On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden

entertainment 1168℃
htmlOn the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden on the family.

Wenwen posted on the social platform on the 1st that life is difficult and overwhelming: "The problem has been solved, but I can't live now, what should I do? There will be no miracles, how should I go on?"

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

In the evening, Zhang Zhiheng finally responded to his wife's sigh. He actually posted his payment code on his social platform's limited-time news, saying: "I also know that this is not a wise decision, but it has reached the point where I can't bear it anymore. , everything will be back to normal after this month, so I really hope everyone can help."

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

His operation shocked netizens, but there were very few people who sympathized. After the news reached the mainland, mainland netizens also started to ridicule him, even mocking him as a real-name online beggar.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

The reason why netizens ridiculed him overwhelmingly is because the current situation is entirely his own fault.

As a member of boy'z, Zhang Zhiheng once became famous briefly, especially the song "Unchangeable" they released together with twins, which was popular for a while, and Wenwen happened to be a fan of Zhang Zhiheng.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

Wenwen is 151cm tall and once worked as a model on a website.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

On the afternoon of July 25, 2019, when boy'z was finally going to hold a concert, Zhang Zhiheng probably wanted to create more buzz for the group, so he revealed that he was married to Wenwen.

This move angered his ex-girlfriend April. You must know that when Wenwen gave birth to her child, Zhang Zhiheng had not broken up with her, and the two were even photographed shopping to show off their affection. April, who was furious, stamped Zhang Zhiheng's cheating with a hammer.

Unexpectedly, one stone caused thousands of waves. One after another, girls exposed evidence and accused Zhang Zhiheng of cheating. In the end, after each posted evidence, it was proved that he was dating 5 girls at the same time.

Under the fierce criticism from public opinion, Zhang Zhiheng came out to apologize, and his wife Wenwen said that she would always believe in her husband to the end.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

Zhang Zhiheng's career, which had finally picked up due to his love affairs, fell to the bottom again. In order to make money to support his family, he was also photographed working at a hotel buffet for more than ten hours. Wenwen also showed affection to him and gave birth to two sons in succession.

However, during this period, Zhang Zhiheng was repeatedly involved in news about non-payment of debts, and he broke up with many friends in the industry because of this. Because his friends were angry that he used other people's money to live a high-quality life of his own (hire helpers, buy new appliances and furniture, and raise three pet dogs).

Starting from Christmas 2021, Wenwen and Zhang Zhiheng began to have a marriage dispute, but they quickly reconciled after the dispute. Their third child was also born when the two had a marriage dispute. When their youngest son was about to be born, the landlord terminated the contract and evicted the couple because of arrears in rent.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

In the past two years, the two of them moved many times, and most of the time they had troubles with their previous landlords. As for Wenwen's fan filter on him, because her life was broken, Wenwen had periodically stated on social platforms that she wanted a divorce, but in the end she reconciled, and was jokingly called a "divorce kol" by netizens.

Wenwen also revealed that Zhang Zhiheng has not given any money to her family since her marriage. She and Zhang Zhiheng are still together solely for the sake of their three children. The monthly expenses are 30,000, but she even pays the rent. As for why she still has three children when she has no money, she said that things have happened and she is willing to continue to be a good mother.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

In June last year, Wen Wenggang once again scolded Zhang Zhiheng on social platforms. As a result, a month later, she admitted that she was pregnant with four children.

She also revealed that last month’s rent was paid by netizens, and it will still be paid in the next month. She also said that her two sons are in danger of being dropped out of school at any time because they have not paid tuition and book fees.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

Netizens advised her not to have a fourth child because having one more child would dilute the financial resources of the three children.

Wenwen responded: "When I found out, it was already 4 months old. Because of my own physical condition, my health would get worse if I wanted to or not. I was almost born now. The rent was 13,000, and my two sons' study and miscellaneous expenses were all. Add 4,000 to the things." From what she meant, she hoped that some kind-hearted people would lend a helping hand to her family.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

Later, Wenwen simply spoke out directly on social platforms, hoping to get help from netizens.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

As for Zhang Zhiheng, like his wife, it is becoming more and more obvious that he hopes for others to lend a helping hand. Last year, Zhang Zhiheng said that his teeth were decayed and dental care was too expensive, so he took the initiative to ask for sponsorship. When his shoes broke, he also asked netizens to donate shoes.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

There are indeed netizens who continue to support him for the sake of raising four children.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

He and Wenwen also tried to make money by charging for social platforms and cooperating with other companies to make paid videos, but they soon failed.

On the 2nd, Zhang Zhiheng was reported by the Hong Kong media again. It turns out that Zhang Zhiheng and his wife Wenwen publicly expressed financial constraints many times after they had four children. Earlier, the eldest son even suffered from autism, which increased the burden - Lujuba

html At the end of February, his wife broke the news that their eldest son was suffering from autism, which increased the burden on the family.

Now, just as his wife lamented that the road ahead was confusing, he actually showed off the payment code directly...

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? His wife Wenwen's fan filter should have been shattered into pieces long ago, right?

Tags: entertainment