Guided by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the China Cultural Management Association, sponsored by the Beijing Performing Arts Group and the Performing Arts

entertainment 4088℃

is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the China Cultural Management Association, sponsored by the Beijing Performing Arts Group and the Performing Arts Working Committee of the China Cultural Management Association, and hosted by Beijing Jingyan Culture Media Co., Ltd. The launching ceremony of the Performing Arts Group Cooperation Alliance was recently held at the National Culture Palace Grand Theater. At the launch ceremony of

, Zhao Weidong, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee in charge of daily work, said: "The formation of the 'Beijing Performing Arts Theater Line' by the Beijing Performing Arts Group is in response to the new requirements for the construction of a 'Performing City' proposed by the Beijing Municipal Government. The reform of the cultural system is another brand-new measure to stimulate the vitality of creative performances. In the next step, we hope that the Beijing Performing Arts Group will take the establishment of the 'Beijing Performing Arts Theater Line' as an opportunity to base itself in Beijing, look across the country, face the future, and actively build a culture to go out and bring in The platform strives to create brand activities for major performing arts festivals that represent Beijing, solidly promote the construction of a national performing arts group cooperation alliance, and actively cultivate benchmark brands for capital performance theaters with domestic and international influence."

Guided by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the China Cultural Management Association, sponsored by the Beijing Performing Arts Group and the Performing Arts  - Lujuba

has 9 state-owned art troupes, ten Beijing Performing Arts Group, which has three major art categories and more than 800 performing arts talents, will coordinate and integrate the theater resources of the group at the beginning of the new year to establish the "Beijing Performing Arts Theater Line". The "Beijing Performance Theater Line" includes existing theaters such as the National Culture Palace Grand Theater, China Puppet Art Theater, National Local Opera Performance Center, and Nanluo Theater, and three new theaters including Beijing Song and Dance Theater, Zhongza Art Center, and Jingnan Art Center As a highlight, it links the sports sector represented by the National Stadium and the film sector represented by Beijing Film Company and New Film Alliance Cinemas, and integrates content providers including contract franchisees and theater groups represented by Stars Theater Village . In the later stage, Beijing Theater Theater will also consolidate the advantages of Beijing, rely on the integrated location advantages of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, actively expand its layout in the Yangtze River Delta, and plan theaters in the Greater Bay Area and central and western regions.

Different from the existing domestic performance theater lines, the "Beijing Performing Arts Theater Line" will be rooted in the Beijing Performing Arts Group and its nine theater troupes, taking advantage of content production capabilities, performance types and content diversification, so that the repertoire can be widely promoted and The theater group has increased its revenue and the theater has been revitalized, and is committed to realizing a full industry chain theater operation model that integrates "content production, service management, and publicity and promotion". In addition, "Beijing Performance Cinema Line" is also the only theater chain institution in China that has a movie screening hall, with 11 "Beijing Performance Hall No. 1". Zhang Li, chief operating officer of

Beijing Performing Arts Group, said: "Beijing Performing Arts Theater Line will start from the overall planning of theater space and scheduling, effectively integrate the resources of the three major sections of performing arts, movies, and sports, and become a new link between Beijing Performing Arts Group's 'one body and two wings'" The new force in the national performing arts market empowers 'Beijing to see great dramas' and assists in the construction of a performing arts capital." At the launch ceremony of

, representatives from Beijing Performing Arts Group, Oriental Performing Arts Group, Shanghai Media Group (smg), Chongqing Performing Arts Group, More than ten performing arts companies including Sichuan Tianfu Performing Arts Group, Zhejiang Performing Arts Group, Shaanxi Performing Arts Group, Qinghai Performing Arts Group, Hubei Performing Arts Group, Jiangxi Performing Arts Group, Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, Ningxia Performing Arts Group, Gansu Performing Arts Group, Guangdong Performing Arts Group, etc. Group, as well as more than ten theaters including Beijing Tianqiao Art Center, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Guangzhou Grand Theatre, Sichuan Grand Theater, Fujian Grand Theater, Liaoning Grand Theater, Shenzhen Esplanade Arts Center, Jiangsu Grand Theater, Kunming Grand Theater, Shaoxing Grand Theater, etc. The first National Performing Arts Group Cooperation Alliance, a joint initiative, was formally established to promote the in-depth integrated development of performing arts across the country, brainstorm ideas, explore the future direction of the industry, and set a benchmark for the development of Chinese theater repertoire in 2024.

Chen Ping, chairman of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles and director of the Chinese Theater Development Research Center, believes: "The formal establishment of the 'Beijing Performance Theater Line' and the 'First National Performing Arts Alliance' provides a solid guarantee for the integrated development of future theater groups." Beijing Dance Ba Tu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy, said, “Beijing Performing Arts Group takes the lead in establishing colleges, theater chains and alliances, which is an in-depth expansion of the construction of a performing arts city and an institutional innovation for Beijing to watch big dramas."Liu Chuan, Chairman of Sichuan Tianfu Performing Arts Group, said with emotion: "The establishment of the National Performing Arts Group Cooperation Alliance has established a new bridge for the interaction between the integrated development and cultural construction of major economic regions across the country. It is an important step in breaking through provincial and municipal geographical boundaries and integrating national performing arts resources. "useful exploration".

Guided by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the China Cultural Management Association, sponsored by the Beijing Performing Arts Group and the Performing Arts  - Lujuba

Zhao Jiachen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Beijing Performing Arts Group, said: "In the next step, Beijing Performing Arts Group will take the launch of the construction of the National Performing Arts Group Alliance and the 'Beijing Performing Arts Cinema Line' as an opportunity to further build a platform for in-depth cooperation and exchanges. Regularly plan and carry out theme forums and discussions, play a good role as a bridge and link, discuss together, and seek industrial exchanges, cooperation and innovative development. At the same time, we actively create special brand activities for the alliance and explore forms such as the release of annual ceremony lists to form a centralized publicity and promotion momentum and continuously expand the social influence of alliance members. "

text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Guo Jia

editor/Qiao Ying

Tags: entertainment