According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film "Oppenheimer" directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and "Oppenheimer", which is full of American themes, will most likely

entertainment 5261ā„ƒ

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the movie " Oppenheimer " directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date of has been determined as March 29, 2024.

The Oscar awards ceremony is on March 10. "Oppenheimer", which is full of American themes, will most likely win multiple Oscar trophies and become a promotional selling point for its release in Japan.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

However, "Oppenheimer" tells the story of American scientists researching and testing atomic bombs. The atomic bomb technology that successfully tested was eventually used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, causing a large number of casualties and radiation among the Japanese people. The pain afterwards.

This makes the filmā€™s release in Japan even more intriguing.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

What will the audience think of the official release of "Oppenheimer" in Japan?

I imagined and sketched out the different reactions of European and American audiences, Japanese audiences and Chinese audiences to the film and the news. As a multi-faceted analysis of the film, I also wanted to explore the corresponding relationship between film art and the international society.

and the following are all fictitious. If you are charming, it will only make you smile. Don't be excited.

a. European and American audiences

(looking very proud and confident)

Our international director Nolanā€™s latest masterpiece focuses on the life of Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb". It is so rich, full and objective that it has War, technology, and human nature are all presented and reflected in extremely profound ways.

Yes, Oppenheimer created the atomic bomb and successfully tested it in our country, which fully proves that we still have the world's leading and powerful technology and war strength, and we can still use words like "freedom" and "disaster" easily. The earth harvests (oh guides) the people of the globe.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

And we donā€™t just show off our muscles, we also explore human nature and explore deeply in terms of artistry. For example, we present Oppenheimerā€™s inner struggle, his relationship with his lover and family, his entanglement with the duality of technology, and our past. The persecution of scientists.

Have you seen that Oppenheimer is so innocent, pure and simple, seems to be a child crossing the road holding a glass ball.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Nolan not only showed the twists and turns and magnificent scenes of the atomic bomb test, but also presented Oppenheimer's rough life and mental journey. The nuclear bomb technology also left him with psychological trauma. Therefore, the two atomic bombs that were actually dropped on Japan and successfully exploded not only harmed innocent people, but Oppenheimer was also a victim (with firm eyes and no hesitation) .

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Therefore, audiences all over the world should watch this film. This is a great film that shows scientists and scientific spirit, and is also full of human compassion and artistic sentiment. Those who refuse the release of this film are hurting the people's rights to watch and know. As long as we still have artillery shells, we can probably win the war (or the other party does not want to start a war). The next step is to make a "Human Rights" for the countries that refuse. Report", absolutely!

b. Japanese audience

(looking timid and hesitant)

Mossi Mossi, Oppenheimer? The father of the atomic bomb! The man who dropped the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Elegant butterfly!

If this movie were released in our country, how could we face the souls of those who died tragically under the atomic bomb? And the thousands of compatriots who have suffered from the sequelae of radiation? The deaths, injuries and suffering we have caused to other countries can be forgotten and beautified (the war of aggression against China and the Nanjing Massacre), but have the war wounds we ourselves endured just disappeared?

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

I wrote down a haiku: I am originally a beast, and there is a beast-slaying demon; I worship war criminals, and I am ashamed of Mi Di Ge.

doesnā€™t work! Only two atomic bombs have been used in the world, both of which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our people suffered numerous casualties and suffered tremendous suffering caused by nuclear radiation. How can the father of the atomic bomb be allowed to appear on the country's screen again now, showing off their technological prowess, just like opening our wounds, and laughing nearby, seeming to be mocking our weakness.How could such a scene occur? Elegant butterfly, elegant butterfly!

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

(Falling into endless tangled thoughts, falling leaves, mountain springs, explosions, Buddhist temples, Mount Fuji, artillery fire, fleeing people, alienated monsters, empty shots are constantly switching)

But! If we reject "Oppenheimer," will Midi's dad take this as a sign of offense? If you boycott their "Oppenheimer" today, will you reject their weapons and missiles tomorrow and drive away their US troops stationed in the country?

