He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary "Song of the Great Wall" will be broadcast from th

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He who cannot reach the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary "Song of the Great Wall" will be broadcast from the second to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. It will re-examine the Great Wall from the perspective of the history of human civilization, allowing people to better understand the Great Wall when climbing the Great Wall, understand the unique charm of the Great Wall, and jointly participate in its protection and protection. Inherit the Great Wall.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

Ancient Chinese ancestors established a unique dialogue mode with the world through the Great Wall. The unique temporality and spatiality of the Great Wall also created a miracle unique to China in the world. In a sense, the Great Wall is our cultural root passed down from generation to generation, and it also carries the emotions of every Chinese person about their home and country.

In recent years, the country has vigorously built the Great Wall National Cultural Park, and "Song of the Great Wall" takes the Great Wall National Cultural Park as the entry point, based on the height of the new era, and re-examines the Great Wall from the perspective of the history of human civilization. From February 11th to February 16th at 19:30 every night, the film will meet the audience on CCTV Chinese International Channel.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

"Song of the Great Wall" has a strong creative lineup and was created by the Chinese Global Program Center of China Central Radio and Television. The creative team has brought together the main creators or directors of many of CCTV's high-quality documentaries, such as "The Third Pole", "Internet Era", "Industrial Legend", "Long March Chronicles", "Twenty Years in Macau", "The Legend of Mountains and Seas", etc. The strong lineup is also reflected in the fact that the film has a strong team of consultants, all of whom are authoritative experts and scholars at home and abroad. Among them, Xu Jialu serves as the general consultant, Wang Zijin, an expert on Qin and Han history, Zhao Xianhai, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Ge Jianxiong, a senior liberal arts professor at Fudan University. Dong Yaohui, vice president of the Great Wall Society of China, Zhang Yukun, professor of Tianjin University, Li Zhe and Li Yan, associate professors of Tianjin University, Chen Fumin, scholar, contemporary critic and author of "40 Degrees North Latitude", Dong Xuming, the famous Great Wall photographer, etc. served as consultants, and the authors of "Looking at the Great Wall" Director Liu Xiaoli serves as artistic director.

As a vivid epitome of China's defensive architectural civilization, "Song of the Great Wall" will vividly present how the human miracle of the Great Wall was born and continued for more than 2,000 years since its construction, and deeply explore the role of the Great Wall in shaping "Why China" and "Why Chinese Civilization" The important role and unique contribution played by the park truly depict the construction background, philosophy and process of the Great Wall National Cultural Park, as well as its magnificent prospects. Systematically excavate, sort out and explore the origin, development and unique charm of the Great Wall, bringing the history and culture rooted in blood to the audience.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

Chinese civilization is more than five thousand years old, and the Great Wall has a history of more than two thousand miles. As a documentary with the theme of the Great Wall, "Song of the Great Wall" outlines a picture that spans time and space by sorting out the culture of the Great Wall, with a broader perspective and more concrete expression, and writes the history of Chinese civilization and China with the Great Wall as the protagonist. The spiritual epic of man; it is a visual tablet that allows one to understand the greatness of the Great Wall, the Great Wall National Cultural Park, and further the greatness of the Chinese nation.

"Song of the Great Wall" has interviewed more than 60 experts and scholars at home and abroad involving the history of Chinese civilization, the history of the Great Wall, national history, sociology, historical geography, military, party history, national cultural park construction and other fields, as well as international Well-known sinologists and historians make this film's interpretation of the value of the Great Wall authoritative and ideological. The profound thoughts and novel perspectives on the Great Wall from many internationally renowned authoritative experts and scholars have given this film an international vision and global perspective, hoping to provide the audience with more authoritative and professional spiritual wealth.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

Each episode of "Song of the Great Wall" has a distinct theme, each with its own focus, and are interrelated and logically progressive, which together form the overall context of the film. The film is not satisfied with a single longitudinal analysis from the historical dimension, but explores the unique value of the Great Wall as a symbol of Chinese civilization and distills it into six major themes as the episode structure, so as to achieve a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional presentation of the vastness of time and space and the rich connotation of the Great Wall. , and the splendor of the Great Wall National Cultural Park. The first episode of

"Miracle" is the beginning of the whole film. It takes General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he inspected Jiayuguan as the starting point and clearly highlights China's major strategic decision to build the Great Wall National Cultural Park.With the theme of "miracle", it vividly displays the wonders of the Great Wall in different historical time and space coordinates from the spatial, historical and spiritual dimensions, refines the interpretation of the Great Wall's historical mission of protecting China, and completes the overall understanding of the Great Wall. The Great Wall National Cultural Park under construction is a new miracle of China in the new era, and a miracle of the human world. It represents China’s plan, China’s wisdom, and China’s contribution. The second episode of

"Survival" takes the perspective of the history of human civilization. On the one hand, it traces back to why the Chinese continued to build the Great Wall in ancient China, and analyzes the Chinese people's eternal long-cherished wish for peace and development. On the other hand, it explains the Great Wall National Cultural Park The construction of China is another far-sighted and great decision for China's sustainable development in the new era.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

The third episode "Order" advances the theme in depth on the basis of "survival". With the theme of "Order", through the Great Wall's self-contained military defense system, it illustrates that the Great Wall is not just a wall, it is A "belt of order" maintained ancient China's border governance, balanced the relationship between agricultural civilization and nomadic civilization, and protected and promoted the order process of Chinese civilization. The construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park today will surely form a new cross-regional development model for China in the new era, activate various resources along the Great Wall, and will have an important and long-term impact on China's construction of a cultural power.

The ancient Great Wall of China has effectively promoted "orderly integration" in the long history. The fourth episode of "Fusion" shows the audience that the Great Wall is full of tolerance and warmth under its cold and hard shell. The first is the integration of different ethnic groups and different nationalities. The Great Wall has been a place for multi-ethnic integration and collision since ancient times, and is a historical witness to the formation and development of China's unified multi-ethnic country; the other is the integration of economy, culture, lifestyle and other aspects. , constantly injecting fresh blood into Chinese culture, enriching and consolidating the genes of Chinese culture. The Great Wall National Cultural Park under construction today continues to develop with the integration of the ancient Great Wall. The fifth episode of

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

"The Backbone" is highly refined and deeply explores the spirit of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is like a giant dragon. As the spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, it has been enriching and nourishing the national spirit of the Chinese nation for two thousand years. The sixth episode of

"Sustainability" is based on the narration of the previous five episodes, documenting and presenting the vivid practice of the Great Wall National Cultural Park, focusing on a number of exemplary successful cases, comprehensively and systematically reflecting the important concepts and construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park. The key points, construction process, etc., depict the magnificent picture of the Great Wall National Cultural Park, and ultimately reflect how China will protect and continue the Great Wall, this great human miracle and this precious world heritage, through the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park.

He who has not been to the Great Wall is not a true man. During the Chinese New Year holiday, climbing the Great Wall and viewing the majestic mountains and rivers have been included in many people’s travel plans. The documentary 'Song of the Great Wall' will be broadcast from th - Lujuba

Author: Wang Yan

Text: Wang Yan Pictures: Posters, stills Editor: Xuan Jing Editor: Li Ting

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