On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp

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On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The two shook hands friendly Shake hands.

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Compared with the tight embrace and inseparability when meeting with the leaders of Western Europe (Macron, Sunak), this is more like Polite greetings.

Although it is one thing that Zelensky and Vucic are not familiar with each other, Serbia’s inability to make large economic and military contributions to Ukraine may be the key.

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

According to reports, Zelensky and Vucic came to Tirana for the same purpose, both to participate in the "Ukraine-Southeast Europe Summit".

It is reported that the summit was also attended by Moldova President Maia Sandu, Montenegro President Yakov Milatovic, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, and North Macedonia President Steve Pendarovs. Key et al. The summit was chaired by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

It is reported that this is the first time for the 46-year-old Zelensky to visit Albania. He will discuss the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its consequences with the leaders of Southeast Europe.

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

On the sidelines of the summit, Zelensky and Vucic had a face-to-face meeting.

According to the Ukrainian President's Office, Zelensky thanked Vucic for "supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity" and also thanked Serbia for providing asylum to Ukrainian citizens who fled to the country.

Vucic also responded to this on social media. He said, "Ukraine is a country with complete sovereignty and territorial integrity. I believe we will continue to establish friendly relations with the country."

But Vucic also emphasized In one sentence, "We will continue to develop friendly policies with other countries in Eastern Europe, including the Russian Federation."

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

In addition, Vucic also thanked Zelensky. After reaffirming Serbia's principled position of respecting the norms of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, as well as its belief in the key role of diplomacy in resolving all conflicts, he thanked Zelensky for respecting Serbia's territorial integrity.

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

According to reports, after the summit, all participating leaders, including Vucic and Zelensky, signed a joint statement calling on the entire international community to strengthen support for Ukraine.

In the signed documents, the leaders reiterated their unswerving support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders of 1991, and expressed their continued commitment to providing necessary support to Ukraine.

On February 28, local time, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić met with Ukrainian President Volodimirs Zelenskis in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the two shook hands friendly shake hands. However, it is easy to notice that Zelensky is not that enthusiastic about Vucic. Comp - Lujuba

When taking a group photo, Zelensky and Albanian Prime Minister Rama occupied the most central position, but they also presented a very interesting scene.

Zelensky's height is really limited. Even if he stands on the same step as Rama and Vucic, there is a huge height difference. Of course, this is easy to understand. After all, he stands with Vucic who is 1.99 meters. When together, most people will look "petite", not to mention Zelensky's official height is 1.7 meters, but some people say that his real height should be 1.66 meters.

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