Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From "Go Where the Wind Is" to "..

entertainment 2194℃

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

copywriting | Yi Xing

editor | Nanfeng

Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password.

once set off the climax of idol dramas, and now it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and be at the forefront of urban dramas.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

From "Where the Wind Goes" to "Apocalypse", even if the reputation of urban dramas continues to decline, they can still show their trump cards. It is not a dream to break through 8 points on Douban.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

This year, Mango Channel released its first drama, "Happy Parents" starring Zhang Jiayi .

is in line with the atmosphere of family fun during the Chinese New Year. With the reliable acting skills of the Mesozoic generation and the director who created the well-known niche drama " Langui's Happy Event ", this will definitely be a beautiful scenery during the winter vacation.

Sure enough, the ratings on the first day of broadcast were overwhelming, and Hunan TV once again firmly secured its throne as the "number one satellite TV brother".

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

However, when I clicked on the comment area, the style of painting was unexpected.

"This is a children's drama, right?", "It's false and fake", "It's noisy", "Is Chen Hao in the hands of these people?"

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Whether it is the lineup or the theme, it is obviously more likable, but its reputation is seriously polarized. What exactly is the problem with

's "Happy Parents Group"?

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

A family comedy that audiences are all too familiar with.

" I love my family ", " A family with children " and the director's costume work "The Happy Event of Lan Gui" can make people laugh.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

However, these comedies are either mainly about small characters, wrapped in a core that can increase value, or they have constant value output, making people want to watch it again.

And just watching the first few episodes of "Happy Parents", you can feel the inexplicable "fake and empty".

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

The parents of the three families in the play live in a villa area. They have no worries about food and clothing and are financially well-off. They must pay more attention to education.

However, they only found out the age and gender of the class teacher at the beginning of school, and they didn't know anything about it before.

lives in a villa area. On the first day of school, he learned that the teacher was the class teacher for the first time and only talked behind his back.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

deals with problems between students. When encountering parents with tough personalities, the teacher immediately becomes intimidated. The problem of

was originally easy to solve. The teacher acted as a mediator in the middle to be fair and impartial. With the addition of surveillance video, the problem could be solved quickly. However, the head teacher did not dare to say a word.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

It can be seen that the screenwriter wants to show the children's weirdness.

However, the little girl in first grade peed her pants, and the little boy in fifth grade ran away from home without doing his homework and wrote a letter saying that he had eloped with a junior high school girl. What kind of operation is this?

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

wanted to start with the "double reduction" to show the education system in the new era and the life of primary school students after the "burden reduction". The starting point was good, but it turned out that these people were not doing anything serious in the first place.

The parents seem to have a lot of time. The old father who is a screenwriter can't hold back a word for three episodes. They are "spreading" their children. In addition, there is no economic crisis. It seems that I am in front of the screen all the time. I need to "reduce the burden". ".

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

I have to say that this may be the most contradictory and interesting family that the screenwriter can come up with. The male protagonist of

is a screenwriter. He can live in a villa, eat cakes sent by his new neighbor, run up and down the teaching building, and belittle the teacher's criticism because of two innocuous things.

Where has the pressure of middle-aged people gone? The old father’s good attitude of enjoying hardship is gone, and the topic of involution that has been faced by elementary school students has also disappeared.

This is not an educational subject, this is purely for fun.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

This world is so crazy that even Shidi is still in his comfort zone as the "Father Emperor".

A powerful Mesozoic actor, does he have any obsession with becoming a father?

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Huang Lei is 52 years old. He has been working as a cook and a nanny for almost 10 years.

Nowadays, its reputation is finally in tatters. It cooks to the point where the audience is bored, and urban dramas come one after another. As a result, even serious dramas are hard to get into.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

49-year-old Wu Jing, in order to highlight the other side of his tough guy character in the film, he must have a child to show his iron-clad tenderness.

There is a younger brother in "Changjin Lake", a son in "The Wandering Earth", a niece in "The Meg 2", and in "Goodbye, Li Cola" I have to play an old father who is still a good memory after his death and supports his daughter and wife.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Of course, Zhang Jiayi has acting skills and strength, but in recent years he may have been a little too keen on the role of father.

Moreover, he is 53 years old, has a son who is about 12 years old and is in fifth grade, and a daughter who is six or seven years old. Wouldn’t he feel inferior when acting?

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

I have to admit that Zhang Jiayi does look younger after dyeing his hair black, but to be honest, his words and deeds are completely like a little old man.

originally had the habit of making small movements due to a back injury. Every detail tells of his age. He is over fifty and can no longer pretend to be a mature man.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Especially when Zhang Jiayi plays opposite young actors, that sense of kindness from another generation bursts out immediately.

Just with such a simple action of taking a cake, I thought it was grandpa secretly getting delicious food for his grandson. My first reaction was even "Why is this kid so rude and let grandpa do it himself?"

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

In fact, Chen Hao is 45 years old. She plays the mother of a child around 10 years old, and she is also suspected of pretending to be young. However, female stars usually pay more attention to maintenance and put a lot of effort into dressing and styling.

When Zhang Jiayi and Chen Hao were arguing, I really couldn't help but feel the drama again.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

leaned back in his chair, gesticulating and completely discriminating and suppressing. Isn't this just the boss training his employees? As soon as

stood up, the two of them were in the same frame. Good guys, I believe that they are father and daughter.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

And when Zhang Jiayi and Fang Qingzhuo were in the same frame, I couldn't help but break my defense again.

As soon as he put on his glasses, it was like he was sealed. Zhang Jiayi put his eyes on the bridge of his nose and squinted to read the letter. He frowned and looked down at each other. I thought these two were his wives.

Facts have proved that you can’t pretend to be old. Even if your mouth is closed tightly, it will still show in your eyes.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

This is a father who has a fifth-grade child and a first-grade child and is a screenwriter himself. I feel like he is almost unsteady on his feet.


There is no doubt that Zhang Jiayi’s face is still attractive, and his acting skills are also unquestionable, but if he plays a role that is not suitable for his age, no matter how good his acting skills are, his secrets will be revealed.

There are so many female celebrities who act young and overturned. This is also true. Only the right roles have room to play.

Moreover, the configuration of "Happy Parents Group" is really boring.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Sure enough, Hunan Satellite TV knows how to master the traffic password. It once set off a climax of idol dramas, but it can still capture the audience's aesthetics and is at the forefront of urban dramas. From 'Go Where the Wind Is' to '.. - Lujuba

Zhang Jiayi's setting of a good old man is the same in the two movies "Pi" and "My Love for You is Beautiful".

Wang Xiaochen is very good at talking, Chen Hao is a strong woman who cares about both career and family, and actors such as Fang Qingzhuo and Zhao Da still have the same, old settings and highly similar performance styles. The plot of

does not have much new ideas, and the audience will certainly feel visual fatigue while watching it.

It seems that even a capable Shidi cannot show his strength in urban dramas.


Nanfeng Entertainment Circle

Quality Entertainment Viewpoint

Tags: entertainment