"Lingnan Style·Hong Kong Love - Hong Kong Bamboo Rhythm Collection Concert" performance scene. Photo courtesy of the Hong Kong Office in Beijing (Chung Xin) Supported by the Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in Beijing (Hong Kong Office in Beijing),

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'Lingnan Style·Hong Kong Love - Hong Kong Bamboo Rhythm Collection Concert' performance scene. Photo courtesy of the Hong Kong Office in Beijing (Chung Xin) Supported by the Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in Beijing (Hong Kong Office in Beijing), - Lujuba

The performance scene of "Lingnan Style·Hong Kong Love - Hong Kong Bamboo Rhythm Collection Concert". Photo courtesy of the Hong Kong Office in Beijing

(Xin Zhong) Supported by the Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in Beijing (Hong Kong Office in Beijing), the "Lingnan Style·Hong Kong Love - Hong Kong Bamboo Rhymes Concert" was held in Beijing recently. Held at the Grand Theater, it kicked off the "Happy to See Spring" concert series.

Cantonese music, also known as "Cantonese music", is Hong Kong's traditional music culture and was selected into the first Hong Kong intangible cultural heritage and the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists. The first half of the concert features works by contemporary composers with Lingnan and Hong Kong characteristics, presenting the characteristics of Hong Kong culture that are “rooted in Lingnan and blending Chinese and Western cultures.” The second half of the concert is composed by Cantonese music masters and composers using new techniques, while retaining the local charm of Hong Kong. , also full of the flavor of the times, showing the contemporary look of Cantonese music.

"At the beginning of the new year, the Hong Kong Office in Beijing launches the 'Happy to See Spring' series of concerts, which means that the cultural exchange activities between Hong Kong and the mainland this year are vibrant and full of vitality. We look forward to deeper and broader cultural exchanges between the two places." Hong Kong Embassy in Beijing Yuan Huixian, deputy director of the Office, said that culture is a bridge of people-to-people exchanges. The Hong Kong Office in Beijing will continue to strongly support Hong Kong art groups in visiting the mainland for performance exchanges and encourage them to use art to tell the story of China and Hong Kong. Chen Zhaoyan, founder and executive director of

Bamboo Rhythm Collection, said that the integration of Chinese and Western elements is a very typical Hong Kong characteristic, and it is also reflected in music. For example, one of the performance pieces, "Orchid and Osmanthus," combines Cantonese music and Western jazz, including improvisation that combines Chinese and Western styles. "I hope this concert will help the audience further understand Hong Kong culture and Hong Kong stories."

The Hong Kong Beijing Office introduced that the "Happy to See Spring" series of concerts will showcase the different styles of Hong Kong music development. In addition to this Hong Kong Bamboo Rhythm Collection Concert, there are also "Spring - Yao Jue's Famous Violin Music Concert" that combines Chinese and Western music and embodies the charm of Hong Kong pop music, and "Guqin Huai Xiangjiang - Hong Kong Chinese Music" that showcases the style of the guqin master. Famous Artists Exchange Meeting" will allow the audience to travel through the past and present, China and foreign countries through music, and experience the charm of Hong Kong's Chinese and Western cultures.

Tags: entertainment