"Walking with the Phoenix" starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro

entertainment 8383℃

" and Feng Xing " starring Zhao Liying , Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are also flaws. But there is one scene that, in my opinion, the two The leading actor broke through the bottom line of an actor and showed no professionalism at all. After watching this scene, I no longer have any expectations for the performance of the two leading actors in the next 35 episodes.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

"Walking with the Phoenix" is adapted from Jiu Lu Feixiang's novel "The King Is Here". Shen Li, the Bi Cang King of the spiritual world, played by Zhao Liying, accidentally lands on earth to escape marriage and encounters Xing Yun, played by Lin Gengxin. After watching the first three episodes, Shen Li constantly transforms between the human form and the "pheasant", slowly recovering his spiritual power. In the process, many interesting things happened to Xingyun that made the audience happy, and he also fulfilled the wish of a couple separated by yin and yang to meet again.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

Let me first talk about the remarkable aspects of this drama. The most important thing about an ancient puppet drama is that the pictures are eye-catching and the costumes are comfortable. "Traveling with the Phoenix" did a good job in these two aspects, although the costumes are not particularly outstanding. But it is indeed worthy of this kind of S+ level production. From the weapons to the small tokens that appear in the third episode, the texture is very good. The TV series also fully highlights the atmosphere of three meals a day, with various delicacies and Beautiful tableware is constantly rotating.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

What's even more rare is that "Traveling with the Phoenix" casts two major stars, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, with high remuneration and tight schedule. Speaking of this, it reminds me of the "substitution" controversy in "Old Nine Gates", which shows how precious Zhao Liying's time is. Generally, for such works, the director will try his best to shoot with a green screen or set up scenes in a studio, so as to avoid weather and light problems and complete the shooting as soon as possible. However, "Walking with the Phoenix" rarely has the cheap texture of green screen. Scenes such as Xingyun's small courtyard and lively market are all realistically constructed, and the overall texture is good.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

The special effects presentation of fairy tale dramas is a big test. How can I say this? "Traveling with the Phoenix" has some good things. For example, the "pheasant" transformed by Shen Li has good head movement and feather texture. It can be seen that the crew has put a lot of effort into motion capture and model production, and the quality has reached a higher level than previous similar works.

But there are many problems.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

On the one hand, it is also due to the special effects. The first episode of "Traveling with the Phoenix" starts with the New Year's Eve fireworks in the human world. The camera leads to the immortals fighting above the clouds. Forget about flying and jumping, lightning flashes, and the middle and rear parts of the scene where rocks collapse and the sky collapses. It is cracked, but the rough picture and the special effects level of a browser game have exposed the shortcomings of the special effects of this drama. It is still a bit regretful to face such special effects scenes that require a lot of rendering and money.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

On the other hand, there is the makeup and dubbing of the actors. I said before that the costumes in this drama are comfortable, which does not conflict with the complaints about the costumes here. Because the actors’ makeup and hair are good and exquisite, but it’s not right. I watched this drama without any prejudice. I would say that the more exquisite the makeup, the more it reflects the lack of confidence of the director and actors. After all, it is an ancient puppet show for young people, but the two leading actors are not young anymore, especially Lin Update, when I first appeared on the stage, I almost didn’t dare to recognize it. This is not makeup! This is clearly a "modification". The face is not smeared with makeup, but is similar to a white shave. It even feels that Lin Gengxin dare not open his mouth to speak or have too big an expression during the whole process, otherwise the muscles will be affected and the makeup on his face will fall off. .

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

As for Zhao Liying, she also has the same problem. The makeup, especially the eye shadow and false eyelashes, are too modern and make people look a little weird. Moreover, no matter how much makeup and powder are applied, the fatigue and signs of aging on her face cannot be concealed. Also, the dubbing is really jarring and a bit abrupt.

As for the childish plot and slow pacing, I won’t complain about it. After all, it’s all in the eye of the beholder. “Traveling with the Phoenix” is not the kind of drama with strong plot and fast pace. As a happy and light idol drama, I don’t want to complain about the plot. fair enough.

What I want to say next is the most difficult scene for me to accept in "Traveling with the Phoenix".

Poor performance in plot, makeup, special effects, etc. is all the fault of the film crew and director, and has nothing to do with the actors. After all, actors can only do their best within their own performance categories.Both Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin have been famous for many years. Logically speaking, at this stage, they should have artistic pursuits and strive to make good works and good roles. However, "Traveling with the Phoenix" still made me see the laziness and perfunctoryness of the two people.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

This scene is a scene where two people fall into the water at the same time. This scene was obviously shot with the help of a green screen. Because the actors were not filming in the water, there was no way to restore the real reaction in the water, which was very entertaining for the audience.

Moreover, I have chosen not to shoot in real water, and the director did not pay enough attention to the details. The hair of the two people obviously did not simulate the feeling of floating like weeds in the water (which may be a bit difficult to achieve).

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

But are you saying that the director is not serious? No, in fact, this scene also had real shots in the water, but the shots were all from behind. They were obviously stand-ins for the two actors. Otherwise, it would be more realistic to shoot the faces directly. The hair of the backs in the real shots is actually in the underwater state. . Comparing the two scenes, it is difficult not to guess that it was Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin who refused to shoot this difficult underwater scene, or the director did not let them go into the water in order to protect the actors, and the two actors agreed.

'Walking with the Phoenix' starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin has started airing. Four episodes have been updated on the first day. The overall performance is remarkable, and of course there are some flaws. However, in one scene, in my opinion, the two leading actors broke thro - Lujuba

If you are a dedicated director and actor, you will not handle it like this. A very typical example. When Lin Chaoxian, known as the "devil director", was filming " Emergency Rescue ", he asked Peng Yuyan to film all underwater rescue scenes in real life. The crew found a super-large pool abroad, and Peng Yuyan's training During the process, they insisted on not using a stand-in. They were immersed in water as low as 7 degrees for more than ten hours until their eyes were red. Comparing the two, what is dedication and what is perfunctory? The answer is clear.

has been on more than 20 hot searches since its launch, and the first episode has endless ads. I acknowledge the popularity and success of "Traveling with the Phoenix" and the traffic of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, but I don't think this is A good work, but I don't think they are good dedicated actors, and they don't seem to have any artistic pursuits. If this kind of performances, this kind of production, and this kind of cookie-cutter ancient puppet dramas continue, sooner or later the Chinese drama will come to an end.

Tags: entertainment