The movie "Hot and Spicy", which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of "Hello, Li Huanying", and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef

entertainment 2444℃

's upcoming movie " Hot and Spicy ", which will be released during the Spring Festival, has attracted much attention. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of "Hello, Li Huanying", and the other is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds.

However, before the movie was released, he was implicated in a film and television financial scam, so that he had to issue a statement.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

The producer of the film said in a statement that it had not authorized any individual, company or institution to carry out any investment or financing cooperation in the name of the film. By issuing such a statement, he was obviously aware of the investment chaos in the industry, which had already affected his own movies, so he issued a statement to remind investors, and at the same time, to avoid being implicated in financial fraud cases.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

The impact of some unknown small movies involved in financial fraud has not been so great. Even "Hot and Spicy" has reached the point of issuing a statement, which has contributed to the high popularity of film and television financial scams and continues to ferment. Through continuous media reports, It can almost outline the whole picture of the scam and the logic behind it.

According to media reports, the August 17 film and television investment fraud case involved 12 movies, more than 3,000 people were defrauded, the criminal gang is estimated to have more than 150 people, and the amount involved exceeds 600 million yuan.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

Let’s take a look at these 12 movies. Some of them are less well-known and have no hope of being released, while others have already been released, but the box office is not satisfactory. There are 4 projects worthy of attention.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

1, "马路人", directed by Huang Qingxun, starring Aaron Kwok, Miriam Yang, the film was produced by China Film Media Asia, Infinite Power, Lajin Pictures and other companies, with a box office of more than 18 million.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

2, "The Poet", directed by Liu Hao, starring Song Jia and Zhu Yawen, mainly produced by Fang Huace Pictures, Youth Film Studio, Huanxi Media, and 8mm Culture Media, which is at the center of the storm. After the release, the box office was only 1.01 million.

3, "The Ruffian Lover", starring Shu Qi, Zhou Yiwei, etc. At present, this lineup is questionable, produced by Mokxing Pictures, Guanyu Pictures and other companies.

4, "Rescue", this is also a project that seems completely unreliable now. It is difficult for Yan Yalun to continue to be in front of the public after being involved in a lawsuit. The two production companies are not well-known companies, but such a lineup is very good for investment. It does have great appeal. Based on the current information disclosed by relevant departments and media reports,

can briefly inform you of the logic and operation methods of film and television financial scams.

From the initial planning to the final release of a movie, the general process is that the management team and everyone hold a planning meeting together, then develop the script, find actors, directors and other creative staff. After these are finalized, the project is controlled by the production company. Fang then goes out to find funds, and eventually a series of production/co-production lists are formed. The funds are in place, the script is ready, contracts are signed with the actors and the film starts shooting. After the filming is completed, post-production is done, the schedule is determined, distribution and publicity are started, and the film is released. After the movie is released in theaters, the box office share will be taken back and the profits will be distributed to various partner companies. The process of

is complex but the logic is simple, but there is a lot of water in it and the space for operation is larger. Production costs, actors' remuneration, etc. are all opaque data, so the producer in charge can realize a round of premiums when inviting other co-producers. For example, the total production cost calculated by the producer is 20 million, but the production cost is announced to the outside world. 40 million, if 50% of the share is sold, the project will recover its capital, and subsequent box office dividends will be pure profits.

This logic is a bit like the primary market and secondary market of the stock market, and it is also applicable to subsequent financing and share operations. Other producers who have obtained shares, in order to reduce their own risks, divide the shares again and then find more investors. In the same way of operation, if you originally get a 10% share for 4 million, but the premium is increased to 8 million for external investment, if all the shares are sold, it is equivalent to a net profit of 4 million before the movie is released. The operation mode of

determines that financial scams related to film and television can be promoted reasonably, legally and openly.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

