This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became

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This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror of the stars' true faces, and the performance of two stars is particularly eye-catching.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became a "top of the limelight" figure on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Many viewers originally thought that he was a simple and unpretentious artist, but his performance in the Spring Festival Gala was shocking.

His excessive pursuit of glory under the spotlight makes people wonder whether he is really as innocent as he appears. Netizens lamented that it turns out that Bai Jingting is also a person who knows how to hype himself up.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

And another jaw-dropping star is Huang Qishan, who is known as the queen of the music industry. Before the Spring Festival Gala, her name became almost synonymous with musical talent, and her singing could always easily conquer the ears of the audience.

But this Spring Festival Gala, she encountered an unprecedented Waterloo.

Huang Qishan's performance of "Unforgettable Tonight" on the Spring Festival Gala stage turned out to be a source of controversy for the entire Internet. The familiar melody seemed to have lost its charm under her interpretation.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

The audience was surprised to find that this queen-level singer made a mistake on such an important occasion. For a time, netizens were talking about it, and some even bluntly said that Huang Qishan was the guest who should not be invited to the stage this Spring Festival Gala.

So, what exactly did Huang Qishan experience on the Spring Festival Gala stage? Why are audiences so dissatisfied with her performance?

It is reported that Huang Qishan has been busy with various rehearsals and rehearsals on the eve of the Spring Festival Gala. It may be due to excessive pressure that she made mistakes during the official performance.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

The audience's expectations for her were already very high, so when her performance did not meet expectations, disappointment and dissatisfaction spread quickly.

However, some netizens said that although Huang Qishan made mistakes on the Spring Festival Gala stage, this did not affect her status in the music field.

After all, a singer will inevitably encounter ups and downs in his career, and as a leader in the music industry, Huang Qishan's talent and strength are unquestionable.

Spring Festival Gala stage turmoil: Huang Qishan and the unexpected "Waterloo" of "Unforgettable Tonight"

As the Spring Festival Gala stage turmoil intensified, the directing team seemed to have become the unlucky ones who were "shot even while lying down." Many viewers accused them of being too careless this time and even allowed Huang Qishan to perform "Unforgettable Tonight" on stage. This was an incredible decision.

This controversy is actually inextricably linked to the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala. As a traditional event in the hearts of Chinese people, the Spring Festival Gala is unparalleled in popularity.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Every household is looking forward to those exciting programs. However, if something goes wrong in the program, the impact will be immeasurable.

Take Liu Qian's magic as an example. His appearance surprised many viewers. Before this, Liu Qian's reputation was not very good, and many people thought he was a bit of a foreigner.

In order to restore his image, Liu Qian tried his best this time. But who would have thought that there was a loophole in his magic again, and his cooperation with Nigmat was completely opposite, and the two of them were pushed to the forefront.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

It can be seen that on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala, a small mistake can cause an uproar. And Huang Qishan's singing brought the storm to its peak.

Over the years, the program format of the Spring Festival Gala has been changing. In the early years, language programs were the highlight, and those talented comedians could always bring laughter to everyone. But now, as the older generation of artists fade out, the goal of the Spring Festival Gala has gradually shifted to singing and dancing.

However, no matter how the program changes, the finale of "Tonight to Remember" remains the same. This song always gives people a sense of peace and prosperity, and is also considered by many to be the key to a successful conclusion to the Spring Festival Gala.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

When they learned that this year's "Unforgettable Tonight" will be sung by Huang Qishan, the audience's expectations were very high. After all, Huang Qishan's singing skills still have a certain status in the music world.However, at the finale, the audience found that Huang Qishan's performance was far from their expectations.

This is not because the audience has too high demands on Huang Qishan, but because she blindly innovated this classic song. This kind of innovation seems unnecessary and even outrageous to the audience.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Today, Huang Qishan’s performance has become the focus of heated discussion among netizens. Some people think she is destroying her own future, while others think the directing team should bear the main responsibility. But no matter what, the storm cast a shadow over the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Perhaps, on the Spring Festival Gala stage in the future, the director team should choose actors and programs more carefully to avoid similar mistakes. After all, the Spring Festival Gala is not just a party for the Chinese, but also a kind of emotional sustenance and memory.

