The TV series "Dajiang Dahe 3" is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca

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TV series "Dajiang Dahe 3" is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the development is the smoothest. It was Yang Xun. He quickly bounced back after being knocked down by the Liang family. Not only did the commercial street succeed, the Liang family even begged him to go back and take charge of the mall again, and the mall turned a profit under his operation. And he made a lot of money.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Of course, Yang Xun not only kept this process secret from the outside world, he should have made arrangements to obtain the entire mall's shares from Liang Fan very early. Yang Xun's ambitions are not small. Yang Xun not only achieved great success in running the mall in his career, but also in He has also made great progress in love. This time, his girlfriend is no longer Liang Sishen, who is unattainable, nor Fan Jing, the money-worshiping girl, but Ren Xiaer, who can help him in his career. It has to be said that Yang Xun finally Grow up.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Lei Dongbao fell into crisis again after remarrying

Compared with Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao’s new plot can be said to be really exaggerated. Not only did he fall in love with Feng Xinxin, a woman who looked like Song Yunping, but he also Under the arrangement of Lei Zhengming, he cheated on Feng Xinxin and had a child with her. He also divorced Wei Chunhong and gave birth to a child. The reason why Wei Chunhong was willing to divorce Lei Dongbao was to allow him to have a child, but Lei Dongbao did not I want to hug you from left to right.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

So Wei Chunhong was angry. In the new plot, Wei Chunhong led people to smash up Feng Xinxin’s house. Not only that, she also took a sum of money from the company. This was a warning to Lei Dongbao. She used practical actions to make Lei Dongbao After making a choice, Lei Dongbao finally chose to remarry Wei Chunhong. As for Feng Xinxin, he should have sent him away with money, and the child was given to Wei Chunhong to take care of.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Lei Dongbao before could be said to be very domineering, but at least he was wholeheartedly thinking about the people of Xiaolei's family. He had no children, so all he wanted to do was lead the people of Xiaolei's family to get rich. Although he was a human being, He is a bit domineering, but he is still a good person, and most of the people in Xiaolei's family are also towards him, but he is getting more and more excessive, and he is no longer of the same mind as the people in Xiaolei's family.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

But the person who destroyed Lei Dongbao was not only himself, but also Lei Zhengming beside him. We can see this clearly. Lei Zhengming was definitely the main force in destroying Lei Dongbao. As for Shi Hongwei, he knew about it but stood by and watched. No wonder these two became the final beneficiaries. It turned out that they had been plotting against Lei Dongbao all along.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Lei Zhengming set up a trap to destroy Lei Dongbao in three ways

How did Lei Zhengming destroy Lei Dongbao? In fact, he should have had the idea to destroy Lei Dongbao a long time ago, and the official start of action should be when Lei Dongbao handed over all production rights to Xiao Wan. Xiao Wan was highly skilled and highly educated. Lei Dongbao was very discerning, and it was the right choice for Lei Dongbao to hand over the production to him, but it also caused Lei Zhengming to lose his power.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Lei Zhengming is very ambitious, so he naturally has opinions and even views on this. He has lost his production power. Although he has become the vice president, he knows that Lei Dongbao has the final say in Thunder. Even if he has the power, he can do it at any time. No, this is the source of Lei Zhengming's immense hatred for Lei Dongbao, so he plans to get rid of Lei Dongbao, otherwise he will never get ahead.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

His first trick is to use beauty. Feng Xinxin is this beauty. She deliberately arranged for Feng Xinxin to get close to Lei Dongbao, and then let him fall step by step. Finally, Wei Chunhong and Lei Dongbao divorced, and Lei Dongbao had a child. Although the child was finally forced to remarry Wei Chunhong, his move ruined the relationship between Lei Dongbao and Wei Chunhong, and also made some people see through Lei Dongbao. He treated his original wife and Feng Xinxin so well. How could the people who followed him not be chilled?

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The second trick is to use money. Lei Dongbao is not short of money. At least for so many years, he definitely has a lot of money in his hands. However, Lei Dongbao’s thoughts are still very simple. He knows nothing about the charm of money. Lei Zhengming He was given a car worth 1.6 million, which stunned him. Now it was equivalent to a luxury car worth tens of millions. With Lei Zhengming's compliment, only he, Lei Dongbao, was worthy of this luxury car. Lei Dongbao was so proud. , I don’t know who I am.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

didn’t even know that this money was a loan obtained by the county for him. The purpose was for Lei Dongbao to expand its production capacity, receive more large orders, and allow the county to earn foreign exchange. It was not for Lei Dongbao to squander it, but his This move also caused the county to start investigating Lei Dongbao. In addition, he was used to being domineering. The Xiaolei family was not very satisfied with him. Lei Dongbao was in trouble. Even if Governor Xu was his backer, it was of no use. Can't protect him.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The third move is power. This move makes Lei Dongbao arrogant and unwilling to think about Shu. Lei Zhengming has the power to train those employees who treat Lei Dongbao with respect. Lei Dongbao just got rid of the word "sex" and fell into another trap. Quan even refused to adopt many reasonable suggestions put forward by Xiao Wan. The economic environment was not good and he did not prepare in advance but indulged in these messy things, causing Lei Lei to miss the best opportunity to save himself.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

