According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo

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According to the

Qichacha app, recently, the court released the second-instance judgment in the case of unjust enrichment disputes between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Moumou and others. It mentioned that a first review revealed that the actual remuneration received by Zheng Shuang for "A Chinese Ghost Story" was approximately 156.25 million yuan. The court ruled that the agency should return 6.5 million yuan to Zheng Shuang Studio.

According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo - Lujuba

According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo - Lujuba

content shows that the court of first instance found the fact: Zhou 3, the producer of the TV series "A Chinese Ghost Story", met Zheng Shuang through Zhou 1. On January 16, 2018, Zhou 3 signed a producer employment agreement with Zhou 1 on behalf of the film crew of "A Chinese Ghost Story". Zhou 1's remuneration was 1 million yuan.

According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo - Lujuba

Zhou 1 believed that he received an intermediary fee of 6.5 million yuan for introducing Zheng Shuang to star in the TV series "A Chinese Ghost Story", but failed to provide a relevant intermediary agreement or any evidence of consultations on intermediary matters. The statement of agreement to return the full amount of Yangqun Studio's money issued on January 5, 2018 is contradictory, so its deduction behavior without any consideration is not legal.

According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo - Lujuba

In addition, the first review revealed that the actual remuneration received by Zheng Shuang was approximately 156.25 million yuan. The court of first instance finally ruled that Zhou 1 should refund the performance fee of Yangqun Studio of 6.5 million yuan and interest. Zhou 1 appealed and requested to revoke the first-instance judgment. The second-instance rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

Sky Eye Check shows that there are currently 10 companies under Zheng Shuang’s name, 5 of which are in existence, including Shanghai Whale Valley Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Aiyi Information Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Gagu Entertainment Development Co., Ltd., Jiujiang Cool Bear Film and Television Culture Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio; in addition, five companies including Shanghai Gagu Entertainment Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Aiyi Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Whale Valley Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. have been cancelled. .

According to the Qichacha APP, the court recently released the second-instance judgment of the case involving the unjust enrichment dispute between Zheng Shuang Studio, Jiujiang Sheep Effect Film and Television Culture Studio, and Shanghai Shangyi Culture Media Co., Ltd., Zhou Mo - Lujuba

According to previous media reports, Zheng Shuang has added several pieces of equity freezing information since 2024. In early January, Shanghai Jingguzuo Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Aiyi Information Technology Co., Ltd. had frozen equity amounts of 13.6 million yuan and 1.25 million yuan respectively. Yuan, the freezing period is from January 16, 2024 to January 15, 2027, and the enforcement court is the Shanghai Songjiang District People's Court. In late February, Zheng Shuang added another piece of information about the renewal of frozen equity. The amount of frozen equity was RMB 1 million. The company whose equity was executed was Shanghai Gagu Entertainment Development Co., Ltd., and the enforcement court was Shanghai Songjiang District People's Court. The freezing period The original period from March 15, 2021 to March 14, 2024 will be extended to February 21, 2027.

Sky Eye Check shows that Zheng Shuang holds 68% of the shares of Shanghai Whale Valley Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. and 20% of the shares of Shanghai Aiyi Information Technology Co., Ltd., with subscribed capital contributions of 13.6 million yuan and 1.25 million yuan, respectively. It is worth mentioning that another shareholder of Shanghai Jingguzuo Artificial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. is Zheng Shuang’s ex-husband Zhang Heng. Shanghai Gagu Entertainment Development Co., Ltd. was established in July 2020 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan. Zheng Shuang serves as the legal representative and executive director and holds 100% of the shares.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhou Shihao

Tags: entertainment