The 2024 annual science fiction movie "Dune 2", 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the "Dune 2" movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr

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The 2024 annual science fiction movie " Dune 2", 15 movie easter eggs and deleted clips will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie:

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

1. In the "Dune 2" movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was greatly compressed.

In the original book, it took Paul two years to grow into the leader of the Fremen, but in the movie, it only took a few months.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

2. The scene in which Paul and Chini gave birth to a child and the child was killed in a sneak attack was deleted from the movie.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

3. Paul's sister Elijah is played by Anya Taylor-Joy, who is well-known in "The Gambit".

However, in the movie, the sister Elijah has not had time to give birth, and her grown-up state only appears in Paul's vision.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

4. In the movie, Paul ended the life of Baron Harkonnen while calling his grandfather.

In the original work, it was the four-year-old sister Elia who killed Baron Harkonnen.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

5. Every time Baron Harkonnen bathed in the oil pool, the maids around him were all wearing white transparent clothes.

After all, Baron Harkonnen couldn't even stand up after his flotation device was removed. This was when his defense was at its weakest. His unobstructed attire was also to prevent him from hiding weapons and reduce the risk of being assassinated.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

6. About the origin of the name Paul Muad'Dib.

is different from the movie. The original book actually takes place after the duel between Paul and the Freeman Jamis.

The future that Paul saw countless times was that he died in this duel, but the result was that Paul died under the name Paul Atreides, and the desert mouse Muad'Dib was his new name!

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

7. The movie deleted the background introduction of Mrs. Margot of the sorority who was pregnant with Federosa's child.

Madame Margot is actually the wife of the emperor's most trusted person, Count Fenlin, and this Count Fenlin is actually a nearly successful work of the sisterhood's breeding plan. Unfortunately, Count Fenlin was born a eunuch in the physical level.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

8. In fact, the actor who played Count Fenlin in the movie was Tim Blake Nelson. Unfortunately, all his scenes were deleted from the feature film.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

9. The movie deleted the Atreides. After the Atreides settled on the desert planet Arlax, Paul's mother Jessica received a secret letter from Madam Margot, who was also a sorority. The letter hinted at the Atreides family. There will be danger.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

10. After the death of the Atreides family, the family's human computer Mentat Duffy was forced to join the Harkonnen family.

During Fidelosa's special birthday performance, Duffy implanted a control keyword in the minds of the slaves who fought Fidelosa in advance.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

11. The movie deleted the scene where Duffy was ordered by the emperor to assassinate Paul and finally committed suicide.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

12. The movie deleted the scene where Phaedrosa tried to kill Baron Harkonnen after his victory in the arena.

This move of Fidrosa forced Baron Harkonnen to reveal his plan, that Fidrosa was his successor, and that Fidrosa would ascend the throne!

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

13. The character of Chiney in the movie is very different from the original work.

Paul drank the water of life and was in a state of suspended animation. Chini had a conflict with Paul's mother Jessica, and finally slapped him and left.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

When Cini knew that Paul was going to marry the princess, her anger was beyond words and she left on a sandworm.

In the original work, Cini asked Paul very humbly: Do you want me to leave? However, although Paul could not give Qini a status, he still retained her, and Paul's mother Jessica also said to Qini: History will call us wives.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

14. Paul and Kony of the Atreides family reunited again.

The movie deleted the scene where Gony always thought that Paul's mother Jessica was the traitor who caused the destruction of the Atreides family and almost killed Jessica.

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

15. "Dune 2" does not have the previously rumored post-credits Easter egg, but the sequel "Dune 3" has been put on the agenda.

Moreover, director Villeneuve also stated in an interview that the script of "Dune 3" has been basically completed.

It is worth mentioning that Dune’s prequel series “Dune: Prophecy” has also been scheduled for 2025!

The 2024 annual science fiction movie 'Dune 2', 15 movie easter eggs and deleted scenes will give you a deeper understanding of the story behind the movie: 1. In the 'Dune 2' movie, the time from Paul's mother and son's exile in the desert to Paul's ascension to the throne was Gr - Lujuba

Okay, so what other hidden easter eggs and settings and plots have you discovered in "Dune 2" that are different from the original? You can leave a message below to communicate!

Tags: entertainment