On March 18, the press conference of the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. At the meeting, Yang Zheng, deputy director of the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, introduced th

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On March 18, the press conference of the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. At the meeting, Yang Zheng, deputy director of the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, introduced th - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News On March 18, the press conference of the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. At the meeting, Yang Zheng, deputy director of the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, introduced that the opening ceremony of this conference will be held on March 28, the main activities will be held from March 28 to March 30, and the supporting activities will be held on March 28. Held from March 23rd to March 30th.

1+1+1+M+N activities

show the high-spirited spirit of the Internet audio-visual industry

The 11th China Internet Audio-Visual Conference takes extreme audio-visual empowerment as its theme. By then, more than 2,000 companies and institutions in the industry, more than 5,000 industry representatives, and nearly 10,000 guests will gather in Chengdu for the grand event to empower the online audiovisual industry. Hundreds of guests including well-known producers, directors, screenwriters, actors, well-known writers, artists, and scholars will brainstorm through speeches, sharing, discussions, etc. to promote the high-quality development of the online audiovisual industry.

Yang Zheng said that this conference is guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, highlights authoritativeness, leadership, and internationality, takes into account richness and participation, and is arranged in a 1+1+1+M+N structure. Contents include 1 opening ceremony, 1 exhibition, 1 main forum, 38 themed forums and release activities, 45 citizen experience activities, and screening activities at 50 cinemas and public welfare screening points in Chengdu. On the occasion of welcoming the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Internet Power Strategy, we will further guide the entire network audio-visual industry chain to gather the majestic force of forging ahead on a new journey and building a new era, demonstrating the high-spirited spirit of the network audio-visual industry.

Yang Zheng said that this conference will further build China's famous and world-famous online audio-visual authoritative release platform, achievement display platform, industry empowerment platform, and public sharing platform. During the event, the annual list of outstanding online audio-visual works, high-quality support projects and industry research reports will be released, and an exhibition of the latest audio-visual technologies and products will be organized, focusing on the economic and social development of online audio-visuals and the improvement of people's lives, embodying the role of audio-visual + in culture and tourism , rural revitalization, e-commerce, integrated communication, Yuanverse, AIGC and other fields, fully demonstrating the important role of online audio and video in serving the overall work of the party and the country.

As a national event that benchmarks the industry, the Internet Audiovisual Conference has become an important window to showcase the development achievements of the Internet audiovisual industry. It is also an important platform for colliding wisdom, exchanging experience, and gathering strength. This conference will also focus on five topics: deepening the cultivation of high-quality content, strengthening mainstream public opinion, strengthening technological empowerment, deepening industry governance, and strengthening international communication. It will focus on the international communication of micro-short dramas, online audio-visual content overseas, urban international communication, and international communication. Internet celebrity communication and other content, each topic organizes 2-4 forums, press conferences, premieres, cooperation signings and other activities. For example, the establishment ceremony of a special fund to support high-quality online audio-visual products was held, the launch ceremony of traveling with micro-short dramas and cultural tourism-radio and television cooperation was held, the list of outstanding works in the 2023 State Administration of Radio, Film and Television’s outstanding online audio-visual works selection event was held, and the innovation and development of micro-short dramas and international cooperation were held. Communication Forum, Online Audio-visual Empowerment of China’s Excellent Traditional Culture and Two Creations Forum, 2023 Mysterious Shu Rhyme Hundreds of Sichuan and Yang Online Audio-visual Quality Communication Competition Outstanding Works Release Ceremony, Native China Series Micro-Short Drama Launching Ceremony, Short Drama Creator Light Search Plan, Activities such as the aerial photography competition plan and the video ring tone creation plan fully demonstrate the characteristics of online audio-visual programs that are down-to-earth and spread quickly, and give better play to the positive role of online audio-visual programs in telling Chinese stories and spreading the voice of China.

In addition, in the main supporting activities, the online audio-visual boutique works screening week, the "China Online Audio-visual Development Research Report (2024)" press conference, the second online audio-visual (Chengdu) Imaging Week, Sichuan and Chongqing online audio-visual high-quality development training were held classes and a series of business exchange activities for the high-quality development of the service industry. During this conference, Suining City will also sign a memorandum of cooperation with the China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association to jointly build a global online audiovisual and film and television shooting city.

It has been eleven years since the conference was launched in Chengdu, Sichuan.

Witness the added value of Sichuan cultural and creative industries from tens of billions to hundreds of billions.

From 2013 to 2023, the China Internet Audiovisual Conference has been successfully held for 10 times, profoundly recording the reform of my country's Internet audiovisual industry. Innovation and leap-forward development process. As the host, Sichuan's online audiovisual has developed strongly in the past 10 years, and its online audiovisual public opinion guidance capabilities, content production capabilities, public service capabilities, industrial development capabilities, and industry governance capabilities have all been significantly improved. In 2023, Sichuan successfully hosted major cultural events such as the 10th China Online Audiovisual Conference, the First Golden Panda Awards, the World Science Fiction Conference, and the 7th China Online Copyright Protection and Development Conference, showing the world the progress of Sichuan's online audiovisual industry and industrial development. Good situation.

Li Xiaojun, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Bureau, said that thanks to the China Internet Audiovisual Conference, Sichuan has made progress in the introduction and implementation of Internet audiovisual policies, technological innovation empowerment, resource gathering and audiovisual brand building, etc. Get good acceleration.

Li Xiaojun introduced that the China Internet Audiovisual Conference has taken root in Chengdu, Sichuan for eleven years. As a national event with the highest standards, the largest scale, and an industry benchmark in the domestic Internet audio and video field, it has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality and innovative development of Sichuan's Internet audiovisual industry. It has also brought great development, great improvement and great leap forward to Sichuan’s online audio-visual industry. Eleven years after the conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan, it has witnessed the added value of Sichuan’s cultural and creative industries from tens of billions to hundreds of billions. In 2023, cultural and related industrial enterprises above designated size in Sichuan Province achieved operating income of 563.36 billion yuan, an increase of 19% over the previous year; among them, 16 industry subcategories with obvious new cultural business format characteristics achieved operating income of 194.11 billion yuan, an increase of 19% over the previous year. The growth rate was 57.3%, 38.3 percentage points higher than that of all cultural enterprises above designated size. The contribution of online audio-visual and other cultural and creative-related industries to the social economy has increased significantly, demonstrating Sichuan's strength and potential in the development of online audio-visual.

On March 18, the press conference of the 11th China Internet Audiovisual Conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. At the meeting, Yang Zheng, deputy director of the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, introduced th - Lujuba

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