Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of "Fireworks": explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de

entertainment 7124℃

Use a few words to summarize my feelings after watching the first eight episodes of " 火狐人家": explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Obviously they have the same mother, why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another dead end when his life is already full of holes?

1. The Three Meng Sisters

Happy families are all equally happy, while unhappy families are each unhappy in their own way. After watching this drama, I truly realized what it is like for every family to have a hard time reciting the sutra.

1, Meng Mingwei

The way Meng Mingwei and Li Yijin get along has always been a hot topic. Because Meng Mingwei was not happy with his life, he always wanted to make up for it with Li Yijin.

She interfered in Li Yijin's relationship, work, and life, tricked her into going on a blind date, forced her to break up with Zhou Zhou, resigned for her and her boss, and gave her a resume to change jobs.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Because she was not living a satisfactory life, she looked down on everything about Li Yijin. In her heart, Li Yijin was not beautiful, not smart, not good at work, not capable, and was simply worthless.

She wants to control everything about Li Yijin, but her structure and knowledge don't know what is good. She can only blindly follow the footsteps of others.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Others said it would be good to be a teacher, so she asked Li Yijin to quit her job and go home to be a teacher. Others said that girls should get married when they are older, so she forced Li Yijin to go on a blind date...

2, Meng Wanqing

Meng Wanqing and Tao Shuna The way they get along is simply the perfect way for mother and daughter to get along. They can go shopping together, order takeout together, and talk about everything like friends.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Meng Wanqing has been holding back in order to give Tao Shuna a complete family. She and Tao Dalei had no feelings for each other a long time ago and could no longer live together, but she was still making do.

Tao Dalei already mentioned the title of "Grave Repairer" when "Fireworks" was only on the eighth episode. He explained to the audience what the highest level of soft rice is.

When he heard that Meng Wanqing bought Tao Shuna a bag worth more than 10,000 yuan, he said that his mother's grave needed to be renovated, and asked Meng Wanqing for 100,000 yuan. However, his mother's grave had only been renovated two years ago.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

The so-called grave repair was just a way for him to get money. He didn't go to work, and he spent all day eating, drinking and having fun. After taking the money, he started wandering around without doing anything serious, and he was suspicious and sneaky all day long.

3, Meng Yian

Among the three sisters of the Meng family, only Meng Yian had a good vision in choosing men, but she was the only one who chose to divorce.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Meng Yian does not have no feelings for Qiu Xia, but the two of them want different lives. Qiu Xia pays attention to family and spiritual needs. He feels that money is not the first pursuit in life. It doesn’t matter how much money is, just enough.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Meng Yian pays attention to career and material feelings. She believes that money is the foundation of a life. Only if you have money can you be qualified to talk about other things. All she has to do now is to work hard for her career, and the rest can be made up for in the future.

The differences between the two of them are not only in the choice between career and family, but also in the education of their children. Qiu Xia believes that the company of his parents and Qiuqiu's happiness are the most important.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Meng Yian believes that you cannot lose at the starting line. You must enter the best school, cultivate your own interests and hobbies, and have a specialty. The company of your parents is important, but better educational resources are even more important.

2. Comments from netizens

After "Fireworks" started airing, the first wave of reviews has been released. Most of the reviews from netizens were spot-on. Some gave positive reviews, some gave negative reviews, some watched the show, and some looked in the mirror.

1. Regarding negative comments

In the first episode, the scene where Li Yijin went to Zhou Dao’s house and was forced to drink chicken blood. Some people thought this was a regional slander and a deliberate attempt to discredit the local countryside.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Many people don’t understand the plot arrangement, why in this era there are still people who drink chicken blood, and they don’t understand why the girlfriend comes all the way to the door, and the other party wants to show off. This is not common sense.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

But in fact, there is nothing against common sense. Nowadays, some people in rural areas add chicken blood to it when doing simple things, saying it can ward off evil spirits. Even if they are not from rural areas, urban people will still judge the woman's horoscope, and if it is not suitable, they will break up directly...

