"The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way." "I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers." "You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m

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"The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way."

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

"I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers."

"You will make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to make."

The real military drama, finally coming.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Looking at the military dramas in the past few years, there are only a few that have high reputations.

Military dramas are no longer the era when "Soldier Assault" and "My Captain My Regiment" successively won the king bombs, and "I Am a Special Forces" and "Fire Blue Blade" Douban score easily broke 8.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Although a large number of military dramas have been launched in recent years, compared with previous military dramas, these military dramas have taken the traffic route, inviting young top actors to perform idol drama plots in the guise of military dramas, and the ratings Not low, but it disappointed many fans of military dramas.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

But this time the audience really doesn’t watch military themes anymore?

From the movie "Operation Red Sea" to "Sky King", this is not the case.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Can there be another good military drama that brings spring back from the "cold winter"?

Perhaps, CCTV’s military drama “Eagle of the Sea and Sky” will be aired tonight.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

theme tells the story of a Chinese aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilot for the first time.

stars Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, Li Youbin, Du Chun, Wang Luodan, Tong Lei, etc., a powerful group of Yishui. If you want to see top-notch stuff, let’s do it next time.

It’s been a long time since viewers had a good military drama.

In the ups and downs of the Chinese drama, can it ride the wind and waves and spread its wings like an eagle?

01. Story: "Dancer on the Tip of the Knife" - Chinese aircraft carrier test pilot

From a conceptual point of view, this "Eagle of the Sea and Sky" plays a very new card.

's previous movie "King of the Sky" has already popularized a proper term in the aviation field for us - test pilot.

The audience can understand the eagle in the sky, but why the eagle in the sea and sky?

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Because the TV series said he was a carrier-based aircraft test pilot.

What ship? aircraft carrier!

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In the play, as China's first aircraft carrier platform begins its sea trials, the Chinese Navy establishes a carrier-based aircraft test flight brigade, and it is put on the agenda to overcome the global problem of carrier-based aircraft landing and take-off technology.

Navy meritorious pilot Qin Dadi (played by Hou Yong) was promoted by his superiors to be the captain of the test flight team.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In order to assemble a team with high combat effectiveness, he recruited talents everywhere.

Xie Zhenyu (played by Zhu Yawen), Yu Tao (played by Du Chun), the new generation of "Kings of the Air" from the navy and air force, and the top pilots of each flying force have all been transferred to the brigade.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

The young fighter pilots inherited the "sea and air eagle spirit" of the older generation. With their superb flight skills, they overcame one technical difficulty after another and finally successfully piloted a fighter jet to take off and land on an aircraft carrier. China's aircraft carrier finally formed an army. Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao led the Chinese carrier-based aircraft fleet to soar over the vast sea and sky.

Above the sea and the sky, they once again "take off in battle", soaring into the sky with pride!

would like to ask you whether this story is flammable or not!

Few people know that from the birth of the Chinese aircraft carrier to the rise of Liyi, there are also a group of "dancers" who are using their lives to overcome obstacles, just to soar into the sky.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

This drama, which tells the story of Chinese aircraft carrier-based aircraft pilots, should give the audience a breakthrough understanding of Chinese aircraft carrier-based aircraft and carrier-based pilots.

In a sense, the play really restores the history of China's aircraft carrier army.

The carrier-based aircraft test pilots are a more special group of knife-tip dancers.

Because they are not only flying in the sky, but also flying on the sea.

Just like the soul-stirring dialogue spoken by the male protagonist Zhu Yawen in the play - - "Kun is China's first aircraft carrier. It came out of the sky and the waves crashed on the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow."

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

" Peng is China's first aircraft carrier-based combat formation. It soars into the sky, with a total of 90,000 people, spanning the world! "

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

This is the idea of ​​"Eagle of the Sea and Sky"! This is the pattern of "Eagle of the Sea and Sky"!

It not only talks about the sky, but also about the sea and the sky.

It not only talks about the waves crashing on the shore, but also about the four seas!

02, highlights : Difficult, burning, dyeing! With three major attractions, this drama will definitely set off a ratings frenzy.

Briefly summarize the three major perceptions of this drama:

First, it is difficult. A difficult test flight.

Even in the trailer, we can intuitively feel it The various pressures faced by shipboard test pilots.

First of all, it is the physical test of various heavy training;

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

characters undergo various test flight assessments, and undergo various extreme state training such as tolerance tests.

There is a sentence in the trailer High-octane line: "Landing on an aircraft carrier is the most difficult flying technology in the world to master. "Xie Zhenyu, your time has come." "

But the words of the captain played by Hou Yong also hit my heart like an arrow: "You have to endure as much hardship as you have to endure!" Make as many sacrifices as you have to make. "

The second is burning. Super burning scenes.

