On the evening of March 15th, the 2024 March 15 Party was held. What unknown consumption traps did the party reveal? Have you been tricked? Come and take a look! Exposure 1: Motherboard black and gray industry chain Exposure 2: Fake fireproof glass black industry chain According

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On the evening of March 15th, the 2024 March 15 Party was held. What unknown consumer traps did the party reveal? Have you been tricked? Come and take a look!

Exposure 1:

Motherboard black and gray industry chain

On the evening of March 15th, the 2024 March 15 Party was held. What unknown consumption traps did the party reveal? Have you been tricked? Come and take a look! Exposure 1: Motherboard black and gray industry chain Exposure 2: Fake fireproof glass black industry chain According  - Lujuba

Exposure 2:

Fake fireproof glass black industry chain

According to the requirements of the national mandatory standard "Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings", in buildings with a height greater than 54 meters, each household should have one room The exterior windows should use fire-resistant windows with fire resistance integrity of not less than 1 hour. If the fireproof glass installed is not up to standard, once a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, the consequences will be disastrous. At the end of December 2023, the reporter received reports from the masses: In some markets selling fire-resistant glass in Tianjin and Hebei, the quality of fire-resistant glass produced by individual companies was not up to standard.

reporters visited a company in Tianjin that specializes in the production of fire-resistant glass. However, on the production line, the reporter did not see the processes of spraying fire-proof liquid on the glass and drying it. After repeated questioning by reporters, a worker said that the fire-proof glass on the factory production line is actually ordinary tempered glass without any fire-proof treatment. "If people want to pretend to be fire-proof, they just need to put a label on it." Not only Tianjin, but also a fireproof glass manufacturer somewhere in Hebei is also engaging in the same fraud. Some staff even said that they can provide customers with corresponding qualified inspection reports, "My inspection report is (fire-resistant) for one and a half hours, but in fact my glass can only be (fire-resistant) for half an hour."

Industry insiders revealed, Glass companies submit their products to the management department for inspection, so they prepare expensive, qualified fire-resistant glass, pretend to be their own products and submit them for inspection, defraud the qualified inspection report, and then openly sell fake and shoddy products. What is the difference in fire performance between fake and inferior fire-resistant glass and real fire-resistant glass? Staff from the National Consumer Protection Inspection Center found that fireproof glass samples produced by counterfeit companies deformed and cracked in less than 4 minutes at high temperatures.

Exposure 3:

Fire extinguishers that cannot put out fires

According to clues provided by insiders, in early January 2024, reporters came to the well-known hardware and electrical market in central China. Many fire extinguishers are wholesaled from here. However, some merchants sell them cheaply The prices quoted and the firefighting effectiveness they claimed were frightening.

A salesperson at Dingsheng Transportation Facilities Fire Equipment Wholesale Store told reporters: "If you get a bottle of 30 yuan, I can guarantee you that you will not be able to put out the fire. The more you put out the fire, the bigger it gets. To tell you the truth." 30 yuan? Not putting out the fire? Is this still a fire extinguisher? According to the national standard gb4066-2017 dry powder fire extinguishing agent, the main component of abc dry powder fire extinguishing agent is ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, with a content of 75%. The reporter found here that the content of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate in non-standard fire extinguishers sold in some stores was secretly reduced from 75% to 50%, or even to 20%. The quality is not the worst, only worse!

Where are these non-standard fire extinguishers on the market produced? The reporter conducted investigations and visits in many places across the country. Hunan Zhuzhou Minxiang Fire Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of fire extinguishers. When the reporter walked into the production workshop, the person in charge told the reporter that he could customize non-standard fire extinguishers here.

Exposure 4:

The raw material of pork belly with pickled vegetables is actually low-quality pork tuna

In recent years, the sales of prepared dishes have been booming, and "pickled pork with pickled vegetables" has become a "top trend". Fuyang City, Anhui Province is one of the main production areas of pre-prepared vegetables with pickled pork and vegetables. The reporter received a report that some local companies used unstrictly processed pork to make pre-made dishes of braised pork with pickled vegetables.

Trough head meat refers to the meat at the connection between the pig head and trunk. Because there is more lymph on the head meat, it is also called lymphatic meat in daily life. Because it contains a large number of lymph nodes, lipomas and thyroid glands, it is a part of pork that must be strictly "renovated". It is a part of pork that is recognized as having poor quality and low price. The wholesale price of normal pork belly is about 12 yuan per pound, while the wholesale price of low-quality pork belly that has not been strictly processed is only about 3 yuan per pound.

reporters visited several local frozen food markets, and many merchants revealed to reporters that it has long been an open secret to use uncleanly processed low-quality pork belly instead of pork belly to make pre-made braised pork belly with pickled vegetables.The reporter saw in many prepared vegetable production companies that the workshops were filled with cooked meat products made from trough meat. In the yard of Anhui Mr. Chu Food Co., Ltd., a large amount of frozen trough meat is placed in the open air. Some even lost their outer packaging, leaving the meat completely exposed to the outdoors. Indoors, there are workers slicing the processed low-quality trough meat, while others use the trough meat and pickled vegetables to pack into bowls and seal them. During the investigation, the person in charge of these pre-prepared vegetable companies said that as the sales of pre-prepared vegetables continue to boom, their business has become popular, with both production and sales booming, and they are busy from morning to night all year round.

