Yesterday was Women's Day. Han Kuo-yu, head of Taiwan's legislative body, gave each of the female representatives a pot of roses. Weng Xiaoling, the new representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, who was recently targeted by the Internet, said that Han's warmth and affection gave

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Yesterday was Women's Day. Han Kuo-yu, the head of Taiwan's legislative body, gave each of the female representatives a pot of roses. Weng Xiaoling, the new representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, who was recently targeted by the Internet, said that Han's warmth and affection gave her more courage.

Yesterday was Women's Day. Han Kuo-yu, head of Taiwan's legislative body, gave each of the female representatives a pot of roses. Weng Xiaoling, the new representative of the Chinese Kuomintang, who was recently targeted by the Internet, said that Han's warmth and affection gave  - Lujuba

Weng Xiaoling was born as a scholar. She received a doctorate in law from the University of Munich in Germany. In 2005, she joined the Institute of Science and Technology Law of Tsinghua University in Taiwan and has been teaching ever since. In 2023, she was nominated by the Kuomintang to run for the non-district Democratic Party and was successfully elected.

Weng Xiaoling, who is a "rookie on the people's generation", has been in constant conversation since taking office. Recently, when she was questioning "Kui Kui" Chen Jianren, she said "question the top versus the bottom", sparking discussion. Subsequently, she was once again surrounded and suppressed by the cyber army for proposing a two-round voting system. .

In response to external doubts, Weng Xiaoling recently responded on Facebook that some representatives of the Democratic Progressive Party and green media people have recently named the bill proposed by herself and the Kuomintang caucus, saying that it destroys the "Constitution" and disrupts government, and also calls her uneducated. She replied domineeringly: "It is not the turn of these people to judge my legal literacy and knowledge."

Weng Xiaoling also posted her doctoral thesis and said that all her legal works and doctoral thesis are available online. Readers who are interested in finding faults are kindly requested to buy them quickly. There is not much inventory left, but it will cost a lot of money.

Regarding Han Guoyu’s heart-warming gesture on Women’s Day, Weng Xiaoling said, thank you Hanguo Yuhui for gifting a pot full of roses, which reminded her of the proverb “Giving roses to others leaves lingering fragrance in your hands.” She said that Han Guoyu's warmth and affection gave her more courage to face online violence, and she hoped that she could bloom fearlessly like this bouquet of roses.

Straits Herald reporter Xue Yang and Zhang Yuan compiled the report

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