xi'an Jiaotong University showed that surrounded by countless teachers and students, Zhang Maiceng and Wang Shuguo, wearing red scarves, hugged each other tightly and said goodbye in tears. Someone left a message saying, "Such a scene of reluctance and the embrace of the two partners is deeply touching."

Now that Wang Shuguo has resigned, the Xi'an Jiaotong University campus reappears a touching scene of inseparability, which is very touching.

When Wang Shuguo delivered a speech in the rain

The school party committee secretary held an umbrella for him

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

Video source: People's Daily client

On the morning of July 2, 2023, when Wang Shuguo, president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, delivered a speech at the 2023 graduate graduation ceremony, the school party committee secretary held an umbrella for him due to heavy rain. Lu Jianjun held up an umbrella and walked behind Principal Wang, quietly holding an umbrella to protect him from the rain. The principal politely declined on the stage. The heartwarming scene attracted warm smiles from the teachers and students in the audience. The two brought a joy to the graduates in the wind and rain. This special speech, this scene of "Love in the Rain" attracted attention on the Internet, became a hot search topic, and moved many netizens.

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

According to news from the Ministry of Education website on March 19, the central government recently approved that Comrade Zhang Liqun was appointed as the president (vice ministerial level) and deputy secretary of the party committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University; Comrade Wang S - Lujuba

In 2023, when Wang Shuguo delivered a speech in the rain, the school party committee secretary held an umbrella for him (Photo source: The Paper)

President Wang Shuguo sent an affectionate message to the graduates. First, they must have feelings for their family and country, secondly, they must have perseverance, and thirdly, they must have courage. The pioneering and innovative spirit of being the first in the world, daring to venture and dare to try, netizens said: This is the best lesson for graduates.

His speeches over the years have been inseparable from the four words "feelings of family and country"

Principal Wang Shuguo has been popular in the circle many times. His unscripted speeches over the years have inspired many people. Among them, the four words "feelings of family and country" are also became a theme he emphasized many times.

Principal Wang has emphasized "feelings of family and country" many times, which is related to his personal struggle experience. As a 1977 college entrance examination student, Wang Shuguo received the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination on an oil field drilling platform. In the nearly two months of preparation for the exam, he worked during the day and studied in bed with a flashlight at night. In the end, his college entrance examination scores ranked among the top five in the examination area and he was successfully admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology.

University provided Wang Shuguo with a new platform and a bigger dream. After being sent to study in Paris, France, the advanced and developed infrastructure environment abroad made him strongly feel that he represents China and the Chinese nation and must fight. Only in this way can the motherland become better.

Two years later, Wang Shuguo declined the offer of foreign mentors to stay, returned to his motherland without hesitation, participated in the national high-tech research and development plan, and devoted himself to national high-level robot research.

Later, Wang Shuguo served as the president of Harbin Institute of Technology and Xi'an Jiaotong University. He repeatedly sent messages to young people that they should be brave enough to pursue their dreams and realize the value of life. Personal development choices must comply with the needs of national and social development.

Source: Jimu News Comprehensive China Youth Network, Zhengshier, Shangguan News, Hangzhou Net, The Paper, Guangming Net

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