Huang Qishan's innovation of "Unforgettable Tonight" has attracted controversy: the collision of Spring Festival Gala innovation and traditional sentiments

Huang Qishan probably never dreamed that her bold attempt would make herself and the entire Spring Festival Gala program the focus of the Internet's bombardment.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Netizens were angry because they felt that Huang Qishan was too confident and completely ignored the audience's feelings. After all, the audience in front of the Spring Festival Gala stage is huge, with more than a billion pairs of eyes staring at it.

Innovation certainly requires courage, but if the audience's acceptance is not taken into account, is this kind of innovation fair?

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

In fact, the original intention of the program team is not difficult to understand. In recent years, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala have not been satisfactory, largely due to issues with program content and actor selection. The transformation from powerful actors to popular stars has gradually made the Spring Festival Gala lose its original flavor.

Especially last year's Spring Festival Gala, some sketch programs were forced to be funny, which made the audience feel very embarrassed. This also made many viewers express that they never wanted to watch the Spring Festival Gala again. This kind of voice puts the Spring Festival Gala program team under great pressure, and they urgently need to innovate to win back the hearts of the audience.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Therefore, this Spring Festival Gala has put a lot of effort into innovation. From program format to content, we strive to bring new feelings to the audience. However, audience receptivity to innovation is limited. Especially for some traditional programs, such as "Unforgettable Tonight", the audience has deep emotions.

"Unforgettable Tonight" has been accompanying the audience on the Spring Festival Gala stage for many years. It is not only a song, but also a feeling. Whenever they hear this song, the audience can feel the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere of the country and the people.

For many viewers, this song symbolizes the end of the Spring Festival Gala and the beginning of the New Year, implying new hopes and expectations.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Therefore, when Huang Qishan performed an innovative performance of this song on the Spring Festival Gala, the audience's reaction can be imagined. Although Huang Qishan's original intention was to win a better reputation through innovation, the result was counterproductive. The comments were full of criticism, and some viewers even said they did not want to see Huang Qishan on the Spring Festival Gala next year.

Spring Festival Gala "Unforgettable Tonight" controversy: Huang Qishan becomes the focus, the collision of innovation and traditional feelings

The ratings of this year's Spring Festival Gala unexpectedly increased, which seems to indicate that the program team's hard work and efforts have been rewarded. However, amidst the cheers, there was one link that became the focus of controversy.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Huang Qishan, a leader in the music industry, may never have thought that she would cause such a big disturbance on the Spring Festival Gala. When her version of "Unforgettable Tonight" was very different from the classic image in the audience's mind, one can imagine the strong reaction.

"Huang Qishan is also a guest of the Spring Festival Gala. The program she sings is carefully designed by the Spring Festival Gala team. As a guest, how can she have the right to choose?" Huang Qishan's fans came out to complain for her, pointing the finger at the Spring Festival Gala directing team.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

However, some people expressed dissatisfaction with Huang Qishan's singing, thinking that her style was incompatible with the Spring Festival Gala stage, and even raised the matter to the level of national dignity, thinking that such mistakes made foreign netizens laugh.

In my opinion, this innovative attempt in "Unforgettable Tonight" is actually unnecessary. After all, the audience already has a deep emotional foundation for this song, and sudden changes will inevitably be difficult to accept.Not all adaptations can bring surprises, and sometimes they can be counterproductive.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

Of course, we don’t have to be too harsh on Huang Qishan. As a singer, her ability is obvious to all. Looking back on "Towards the Clouds" she sang in 2023, that song is still widely loved, which is enough to prove her status in the music industry. We cannot completely deny her previous achievements just because of one mistake.

This turmoil undoubtedly sounded the alarm to the Spring Festival Gala program team. For the people, the Spring Festival Gala is one of the most important cultural events of the year, and no detail can be taken lightly.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

The rise in popularity this time may also benefit from these controversial topics, such as Bai Jingting's performance, Liu Qian's magic and Huang Qishan's singing.

This year's Spring Festival Gala seems to have become a mirror for the true faces of celebrities, and the performance of two celebrities is particularly eye-catching. Bai Jingting, this young student who has always given people a fresh and natural impression, unexpectedly became  - Lujuba

But no matter what, we all look forward to the Spring Festival Gala finding a better balance between maintaining tradition and innovation, and continuing to bring us joy and excitement.

Tags: entertainment