In the TV series, one after another our military's test-flying fighter jets shuttle through the sea of ​​clouds, and the speeding scene is dizzying.

Kunpeng goes to sea, and the eagle strikes the sky!

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Fighters fly through the clouds one after another. The roaring and galloping time brings the audience an incomparable audio-visual experience.

Soaring upwards, spanning the world!

The dazzling scenes that are hard to bear to blink are coming one after another.

On the one hand, the fighter planes are flying at a large elevation angle, It also allows us to intuitively feel the powerful performance of Chinese fighter jets.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

On the other hand, the spectacular scene of fighter jets flying together allows us to intuitively feel the rise of Chinese aircraft carriers and warships, igniting pride in the growing strength of the motherland.

That kind of deep-rooted Burning, it is really soul-stirring.

The third is dyeing. This is also the most embarrassing part, the blood-stained style.

The reason why test pilots are called dancers on the tip of the knife is because they are called "peaceful" The person closest to death in this era. "

"Sea and Sky Eagle" obviously does not avoid this point.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Judging from the scenes in the trailer and Tong Lei's expression, it is obvious that not only the character of the ship-borne test pilot is sacrificed in the drama, but he may even be the main character of the entire drama. .

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

The commander-in-chief played by Li Youbin is angry at the captain played by Hou Yong: You want to shoot a formation of succession and put yourself at the front. I asked you to be the captain of this test flight group, not the first one. , rush forward and sacrifice! In the

trailer, as the test flight process challenges the limits again and again, we also feel the various dangers of the test flight process.

During the high-altitude test flight of a fighter jet, one by one it lifted, stalled, and restarted. The camera makes us feel as if we are on the scene, and we can't help but worry about the fate of the characters.

Qin Dadi, played by Hou Yong, even shouted in the control room: You have no height! Skydive! Skydive!

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

And the captain played by Hou Yong Qin Dadi is the most heart-wrenching and moving person to tears.

Under the director's meticulous portrayal, professional terms such as "right hair abnormality" and "air parking" also appear in a distinctive style.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Each of the shocking scenes makes us Intuitively understand the definition of the words "dancer on the tip of the knife" of the shipboard test pilot.

The male protagonist played by Zhu Yawen holds flowers and stands in front of the tombstone. His touching words "I feel the long-lost fear" are not only touching. , it also hinted that someone paid the price with their lives during the test flight.

03, lineup: led by Zhu Yawen, with 4 powerful people helping out, this tough guy lineup is amazing

The director of this drama, who has directed "Love in the Courtyard" and "Zhengyang" Liu Jiacheng, the director of works such as "Under the Gate", as a great director of Beijing-style period dramas, directing this drama means two things.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

First, the director's control over military content may involve certain professional risks.

Secondly, there is absolutely no problem with the character creation and narrative of the series.

The emergence of Zhu Xiuhai, the screenwriter of this drama, should make up for the lack of experience in directing military dramas to the greatest extent.

From "Rough Waves" with a score of 8.1 to "The Military Song" with a score of 7.8, it has been proven that he is definitely an excellent military drama screenwriter.

So, how is the cast of the series in terms of strength? The two words

are tough enough. The whole team of

does not use the popular "old with new" model, that is, old actors lead young actors.

is the standard "head-to-head" mode.

Yishui's powerful faction. There are three national first-class actors.

Let’s talk about the starring role first, Zhu Yawen.

If it were replaced by the casting of military dramas in recent years, the ones appearing in this position should be top stars like Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo.

But the director chose Zhu Yawen, a tough guy middle school student.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

From "Our French Years", "Red Sorghum" to "Changjin Lake", Zhu Yawen has a special temperament.

He can play the toughness of a soldier with a unique masculinity, but at the same time he also has an elegant temperament. .

It is indeed suitable for him to play the role of Xie Zhenyu, the male protagonist who needs to take his brains to the sky. In the

trailer, he puts on a military uniform and has a firm look in his eyes, which makes people want to believe that he is a talented pilot who has experienced hundreds of years of training.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Next, let’s talk about the four ace supporting characters in this drama.

One of them is Li Youbin, a national first-class actor.

Among all the actors in China, no one is more suitable to play a soldier than Li Youbin.

