On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old "Ding Ding" has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o

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2 On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old "Ding Ding" has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which triggered heated discussions among the outside world.

From the pictures returned by the media, we can see that "Ding Ding" appeared in sportswear that day, with a white sweatshirt and light gray trousers, a simple and casual look.

"Dingding" was sitting in a chair playing with his mobile phone. The content of the video seemed to be related to handicrafts and popular science, and was not boring jokes.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

There were friends interacting with "Dingding" on the side. The exchange between the two was humorous, but some of the conversation was indeed a bit ridiculous.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

Then his friend asked him a good question. He lowered his head and pondered, and his straight face gradually emerged.

The current 14-year-old "Ding Ding" has entered puberty, and the beard at the corner of his mouth has also grown. The black circle proves that he is about to transform from a boy into a man.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

At the end of the video, the frontal photo of "Ding Ding" was completely exposed. He has short hair that reaches his ears and long bangs parted in the middle.

"Dingding" hair looks particularly good. It is smooth, straight and not frizzy at all. It will definitely look very elegant when walking in the wind.

Although his "Ding Ding" eyes are not very big, they are very lively. His tall nose bridge is particularly eye-catching, and his smooth facial lines form a standard oval face.

From the overall appearance, the current "Ding Ding" is neither like his mother Dong Jie nor his father Pan Yueming when he was young. However, he is very good-looking and has completely inherited the good genes from both parents. His facial features are exceptionally superior. Indeed, More handsome than Pan Yueming.

In the early years, Pan Yueming took the route of a "little boy". He was fair and clean and had some shortcomings in masculinity, but his son "Ding Ding" was different. He was extremely handsome.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

"Ding Ding" is currently focusing on his studies and rarely shows up. I remember that his last public appearance was in early 2023. At that time, he appeared at the airport with his mother Dong Jie. The mother and son were in the same frame, which attracted heated discussions from the outside world.

At that time, "Ding Ding" was already taller than his mother. When the two of them left the airport, it was like a show. Dong Jie herself was in excellent condition. Her skin was fair and firm and did not look old. Walking with her son "Ding Ding" did not look like a mother and son. Instead, she looked like a mother and son. The sense of déjà vu between siblings.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

"Ding Ding" is the son of Dong Jie and Pan Yueming. However, Dong Jie was unfaithful in his marriage and had an affair with another actor Wang Dazhi, which led to the breakdown of his relationship with Pan Yueming. The two parties publicly "teared each other" , eventually ended in divorce, and the incident became known to everyone, which was particularly shameful.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

After the divorce, Dong Jie obtained custody of her son, and "Ding Ding" has been living with her mother since then.

Because Pan Yueming had too many "grievances" at that time, Dong Jie no longer allowed him to meet his son "Ding Ding" in any way. Pan Yueming never participated in "Ding Ding's" childhood growth.

However, whenever "Dingding" has his birthday, Pan Yueming will post on time on his personal social account to celebrate his son, and he has never stopped doing so for ten years.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

The most pitiful thing is that Pan Yueming has to share the news about "Dingding" through Bagua Entertainment to see his son's growth. The invisible bitterness makes netizens feel distressed.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

It was not until 2023 that the relationship between Dong Jie and Pan Yueming improved. When Pan Yueming sent a birthday message to "Dingding", Dong Jie personally forwarded it. The harmonious scene moved the outside world.

Now, "Dingding" can finally meet his father at any time.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

At present, Pan Yueming also has his own new relationship. It is reported that he has been in love with his girlfriend in the industry for many years. The two have even lived together and go out to meet friends from time to time.

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On February 1, some media shared recent photos of Dong Jie's son on social platforms. The 14-year-old 'Ding Ding' has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and superior facial features. He is more handsome than his father Pan Yueming, which sparked heated discussions among the o - Lujuba

On the other hand, Dong Jie is still single, with only her parents and son accompanying her in life. However, it is Dong Jie's blessing to give birth to such a handsome and outstanding "Ding Ding".

Tags: entertainment