1. The movie "Enter the House" is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and

entertainment 2067℃

1, " enters the room "

movies are nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way, no wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and reality is layer by layer. Every layer uncovered is a scar of humanity and hypocrisy. The entanglement between literature and reality will only lead to greater deception. The cobwebs will get bigger and bigger. Can you still tell whether you are a predator or a prey? The narrative rhythm is good, and the more you watch it, the more you feel hooked, and the viewer is finally woven into the web. What I'm most angry about is that the scenes between Christine and Emmanuelle are too few and too light. It's a waste of resources, isn't it? But despite its flaws, it is a movie with great potential and well worth watching!

1. The movie 'Enter the House' is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and - Lujuba

2, "Bitter Moon"

It's hard to say that I like this movie, but I can say that this movie explores love, marriage, and desire in a very profound way. I actually don’t like this movie. It’s hard to bring joy and pleasure to the audience. It’s even about love. It’s based on love, but it makes you afraid of love. If I were to choose a word, I would rather say that I admired this movie, rather than liked it. In short, if someone asked me what kind of movie "Bitter Moon" is, I would say that it is full of distrust of marriage, a thorough reflection on the bad nature of men, and also contains distrust of women. It is a movie that I It's a complicated movie that I don't like very much, but I really enjoy it.

1. The movie 'Enter the House' is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and - Lujuba

3, " La Vie en Rose "

A talented musician, born in poverty, the most authentic portrayal of life. Poor growing environment, suffering all kinds of hardships, slum singer, malnutrition leading to hunched back, wandering on the streets since childhood, uneducated, talent and ability are very important, otherwise it will be difficult for Bole to help you, this is wandering musician. When she sings, her whole body acts as a resonant speaker, and her eyes are full of spirituality. She regards music as her life and sings and loves with her life. She still sings even if she is not healthy and has just been discharged from the hospital three weeks ago. Seeing her in pain after losing her beloved is what it looks like to love someone deeply. People who lack love spend their lives healing themselves. So brave, brave to love and hurt, a life full of ups and downs, pain and legend.

1. The movie 'Enter the House' is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and - Lujuba

4, " Venus in Furs "

The aberrant relationship between the sexes has long been a very unique and artistically satirical expression in Polanski's films. "Venus in Furs" inherits the The poisonous lustful temptation in "Bitter Moon" seems calm, but in fact it is undercurrent. Although it is not the first response, the long shot that takes the audience into the theater from the beginning of the introduction, the entire film is 96 minutes long, with only one stage scene, two actors, simple props, and "handily picked up" props and costumes, it can be done effortlessly. The story is effortlessly shuttled between the illusion of the stage play and the "reality" in the movie. The unobtrusive play-within-a-play harmoniously and uniformly pits Sadism against feminism back and forth, full of drama.

1. The movie 'Enter the House' is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and - Lujuba

5, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"

"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" is a story about how a paralyzed author used the movement of his eyelids to write a novel with the same name as the film. It feels a lot like "The Big Sleep" to me. To be honest, there are very few scenes in a movie that I enjoy so much, every frame of which I enjoy so much. There is no doubt that the use of the camera is extremely bold, especially the first three quarters of an hour. The completely subjective shots give people a very deep sense of immersion into the world where he is desperate, a world where no one can hear what he wants to say. Especially the blurry scene when I first opened the door and the blurry scene when I was crying are very subtle, because it seems like this is what you see when your eyes are blurry. ps: I think you need to be patient when watching French movies.

1. The movie 'Enter the House' is nothing more than telling a story, and it tells an essentially ordinary story in such a wonderful, moving and fascinating way. No wonder it has won so many awards. In the plot, there are multiple prying eyes, and the transformation of reality and - Lujuba

Which of the 5 films in which Emmanuelle Seigner dedicated himself to art have you seen? Coding is not easy. Welcome to follow, like, and leave a message for discussion.

Tags: entertainment