Shanghai Film Chairman Wang Jianer "The impact of the Sora Vincent video model on the film and television industry is obvious, and it will bring disruptive changes to the production level of the entire film industry. If it is just surprising that AI generates a one-minute video,

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Shanghai Film Chairman Wang Jianer 'The impact of the Sora Vincent video model on the film and television industry is obvious, and it will bring disruptive changes to the production level of the entire film industry. If it is just surprising that AI generates a one-minute video,  - Lujuba

Shanghai Film Chairman Wang Jianer

"The impact of the sora Vincent video model on the film and television industry is obvious, and it will bring disruptive changes to the production level of the entire film industry. It is only surprising to say that AI generates a one-minute video , then one hour is a revolution. When Vincent Video was still , one second, , and one minute, we should consider how to deal with the changes brought about by the one-hour Vincent Video." February 29, In an interview with media including The Paper, Wang Jianer, chairman of Shanghai Film (, said that under the new situation of sora, Shanghai Film must take action and gather the necessary human, material, financial and computational resources. Strength, break through new propositions, and actively seize new tracks.

Wang Jian'er said that Shanghai Film has a large number of classic IPs. How to use "IP+AI" transformation as the main engine and Shanghai Film Listed Company as the main platform to achieve the integration of internal and external resources is currently the company's core topic.

On the same day, Shanghai Film released the new inew strategy. Under the guidance of this strategy, Shanghai Film will use the "ipai planet plan" as the starting point, combined with AI applications, focusing on the two major directions of IP content renewal and IP commercial development, accelerating network data. The process of intelligent and integrated expansion expands the ecological vision of global talents, markets, and industries.

Wang Jianer said that starting from 2024, Shanghai Film will accelerate the empowerment of AI in content creation, film and television production and other businesses. For example, it will maintain more than 2 high-quality IP content renewal works every year; take the lead in establishing a research and development community to explore China Animation school AI model; launched the pilot project "Shanghai Film AI Movie Marathon Competition", focusing on the application development of AI in short dramas and film and television vertical fields.

Regarding whether Shanghai Film will launch animated large models in the future, Wang Jian'er told The Paper: "The Chinese Animation School large models are an important expansion direction of Shanghai Film Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Using our Chinese Animation School's large models Enriching IP resources and data resources, combined with AI underlying technology, to speed up the research and training of relevant models, we have also received support from relevant partners, hoping to speed up research and strive for phased results through the integration of various production factors."

It is reported that recently In the past three years, Shanghai Film has attracted public attention with its film and television works such as " Blossoms ", "Chinese Tales", " Love Myth ", etc. 38 film and television works controlled and invested by the main investors have been released. Judging from the press conference, Shanghai Film will also launch a large-scale digital and intelligent network infrastructure, expand upstream and downstream industries, and accelerate the commercialization of its massive IP production capacity.

Wang Jianer said that in 2023, the total amount of GMV authorized products from Shanghai Film IP will exceed 1 billion yuan. In the next three years, Shanghai Film strives to achieve the goal of IP cooperation products covering 5 major fields, 30 industries, and more than 500 brands, landing in 30 provinces across the country, and the GMV of cooperative products exceeding 10 billion yuan.

In addition, Shanghai Film has officially established a digital business center, which will take the lead in integrating the resources of Shanghai Film Production and other group companies to capitalize IP digital assets, and jointly operate partners and other external ecosystems to promote AI technology application research and development and computing power building. Among them, China's super animation label Shanghai Animation Film Studio will focus on exploring the creative direction of "ai + animation", the classic sound label Shanghai Film Translation Factory will focus on exploring the creative direction of "ai + sound", and Shanghai Film Technology Factory (including Haopu Film and Television) Base) will focus on exploring the one-stop solution of "film and television base + AI", Shanghai Film and Television Park will focus on exploring VR, AR + cultural tourism real-life experience methods, and Shangmei Design Company will focus on exploring AI digital exhibition + IP industry precedents.

In early January, Shanghai Film released its 2023 annual performance forecast, which is expected to turn losses into profits. The net profit attributable to the parent company in 2023 will be 122 million yuan to 146 million yuan. Shanghai Film stated that there are three main reasons for the pre-profit performance. First, both supply and demand have improved, and the recovery of the domestic film market has been obvious. Second, the distribution and screening business has reduced costs and increased efficiency. The third is the big IP development business, making steady progress. In May 2023, the company completed the acquisition and consolidation of 51% of the equity of Shanghai Film Yuan (Shanghai) Culture Technology Development Co., Ltd., entering into the large IP development business, which will have a positive impact on the annual performance in 2023.

As of the close, Shanghai Film rose 6.05% to 26.83 yuan per share, with a total market value of 12.025 billion yuan.

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