Whether it is the wise and brave Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword" or the domineering Master Zheng in "Ace Force", Li Youbin has the taste of a soldier as soon as he appears.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In this play, Li Youbin plays Yi Zhenbang, the commander-in-chief of China's aircraft carrier-based aircraft test flight. Netizens joked: Yunlong, congratulations to you, you have become a lieutenant general. In the

trailer shot, there is a shot of his stance after giving a speech at the test flight conference, which does not even require any lines. A surge of pride overflowed.

In another scene, he scolded the captain Qin Dadi:

"I chose you to be the captain, not to let you be the first to rush forward and sacrifice."

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Is it anger? More importantly, it is about cherishing talents, feeling distressed, and even vaguely worried.

The veteran actor appears, so stable.

The second one is Hou Yong, a national first-class actor.

As soon as the character Qin Dadi appeared on the scene, a wave of righteousness came to his face.

From "The Great Qin Empire" to "In the Name of the People", Hou Yong's acting skills need no introduction.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In terms of military dramas, from the "DA Division", "Out of the Amazon" to the "I Am a Special Forces" series, Hou Yong has also acted in many roles.

The Qin Dadi he played in this drama gave me the deepest impression of tragedy.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

The responsibility of a soldier, the mission of a test pilot, and the pressure of a captain are all rolled into one.

I can be sure now that this role will be outstanding.

The third one is Du Chun.

Du Chun's famous role is in the costume drama "Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty".

Since then, he has played many military roles, from the little boss in "Depot 51", to the agent Jiang Bo in the "Eighteen Years in the Enemy Camp" series, to the "Changjin Lake" series.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

He is also a natural military drama actor. His tough temperament and sonorous lines make the character convincing.

In this drama, he plays Yu Tao, another talented pilot besides the male protagonist, and he is very stable.

Fourth, Guo Guangping, a national first-class actor.

From "The Ming Dynasty" and "The Battle of Nanjing" to "Parents' Love" and "The Battle", Guo Guangping not only has acting skills, but is also a familiar face in military dramas.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In this drama, he should play a role like the political commissar of the army. His elegant and calm temperament can just neutralize the overly strong hormones in the front, which is correct.

Finally, let’s talk about some powerful actresses.

Fifth, Wang Luodan.

Wang Luodan, who has performed well in dramas such as "Struggle" and "Who's in Charge of My Youth", has not had many works in recent years.

But as one of the most passionate actresses in domestic entertainment who loves fitness and sports, she plays a female soldier, which brings her own vitality.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

In the trailer, her training scenes are full of firepower and her speeches are sonorous and powerful, making her look like a soldier.

In this drama, she plays the role of a psychologist in the flying brigade. It depends on how she plays opposite Zhu Yawen.

Sixth, Tong Lei looks after the golden eagle.

Tong Lei, who once partnered with Li Youbin in "Bright Sword", is the childhood goddess Li Rongrong in "Heroes of Sui and Tang Dynasties". In 2008, she won the Golden Eagle Award for "Song of Youth".

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

She has not had many outstanding works in recent years, but her acting skills are still there. This time, it can be seen that her role is important, and I am looking forward to her performance.

In addition, the talented actors Zhang Yao, Zhao Da, etc. will not hinder the series. All the actors are talented and their acting skills are solid.

04. Carrier-based test pilots reflect the epic history of China's aircraft carrier career

Compared with many military dramas, the theme of this drama has a deeper meaning. It also reflects the development history of China's aircraft carriers through the deeds of ship-based test pilots.

Chinese aircraft carriers escort the country, and Chinese aircraft carriers sail across the ocean to pursue their dreams and sail into the deep blue, which is absolutely inseparable from the dedication and dedication of the carrier-based test pilots.

From many shots in the trailer, the touching feelings can be seen everywhere.

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Along with each thrilling test flight process, the test pilot in the picture still maintained his firm posture.

"What is more important than life and death is the dignity of Chinese soldiers." This is even more touching.

The hard-core sea and sky scenes, vivid characters, and far-reaching themes make this drama full of attractions. Whether

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

can become a classic military drama remains to be seen.

But this drama undoubtedly re-pointed the correct course for military dramas.

What is a real military drama? It's not just a military drama where the top guys fall in love.

Rather, it is a real fight, a head-on confrontation, see you at sea, and "see you in the air."

'The master of China's ocean and blue sky has always been trained in this way.' 'I have something more important than life and death. The dignity of Chinese soldiers.' 'You will have to make as much effort as you need to make, and you will make as many sacrifices as you need to m - Lujuba

Maybe our military dramas still have some technical shortcomings, but "the most difficult technology to master has always been practiced like this."

To paraphrase a line from Qin Dadi in the play to encourage the male protagonist Xie Zhenyu: Domestic military drama, your time has come!


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