Jiemian News Reporter | She Xiaochen Jiemian News Editor | Song Jianan Gao Junyu, a girl who once attracted attention for filming the BBK point reading machine commercial, has been pushed to the forefront because of the word "traffic". On March 12, the Yuhang District Internet Il

entertainment 3028℃

Interface News Reporter | She Xiaochen

Interface News Editor | Song Jianan

Gao Junyu, a girl who once attracted attention for filming the BBK point reader commercial, has been pushed to the forefront because of the word "traffic".

On March 12, the Yuhang District Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center of Hangzhou City issued a statement saying that some netizens questioned the self-exposure of "Reading Machine Girl" Gao Junyu recently released by the mcn organization Hangzhou Suoran Kailang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shuoran Kailang") Videos related to suffering from a rare brain tumor and undergoing surgery are "Stock Videos". After verification, the relevant video was shot in September 2023, edited and produced in February 2024, and was posted online by the mcn agency with a text description of recent events.

This statement sheds some light on the recent hotly debated case of the "Point Reading Machine Girl" illness.

Since the end of February this year, an account named "Gao Junyu" on Douyin has successively released a series of videos about his illness. Gao Junyu is also known as the "Reading Machine Girl" and is well known to the public for her early filming of Backgammon commercials.

The above video attracted a lot of attention from the outside world as soon as it was released, and many netizens expressed regret and concern in the comments. But things soon took a turn. Some netizens discovered that the content in the video did not match the current season in Beijing, where it was filmed, and the time could not correspond.

This speculation was confirmed by a statement issued by the Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, and the mcn organization behind Gao Junyu also surfaced.

On the evening of March 11, Gao Junyu’s mother posted on the Weibo account of “Gao Junyu” that “Junyu’s entire network of accounts has been operated by the contracted company, but during the release process, the company encountered serious operational problems and has already contacted The company negotiated and decided to stop publishing videos related to Jun Yu."

Before the incident broke out, Gao Junyu's Douyin account had been certified as "Suddenly Enlightenment mcn". But after the content of the video was questioned, the account had this certification revoked.

html On March 12, the organization MCN that was questioned also issued an apology statement, saying that there were serious errors in the time description in the copy when the video was distributed, and we were deeply sorry for this. He stated that he has deeply realized his mistake, will learn from it, and strengthen content review to avoid such a situation from happening again. He also stated that he has never conducted any profitable operations such as donations or rewards during this process, and is willing to Accept investigation and supervision from relevant departments.

Jiemian News Reporter | She Xiaochen Jiemian News Editor | Song Jianan Gao Junyu, a girl who once attracted attention for filming the BBK point reading machine commercial, has been pushed to the forefront because of the word 'traffic'. On March 12, the Yuhang District Internet Il - Lujuba

On March 13, according to reports from the Xiaoxiang Morning News and other media, staff from the Industrial Platform Management Committee of the company’s office park revealed that the person in charge of the company is currently cooperating with the investigation by relevant departments.

The focus of the outside world's attention on this incident is that the fact of the illness is true, but the video release blurred the real time of treatment. After receiving attention from netizens, the account did not immediately provide an explanation.

According to Jiemian News, the Weibo registration time of "Suddenly Open mcn" was in March 2014, and its company was established in May 2019. The Tianyancha app shows that the legal representative of the company is Liu Zongkun, and Liu Zongkun and Jiang Xiaoying currently hold 80% and 20% of the shares respectively. Jiang Xiaoying also serves as a shareholder of 11 companies and is the vice chairman of the company's "Orders Are Coming".

According to the "China Liangzhu Digital Culture Community" public account, Liu Zongkun, the founder of Shuanglankang, said in 2022 that they are a relatively traditional mcn company, mainly focusing on IP incubation, and have incubated well-known IPs such as Wu Minxia and Liu Genghong, and In the live broadcast business, we have cooperation with companies such as Make a Friend and Wuyou Media.

Regarding the news of the above cooperation, Jiemian News sought verification from relevant institutions and companies. A person familiar with the matter responded that the news of cooperation is not true, and generally speaking, institutions will not cooperate in incubating IP and live streaming. Make a Friend also stated that there is no artist collaboration between the two parties.

This mcn is not a novice player in the internet celebrity economy. Liu Zongkun said in a previous interview with the above-mentioned media that the company started operations in June 2019, and it took a month to recruit the operation team. In the same year, Double 11 achieved breakeven. A lawyer at

pointed out that in this incident, the organization was suspected of publishing false information to gain traffic. It may be suspected of violating the Public Security Management Punishment Law, face fines or even detention, and may even be suspected of criminal liability.At the same time, if Gao Junyu himself had subjective knowledge or even let it go, he would also be legally responsible for jointly violating the law.

Another lawyer who focuses on the Internet field told Jiemian News that the serious illness is a fact and it is not considered a fraud at present.

But for many onlookers, relying on "posting stock videos" to attract traffic and eyeballs is still on the verge of deception. Some cases have already given warnings regarding the authenticity of similar online content that affects public sentiment and then goes to extremes.

In March last year, an Internet celebrity blogger posted a video about his "cancer", but at the end it was marked that "the content of this video is purely fictitious", which misled the audience. In the end, Sina Weibo, in accordance with the "Weibo Community Convention" and other relevant regulations, imposed a period of ban on the blogger, a ban on being followed, and a suspension of advertising revenue.

Today, content platforms and the Internet celebrity economy are mature industries. Jiemian News found that platforms including Sina Weibo, Douyin, and Kuaishou all have corresponding rules for dealing with the spread of false information and other similar behaviors.

At the same time, relevant management departments are paying more and more attention to the mcn organizations behind many Internet celebrities. As early as September 2021, the "Measures for the Management of Online Performance Brokerage Agencies" was released and implemented. The measures point out that mcn institutions, as account operators, are obliged to strictly review and manage the published content to ensure its authenticity, accuracy and legality.

is currently unable to determine whether the behavior of the above-mentioned mcn organization is a "work error" or intentional. However, when obtaining traffic, some basic ethics and industry standards are still the bottom line that traders should adhere to.

Tags: entertainment