Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may

entertainment 2404℃

Hello everyone, this is my fingertips. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about King Lanling. Many players adhere to the attitude of joining if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player.

Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may  - Lujuba

But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may not fall into your hands. It’s okay to ban them. But once they are released to the opponent, you will happen to be his “prey” again, and you should get angry. It's you, so whether you want to play King of Lanling or not, you still have to think of a way to deal with it.

Among mages,

Huiyue, which is easy to defeat Lanling King, has miraculous effects under certain circumstances, but many Lanling King players are not afraid of this equipment because it can be deceived. Huiyue only has a greater effect in the later stage of grouping, because in When you are invincible, your teammates can defuse your fire, but King Lanling often retreats after one attack, and does not dare to wait for you to become invincible before taking action, so it is relatively easy to use.

Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may  - Lujuba

Those great mages often think that Huiyue can solve the problem, and often suffer big losses because of this. However, in comparison, Huiyue is indeed a helpless choice. The better way is to start from the BP level and choose a reasonable one. Heroes, such as heavy equipment flow xx.

Wang Zhaojun and Wu Zetian can give priority to

These two heroes both have vision capabilities and can produce half-meat at the same time. Even more disgusting, they can directly control with pure meat. For King Lanling, if these two heroes come out with meat equipment, If you see it, you have to go around it.

Wang Zhaojun's equipment, if you don't need to use Nightmare Fang, you can directly start with Breath of Ice, then the extreme cold storm + ominous omen, stacking the concept of slowing down to the extreme, if King Lanling touches you, you will feel uncomfortable for a long time. And a set of skills can only hit half of the blood, which is quite hopeless.

Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may  - Lujuba

The same is true for Wu Zetian. Generally, the Pain Mask starts with the extreme cold storm behind and ominous signs. Keep an eye on the antenna above your head at any time. If you see that the signal is stronger, you can push it away with 2 skills. If there are teammates around you, the big ball will dodge. +The ultimate move can be given to him directly. After two attacks, King Lanling no longer dares to flirt.

In addition, you can also consider Haiyue. When you see the antenna above your head, use your ultimate attack. During the connection, you will be 50% immune to damage. When you are pulled into the environment, just stay in 2a. That is Haiyue's home field, and the shield is enough to save your life. .

Among the shooters, the

shooter who is easy to beat King Lanling is usually the first target of King Lanling, so if you see this guy, don’t think about shooting. People like Jia Luo and Hou Yi are basically delivering food, unless Teammates know how to protect themselves with death, and they can wait until the later stages before they have a chance, but they are still the kind who die immediately without giving them any time to breathe.

Yu Ji and Di Renjie of the Magic Ball

Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may  - Lujuba

These two heroes have the ability to counter-kill Lanling King. Yu Ji can use her big moves when she senses Lanling King, and immediately activates 2 after stepping out. In the middle and late stages, Lanling King will fight One set will be avoided by your 2nd skill. If you wait for your 2nd skill to end, you may be ready to die in two seconds.

However, Yu Ji is extremely weak in the early stage and needs to wait until she has a three-piece set. In the early stage, she still focuses on saving her life, just avoiding fatal damage is enough.

And Di Renjie can use his 2 skills to eliminate the damage of the darts. The half-tank equipment prevents King Lanling from using the damaged skills to damage Di Renjie instantly. Instead, he will get a yellow card and may be counter-killed, so these two heroes can be given priority. considerate.

Marco Polo, Li Yuanfang, and Baili Shouyue

Hello everyone, I am Fingertips. There has been a lot of talk about King Lanling recently, and many players have joined the game if they can't beat it and have become the sixth player. But it’s not that you can get six if you want to. There are ten people in a game, and they may  - Lujuba

These three heroes have certain counterattack capabilities. Marco Polo relies on his own flexibility and can bring purification. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Lanling King to deal a set of damage. There is a high probability of being avoided. Li Yuanfang is actually the same way. His vision mechanism is not for attacking, but for an accurate escape direction. Don't make a mistake.

I think Baili Promise has the greatest restriction on King Lanling, especially in the later stages. If King Lanling wants to go around, he will inevitably pass through some bushes. It is very likely that there is a field of vision in the grass, and he will not be charged to death. Know how to expose your vision.

and above, mages and shooters are relatively easy to defeat King Lanling. Of course, King Lanling has such a winning rate because it is difficult to counterattack. Choosing the right hero can make it easier to deal with King Lanling, that's all. , if you can beat the opponent violently by choosing a counter hero, the so-called lineup and coordination in this game will be meaningless, what do you think?

Tags: entertainment