[Global Network Report] "Hong Kong Chaos" artist Wang Zongyao and other six people were suspected of forcibly entering the Legislative Council building on July 1, 2019 and wreaking havoc. According to the latest news from Hong Kong East Network on the 16th, the judge today (16th)

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[Global Network Report] Six people including "Hong Kong chaos" artist Wang Zongyao were suspected of forcibly entering the Legislative Council building on July 1, 2019 and wreaking havoc. According to the latest news from Hong Kong East Network on the 16th, the judge today (16th) dealt with the sentencing of 14 people involved in the attack on the Hong Kong Legislative Council. The judge said that the Legislative Council’s unique constitutional status and symbolic significance are extremely serious. Twelve people convicted of riots were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 54 months to 82 months, including Wang Zongyao who was sentenced to 74 months in prison.

[Global Network Report] 'Hong Kong Chaos' artist Wang Zongyao and other six people were suspected of forcibly entering the Legislative Council building on July 1, 2019 and wreaking havoc. According to the latest news from Hong Kong East Network on the 16th, the judge today (16th) - Lujuba

"Chaos in Hong Kong" artist Wang Zongyao's data source: Hong Kong media

According to Hong Kong East Network, a large number of extreme demonstrators stormed the Hong Kong Legislative Council on July 1, 2019. The building was devastated inside and outside the Legislative Council building, and many people were arrested. A total of 14 people including Liu Yingkuang and Zou Jiacheng, the two defendants in the democratic "primary election case", as well as the "Hong Kong chaos" artist Wang Zongyao, and the former President of the University of Hong Kong Student Union Sun Xiaolan. They were charged with participating in riots and other crimes. Eight of them had previously pleaded guilty; the remaining six, including Wang Zongyao, denied the crime of rioting and were tried. The court ruled that four people, including Wang Zongyao, were guilty of rioting, and the remaining two were not guilty of rioting but entered or stayed. Convicted within the confines of the conference hall.

Tags: entertainment