Exposure 5:

Selling a bottle of flower wine for more than 50,000 yuan

On the evening of March 15th, the 2024 March 15 Party was held. What unknown consumption traps did the party reveal? Have you been tricked? Come and take a look! Exposure 1: Motherboard black and gray industry chain Exposure 2: Fake fireproof glass black industry chain According  - Lujuba

Exposure 6:

Marriage and love platforms use anxiety to harvest consumers

"High-quality resources for the opposite sex, attractive advertisements with zero threshold, and conclusive success stories." In recent years, dating and dating platforms have received a lot of attention.

Recently, the reporter passed interviews with many dating companies such as Zhenai.com, Jiayuan, and Love Class, and became a "matchmaker." In professional training, the lecturer emphasized that the first step is to "throw bait" and fabricate a "virtual person" that suits the customer's wishes; then to "screen whether the customer has money" through the customer's consumption habits, deposits and other information; and then to "block the customer's "Other Possibilities" allows customers to regard dating platforms as their only hope, using pain points such as age anxiety, fertility anxiety, and the feelings of children after divorce to induce consumers to purchase membership services that often cost tens of thousands of yuan.

So after this process, can consumers really find the “right person” with the help of the platform? Someone reported to reporters that "[through the platform] the relationship was confirmed, and then it was discovered that the man was not single." During the reporter's experience, the "matchmakers" of these dating platforms all promised that the company is a serious dating platform and will filter out dishonest members and members with serious diseases to ensure the safety of customers in marriage. However, the reality is not so rigorous.

Jiayuan training instructor said, "We can't verify the things you said about his hidden diseases." A training instructor from Zhenai.com said, "Why do you have to judge? If he says he is not married, he is not married."

Exposure 7:

Disturbing abnormal noise from the BMW drive shaft

There are frequent abnormal noises coming from the bottom of the car. How can a new car make such noises? Such noises make many BMW owners have trouble sleeping and eating, and also make BMW and 4S stores on pins and needles.

In a video provided by a BMW owner, you can clearly hear the sharp friction and metal impact sounds from the transmission system when the car is switching between R and D gears.

After interviewing many BMW 530li owners, the reporter also visited many BMW 4S stores across the country. Regarding the problem of abnormal noise in the drive shaft of the BMW 530li model, the staff of the BMW 4S store did not shy away from it, and the maintenance staff also frankly told the reporter , the drive shaft can be replaced, the car can be returned or replaced, but they can't. During the investigation,

reporters learned that replacing the drive shaft with a new one cannot completely solve the problem of abnormal noise in the vehicle drive shaft. BMW manufacturers and various 4S stores are also well aware of this. Car owners believe that as long as there is such unexplained abnormal noise in the drive shaft, it represents a safety hazard. BMW manufacturers have the responsibility and obligation to find out the truth and give car owners a clear answer.

Until the March 15 party broadcast, BMW officials did not reply directly to the car owners. Frequent abnormal noises occur in the transmission shaft and car owners continue to complain. However, the BMW manufacturer and 4S stores in various places have not reduced the number of cars sold, and the models with the problem are still vigorously promoted and sold.

Exposure Eight:

Tongcheng Financial App Gift Card Routine

According to the information address of the report, at the end of January 2024, the reporter found the complainant whose pseudonym was Xiao Li. Xiao Li is 26 years old. In the past year, he has been in deep pain.

Xiao Li introduced that all this originated from an app called Tongcheng Finance. “Through netizens, I learned that Tongcheng Finance app can lend money.

said online that it bought its gift cards, and then recycled and sold the gift cards through the mall. , fill in your collection account, and send the money to me."What is puzzling is why Tongcheng Financial App doesn't directly lend money to consumers, but has to go through such a big circle to let consumers get the money? Is this a gift package product, or is it a disguised form of financial loan?

小Li introduced: “The total price of purchasing the gift package was more than 40,000 yuan, but I actually got only more than 28,000 yuan. "After some complicated gift packaging and a rebranded recycling, nearly one-third of Xiao Li's money was "digested" by Tongcheng Finance, but the repayment amount was actually more than 40,000. Yuan, you also have to pay for other products that are forcibly bundled with the gift package. One of the cleansing towels of Hui Youyan is priced at 145 yuan, but the actual price of the manufacturer is less than 30 yuan! There are also consumers who have been tricked by Tongcheng Financial App Many of them complained on the Internet about Tongcheng Financial App, a gift package product that is disguised as loan sharking. On one complaint platform alone, there were 36,755 complaints about Tongcheng Financial App, including: Tongcheng Financial loan sharking, Tongcheng Financial loan sharking, Cheng Financial bundled sales, etc.

Source: Shanghai Changning

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