Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series "All the Way", based on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on CCTV8 during prime time.

entertainment 1394℃

cover news reporter Huang Xiaoqing

On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series " All the Way Forward " with the background of the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on cctv8 prime time.

Qiu Bo, deputy director of the Yuping Community Neighborhood Committee, Chumu Town, Dongxing District, Neijiang City, stood in front of the TV and was particularly excited. For him, this TV series has extraordinary significance, not only because he worked as an extra for three days, but more importantly because he is a descendant of migrant workers who built the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series 'All the Way', based on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on CCTV8 during prime time.  - Lujuba

Chumu Iron Bridge

On the eve of the launch of the TV series, Qiu Bo led cover news reporters to the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway Tuojiang Bridge (commonly known as Chumu Iron Bridge) to recall the stories he heard from the older generation.

Common people donated money and materials

to support the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway

Chumu Town is one of the ancient market towns along the Chengdu-Chongqing line. It is known as the "First Pass in Chengdu". In the last century, the sugar industry prospered here and land and water transportation was convenient. , with a lot of business and travel, it is an important economic town.

Qiu Bo's ancestors are a large family that produces and sells sugar and grain in Chumu Town. He is very familiar with the history of this land, especially the construction process of the Chumu section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. "This is the longest steel girder bridge on the entire Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, and it is also the first steel girder bridge in the southwest. It has 6 piers and 7 holes." Qiu Bo said while standing in front of the Chumu Iron Bridge.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series 'All the Way', based on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on CCTV8 during prime time.  - Lujuba

Qiu Bo stands next to Chumu Iron Bridge

On June 15, 1950, the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway officially started construction. That year, Qiu Bo's grandfather Qiu Ji'an took the initiative to sign up to build roads. His aunt also came to the temporary road construction team to help with cooking. His uncle was also a core member of engineering technology.

At the beginning of road construction, Neijiang received a special task: According to the principle of "settling the sleepers on site", 125,500 sleepers need to be purchased and transported from the private sector. However, Neijiang is located in a shallow hilly area with no vast forest resources. Time is tight and the specifications and quality of sleepers are high, so we can only mobilize the power of the masses. Qiu Bo said that his grandfather Yao donated the wood that was originally used to make a large flower bed for the wedding, and his second grandfather also reluctantly gave up and sent the nanmu that was intended to be used as longevity wood to the construction site.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series 'All the Way', based on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on CCTV8 during prime time.  - Lujuba

The commemorative medal for the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway left by Qiu Bo’s elders

Qiu Bo still treasures a commemorative medal for the opening of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. He doesn’t know which elder left it behind. He only knows that the older generation or Contributed more or less to road construction.

Workers overcame difficulties

Worked day and night to make progress

The Chengdu-Chongqing Railway is the first railway built independently in New China. Due to poor road construction equipment and lack of experience, migrant workers only discovered difficulties after entering the construction site. "Three stones support the pot, and the tent is set up in the mountain nest." "In the daytime, they carry earth and stones, and in the night, they sleep on beds made of tree strips." The migrant road construction workers relied on hammers, steel drills, and poles. Using simple tools such as baskets and baskets, they worked day and night to dig earth, build culverts, dig tunnels and build bridges.

There was no lifting machinery, so everyone used wood to build supports and made gourd levers to move the big rocks. It was too slow to use bamboo baskets to pick up the rocks, so they used wooden boards to make pulleys. Everyone has overcome one difficulty after another with hard work and wisdom, and some even paid the price with their lives.

The "Memorial Tower for Martyrs of Martyrs in Emergency Repair of Tuojiang Bridge Slope" next to the bridge tells the heroic deeds of two martyrs, Chai Jiujin and Zhong Zhiqing, soldiers of the 5th Company of the 2nd Battalion of the Southwest Railway Guard Regiment. Even though they completed their work tasks, they still used their rest time to rush to repair the Tuojiang Bridge. While excavating the slope protection of the bridge, the two people unfortunately encountered a landslide and were buried. However, the rescue efforts by their comrades failed and they died gloriously.

Cover News Reporter Huang Xiaoqing On the evening of February 26, the large-scale TV series 'All the Way', based on the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railway after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was launched on CCTV8 during prime time.  - Lujuba

Martyrs Memorial Tower

Every time he comes to the memorial tower, Qiu Bo, a soldier, always pays a military salute and then bows three times to express his respect. In his view, the memorial tower stands tall facing the Tuojiang River, just like a mighty warrior, guarding the longevity of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway Tuojiang Bridge and protecting the happiness and well-being of the people in Neijiang.

Art reproduces historical events

The TV series "All the Way Forward" is launched

The Neijiang section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway accounts for 40% of the total length. During the construction process, about 100,000 Neijiang migrant workers participated in the construction of the railway, making great contributions to the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway. contribute. In 1952, the entire Chengdu-Chongqing Railway was opened to traffic. In order to commemorate the historical achievements of the migrant workers who built the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway Road-Building Workers Memorial Hall and Monument were built in Neijiang. It is the only building in my country to commemorate the migrant workers who built the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway.

On December 22, 2021, the TV series "All the Way Forward" held a launch ceremony at Neijiang Daqian Garden. At that time, the 89-year-old Sun Yisun also represented the old comrades who built the road and thanked the creators of the TV series for recreating that epic historical period artistically. During the filming of the

TV series, the film crew shot scenes in Neijiang Yangtze River Forest Park, Zeng Family Courtyard, Zizhong Wenwu Temple, Sichuan-Weibo Iron and Steel Research Base, Yunding Town in Longchang and other places.

Qiu Bo also made a cameo appearance in a scene filmed at the Tumu Iron Bridge. He pointed to three abandoned houses next to the iron bridge and said that in order to increase the sense of history, the film crew specially painted the walls with mud and straw. During the three days of

filming, Qiu Bo, as a community cadre, was extremely busy as a group performer and maintaining order on site. Thinking back on it now, he still felt it was amazing, as if he was reviewing a familiar piece of history in another way.

Tags: entertainment