The little girl Qiuqiu gave her most precious gift to make her 10th birthday lively. Qiuqiu has been growing her hair since she was 7 years old. She longs to have long, flowing hair that can be swung back and forth to create a dynamic and beautiful look, and that can be styled wh

entertainment 3532℃

The little girl Qiuqiu gave her most precious gift to make her 10th birthday lively. Qiuqiu has been growing her hair since she was 7 years old. She longs to have long, flowing hair that can be swung back and forth to create a dynamic and beautiful look, and that can be styled wh - Lujuba

The little girl Qiuqiu gave her most precious gift to make her 10th birthday lively. Qiuqiu has been growing her hair since she was 7 years old. She longs to have long, flowing hair that can be swung back and forth to create a dynamic and beautiful look, and that can be styled when tied up. The teachers of the dance team and Shanghai opera singing class that Qiuqiu joins require students to keep their hair as long as possible, which is necessary for performing on stage. Unexpectedly, the planned goal was subverted in an instant. Occasionally, on the radio, Qiuqiu heard that there was a charity event in Shanghai called "Love Starts from the Head" to donate hair to children with leukemia. Qiuqiu was moved by her hair-donating sister's deeds and donated hair to children with leukemia, letting them feel the warmth of the world. Qiuqiu told her mother her wish: grow her hair long and donate it to sick children!

Ball’s mom is a “tiger mom”. She said, since you have made up your mind, you have to be responsible for washing and blow-drying your hair from now on, and take good care of your hair. After growing long hair to 30 centimeters, it suddenly turns into short hair. You have to think about how to cope with the performances of the dance team and singing class. By then it will be too late to cry. Qiuqiu promised her mother that she would never regret donating her hair.

seems ordinary and the most extraordinary, but it is easy but difficult to achieve. It is really not easy for an 8-year-old child to wash and blow-dry his own hair, and also insist on taking good care of his long hair. Qiuqiu recorded his thoughts in his diary: "My hair grows very slowly. When will it reach 30 centimeters? 'Don't you want to dance with your hair up?' 'Poor people need help.' These two little people are always with me." Debate in my mind." "Finally, my hair is 30 centimeters, but the news is that it is now 35 centimeters. Alas, I have to continue to take good care of my hair..." On the eve of

's 10th birthday, her mother took Qiuqiu to the barber shop. The first-class hairdresser in the store carefully washed and oiled Qiuqiu's hair, braided it into a long braid, and then cut it off with a "click" and handed it to Qiuqiu's mother. The hairdresser praised Qiuqiu's long hair for its high quality and praised her for being able to donate her hair so selflessly and generously.

Seeing that the long hair that he had cared for for more than two years suddenly left him, Qiuqiu couldn't help but shed tears. But when she received the donation certificate, Qiuqiu smiled: "Sick children are in pain. It is very important for me to use my true love to bring them some comfort and encouragement, so I am not afraid of others saying that I am not beautiful with short hair. Besides, my mother helps I prepared the hair cover for the performance. I did something meaningful, which cultivated my patience and perseverance. This is my 10th birthday gift to myself - love starts from the 'head' and stays She also started growing her hair from scratch." These insights were written down in her diary, which is a true record of her growth.

cheers for Qiuqiu and cheers for the caring children. (Weng Yang)

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