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Then Midiā€™s father was completely angered. He first restricted and blocked our big companies (just like Chinaā€™s Huawei), and then directly drove the aircraft carrier over, aimed a bunch of artillery shells at our small island, and a large number of US troops came directly to the island. , openly burning, killing, looting, killing people, and ravaging women (just like what we did in Nanjing). Although we still have some actresses who can switch careers and "comfort" the US military. But what if there are many soldiers among them who have been to Epstein's "Loli Island", or who also want to imitate the lives of European and American upper-class celebrities?

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Wow (okay), letā€™s not let the small lose the big, letā€™s introduce ā€œOppenheimerā€. According to our cultural tradition, there is no need to wear a little black dress for the raw meat scene in the film.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

The island country is in a very difficult situation now. Prime Minister Abe just sang and wagged his tail in front of the President of the United States to please him. Finally, he got the favor of his master (oh Mi Di), and he felt a little confident. Now Abe is killed by a cannon blast from Yama Tetsuya, the musketeer hero, and the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is almost killed by a bomb. There are also frequent earthquakes and rising water levels that encroach on land.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Whatā€™s more important is that the lion next to it has awakened and is already the second largest economy in the world. It is still developing steadily at this moment. Aircraft carriers are launching one after another, and they are surrounding Taiwanā€™s waters. In a few years, arenā€™t we going to surround the Japanese island?

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

However, a few years ago we were just begging for mercy in front of Midiā€™s father. How could we immediately turn around and become the lackeys of the Oriental Lion? On one side are the international hegemons who are watching their decline; on the other are the Eastern powers with bright prospects. How can we choose?

c. Chinese audience

(looking at the situation with a smile and disdain)

Japan introduced "Oppenheimer"? What a big deal? Their shamelessness has long been a habit.

It is their consistent virtue to please Europe and the United States and beg for asylum. The Prime Minister wags his tail like a dog and begs for mercy. What happened to an atomic bomb movie? Even if Nolan just made "Saving Hiroshima Nagasaki", they would just import it and show it. Now they don't dare to offend Emperor Mi.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

Japan is in chaos, its economy has been in slump for many years, and it is trembling with fear from our aircraft carrier. Feng shui has been changing, ups and downs for hundreds of years. Our motherland has lagged behind these years, and it is time to make a counterattack.

Nolan is indeed an excellent film director. His audio-visual skills, lens language and story telling are all world-class.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

But when it comes to ideological connotation, it is still an American theme. Focusing on Oppenheimer, it focuses on exploring various aspects such as technology, war, emotion, and human nature. In fact, it still shows its leading strength while firmly controlling the right to speak. in hand.

After watching the entire film, I feel that Oppenheimer is the victim of nuclear bomb technology. What about the people who really screamed and were killed and injured in the atomic bomb explosion? What about the innocent people who lost their homes, loved ones, and even their lives in the war? Don't they deserve compassion? Donā€™t they deserve to be written about and shown? Donā€™t they have more inner tangles, pains, and contradictions than the persecuted Oppenheimer?

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

As long as the cultural discourse power is controlled by these Europeans and Americans, they will always expose the Angsa people's brutal expansion and predatory nature. They only know how to bully the weak and do not understand what peace and win-win means or what a global community with a shared future means.We have already shown our strength through " Wandering Earth 2" and " Three Body ". In popular culture, TikTok's "Subject Three" has become popular all over the world.

According to Japanese media reports, Japan has decided to introduce the film 'Oppenheimer' directed by Christopher Nolan, and the release date has been set as March 29, 2024. The Oscars ceremony is on March 10, and 'Oppenheimer', which is full of American themes, will most likely - Lujuba

But this is not enough. We must use our movies to show the real history, let the compatriots who died tragically under the butcher's knife speak, and show the suffering, entanglement, misery and pain of the compatriots who fled in a hurry because they were invaded and colonized. . We must express Chinese wisdom and demonstrate the feelings of our country and our country that ā€œthe world is for the common goodā€. This is our sea of ā€‹ā€‹stars.

letā€™s work together!

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