As the Lantern Festival approaches, Fenglin Street in Xuhui District organized a comedy show at the Huiyuan New Era Civilization Practice Station. At the event, community residents sat together, laughing and applauding one after another. One-man shows such as "Wu Song Fights the

entertainment 7714℃

As the Lantern Festival approaches, Fenglin Street in Xuhui District organized a comedy show at the Huiyuan New Era Civilization Practice Station. At the

event, community residents sat together, laughing and applauding one after another. One-man shows such as "Wu Song Fights the Tiger" and "Matchmaker", especially the one-man show "Learning Dialects" presented by the famous burlesque artist Cai Jianying, made the audience laugh. The actors on the stage are all "possessed of unique skills". They interpret the storyline vividly through clever role playing and exaggerated movements.

As the Lantern Festival approaches, Fenglin Street in Xuhui District organized a comedy show at the Huiyuan New Era Civilization Practice Station. At the event, community residents sat together, laughing and applauding one after another. One-man shows such as 'Wu Song Fights the  - Lujuba

As the plot develops, the residents' emotions are completely aroused and they are immersed in the performances of the actors. In this joyful performance, the residents gained not only joy, but also felt the warmth of community life. Resident Uncle Huang told reporters: "We old uncles have always liked watching comedy shows, and I especially like one-man shows. In this performance, I think the actors performed well and we are all very happy."

The person in charge of Fenglin Street told Reporter: "We organize such community burlesque performances, just like organizing a community gathering among neighbors, allowing everyone to establish deeper emotional bonds through laughter and laughter, and can enrich the cultural life of our residents."

Source: Shanghai Xuhui

Tags: entertainment