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

The series of plots in which Li Yijin went to Zhou Dao's home, I can only say that it is bloody, suffocating but true. It does happen, but it's not common.

Some people think that there is a problem with the screenwriter's character creation. Tao Shuna, as a female doctor, surrounds a man every day, as if she is a pedestrian camera without an independent personality.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people think that the plot of this drama is too exaggerated and outrageous, and is very unfriendly to the breast glands. It is not suitable to be broadcast during the New Year period. It will make people angry.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

2. About the positive reviews

The play "Fireworks" has a lot of bad reviews, but there are also many good reviews. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets for every thousand readers.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people say that this is a good female group drama with distinct characters and each has its own characteristics, especially Tao Shuna. It is true that college students have a strong sense of déjà vu. She is chic and wanton on the outside, and her home is full of chaos and eclecticism. , it is also true to be organized and logical.

Some people say that looking at the way Meng Mingwei and Li Yijin get along is like looking in the mirror. Meng Mingwei is a common Chinese parent, who spends his whole life worrying about his family and worrying about his children all the time.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people say that watching "Fireworks" is particularly immersive. There are no golden fingers in life, but more ordinary people like Li Yijin. This kind of film full of fireworks of life is a portrayal of life everywhere.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people also say that through the drama "Fireworks", more mothers can know how mothers and daughters should get along. There are many other ways to love your children, instead of blindly controlling or interfering. ...


In general, the empathy of the drama "Fireworks" is quite strong. Sometimes teeth are gritted, and sometimes tears are filled with tears. The story seems to be suffocating by reality, but there is also a kind of tenderness and warmth flowing through it. meaning.

This is a story about three generations of women in a family. The three generations of women are entangled, tight, supporting and symbiotic like vines. Audiences of any age can find their own shadow in this story.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

But in fact, there is nothing against common sense. Nowadays, some people in rural areas add chicken blood to it when doing simple things, saying it can ward off evil spirits. Even if they are not from rural areas, urban people will still judge the woman's horoscope, and if it is not suitable, they will break up directly...

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

The series of plots in which Li Yijin went to Zhou Dao's home, I can only say that it is bloody, suffocating but true. It does happen, but it's not common.

Some people think that there is a problem with the screenwriter's character creation. Tao Shuna, as a female doctor, surrounds a man every day, as if she is a pedestrian camera without an independent personality.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people think that the plot of this drama is too exaggerated and outrageous, and is very unfriendly to the breast glands. It is not suitable to be broadcast during the New Year period. It will make people angry.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

2. About the positive reviews

The play "Fireworks" has a lot of bad reviews, but there are also many good reviews. After all, there are a thousand Hamlets for every thousand readers.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people say that this is a good female group drama with distinct characters and each has its own characteristics, especially Tao Shuna. It is true that college students have a strong sense of déjà vu. She is chic and wanton on the outside, and her home is full of chaos and eclecticism. , it is also true to be organized and logical.

Some people say that looking at the way Meng Mingwei and Li Yijin get along is like looking in the mirror. Meng Mingwei is a common Chinese parent, who spends his whole life worrying about his family and worrying about his children all the time.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people say that watching "Fireworks" is particularly immersive. There are no golden fingers in life, but more ordinary people like Li Yijin. This kind of film full of fireworks of life is a portrayal of life everywhere.

Use a few words to summarize my mood after watching the first eight episodes of 'Fireworks': explosive, suffocating, depressed, bloody, real, and angry. They obviously have the same mother, but why are the three sisters so different? Why would he push his daughter into another de - Lujuba

Some people also say that through the drama "Fireworks", more mothers can know how mothers and daughters should get along. There are many other ways to love your children, instead of blindly controlling or interfering. ...


In general, the empathy of the drama "Fireworks" is quite strong. Sometimes teeth are gritted, and sometimes tears are filled with tears. The story seems to be suffocating by reality, but there is also a kind of tenderness and warmth flowing through it. meaning.

This is a story about three generations of women in a family. The three generations of women are entangled, tight, supporting and symbiotic like vines. Audiences of any age can find their own shadow in this story.

Tags: entertainment