For example, a Mr. Qiao from Jiangsu Province mentioned in media reports purchased the investment share of "Mai Luren" through the producer Bammime Culture. 8mm Culture claimed that the total production cost of "Mai Luren" was 220 million yuan, and Mr. Qiao used 110 Wan purchased a 0.5% share, corresponding to the income rights of the corresponding share. However, after the movie was released, due to the unsatisfactory box office, he only received more than 42,000 yuan in box office revenue, which was equivalent to a wasted investment. He felt that Eight Millimeters Culture was a fraud and demanded a return of the investment money. However, he lost the case after suing. Because on the surface, this is a normal investment and financing behavior. If the investment does not get the expected return, it can only be said that the investment failed.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

However, after in-depth investigation, the relevant departments spent a lot of time and manpower to obtain the true investment cost of the film. Take "Mai Luren" as an example. It was the sixth time it was sold to 8mm Culture. 8mm Culture bought a 10% share of the film for 4 million yuan, but lied to investors that the total production cost was 220 million yuan. In the end, they This film alone earned more than 20 million yuan, making a net profit of more than 10 million yuan.

Based on the share obtained by 8mm Culture, the total investment in "Mailuren" will not exceed 40 million yuan. But one important point to note is that when we reach 8mm Culture, it is already the "6th hand" after layers of subcontracting, which means that the real cost of "Mai Luren" is definitely less than 40 million, or even much, much lower than 40 million. .

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

This movie depicts the people at the bottom of Hong Kong society who spend the night in a fast food restaurant due to homelessness. The cast is very strong. In addition to starring Aaron Kwok and Miriam Yeung, it also brings together well-known actors such as Alex Man, Cheung Tat Ming, Paw Qi Jing, Liu Yase, Miu Kexiu and so on. , even if the actors' remuneration is 30 million, Aaron Kwok's remuneration accounts for 40% of the total remuneration, which is 12 million. This is the highest remuneration Aaron Kwok can get, but in fact it may be much lower than this number.

In comparison, this is much lower than the salaries of mainland stars such as Zhou Dongyu who often earn over 100 million for one movie after another.

Participating in film and television investment and transferring shares has been popular in the film and television industry for many years. Talking about this year's Spring Festival release, the experience of "Hot and Spicy" is certainly not an exception.

Let’s take a look at the capital map of “Hot and Spicy”. Almost all of the eight producers are large companies with “roots in Hongmiaozheng”. The main controller is Xinli Media, followed by China Film, Alibaba, and Yuewen Film and Television. Company, Dawan Entertainment is Jia Ling’s own company, and Literary Little Red Culture Media is also closely related to Jia Ling. It holds 20% of the shares of Dawan Entertainment, and has eight production companies. Only Beijing Riding was established last year. Xiaoma Culture Media is a new company.

Among the 16 joint producers, most of them are large and established companies such as Huaxia, Shanghai Film, Sparkle Roll, and Changying. These large companies are unlikely to be privately controlled by individuals, and are less likely to transfer investment shares and operations. Financial scam.

The movie 'Hot and Spicy', which will be released during the Spring Festival, is highly anticipated. The audience is waiting to see whether Jia Ling can continue the box office myth of 'Hello, Li Huanying', and is waiting to see her condition after losing 100 pounds. However, bef - Lujuba

Serious movies like "Hot", let alone other movies, have been taken advantage of by people who engage in movie financial fraud.

Last question, "Hot and Spicy" is released during the Spring Festival and is currently ranked number one in pre-sales. It is very likely to be number one at the box office during the Spring Festival this year. If there is really a share, won't you make money if you buy it?

Let’s go back to the beginning of the article. Don’t forget that the share you got has gone through layers of premiums. When it reaches you, there is not much room for profit. Just imagine, Xinli and Jia Ling have finalized this high-quality project, and have already divided the first-level shares among their close partners. It has been subcontracted to you for several rounds. If it really makes money, why will it be cheaper for you? What's more, the movie is about to be released, and the production, promotion and distribution costs have been spent. If it is really the film studio, will financing be needed at this time? There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, so ordinary people should not get involved in the muddy waters of film investment.

Tags: entertainment