It was precisely because of Lei Zhengming's three moves that Lei Dongbao was completely destroyed. He lost the support of the people, the support of the county, and even himself. No wonder he was pulled down in the end and was killed by Lei Zhengming and Shi Hongwei. He was replaced, and finally he suddenly realized that he was so angry that he almost suffered a stroke and was paralyzed.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The Liang family is in trouble

Compared with Lei Dongbao’s troubles, the Liang family’s troubles are obviously not simple. Although the Liang family has deep roots and some people are high-ranking officials and some are presidents, it is obvious that there is no shortage of power-money transactions. Otherwise, Why does the Liang family easily use tens of millions or hundreds of millions of assets to do business? You must know that the Liang family has a large number, Liang Fan has hundreds of millions of funds, and Liang Sishen has tens of millions of assets. How did this happen?

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

As the boss of the younger generation, Liang Fan's business ability is really not good, but he has the protection of his family and the help of Liang Daolin. The funds for this property speculation were Liang Daolin's illegal financing for him, and Liang Fan even went back to Shanghai wants to sell the shares of the mall to Yang Xun. Of course, he wants to sell it at a good price, so he hopes that Liang Sishen and Song Yunhui will act as middlemen for him.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

He finally asked Liang Daolin to tell Song Yunhui that Song Yunhui had pointed out Liang Daolin's illegal financing and obviously had objections to it. However, Song Yunhui finally called Yang Xun. Yang Xun bought Liang Fan's shares in the mall, but Liang After getting the money, Fan immediately went to Hong Kong, but what he didn't expect was that the money was taken away by his good friend Li Jin. He had no friends in the mall. Liang Fan trusted Li Jin too much, but his experience was not that of Yang Xun. A fatal blow was given to the Liang family.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Over 100 million yuan of funds were swept away. The Liang family’s capital chain was completely broken. What awaited the Liang family could be said to be a disaster. After all, it was difficult for Liang Daolin to explain to the bank, not to mention that some of these assets belonged to others. This is no joke. After this incident, even if Li Jin is found, what Liang Daolin did will probably be exposed.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Song Yunhui's two-step calculation of the Liang family

The Liang family was in such a situation. In fact, in addition to Li Jin taking away the assets, he was also closely related to Song Yunhui. Song Yunhui almost destroyed the Liang family in two steps. The first step was to hint to Yang Xun to buy shares in the mall at a low price. He made a special call to Yang Xun and told Yang Xun that Liang Fan was in a hurry to cash out. Naturally, Yang Xun asked how to kill Liang Fan. It was so accurate. Song Yunhui did a great job on the information.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The second step is to ask Yang Xun to come to Shanghai and find Li Jin from his sister. With Li Jin being arrested, Liang Daolin’s illegal financing can no longer be concealed. Before, I thought Song Yunhui was showing favoritism to his father-in-law. It's hypocritical to bend the law. It wasn't until this step that I realized that Song Yunhui's methods were indeed sophisticated.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Yang Xun didn’t know that his sister was in love with Li Jin, and that Li Jin escaped with assets worth hundreds of millions and became a fugitive from the police. In the original work, it was actually Yang Xun who knew about his relationship after receiving news from Song Yunhui. His sister had a boyfriend, and with the news about the Liang family's affairs, he left the pregnant Ren Xiayi behind and rushed to Shanghai. He found that his sister was pregnant and caught Li Jin by mistake.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Yang Xun is it really such a coincidence? Of course not. It was obviously Song Yunhui's guess or discovery that led to this move. It was Song Yunhui's two films that brought many scandals of the Liang family to the public. Liang Daolin scolded Yang Xun for his moral corruption, but in fact the real moral corruption was those of them who stood in high places.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The Liang family was defeated, Song Yunhui and Liang Sishen got married

Regarding what happened to the Liang family, the final result was obviously that the Liang family was destroyed. Even after this incident passed, it would be difficult for those in the Liang family to move forward. , As for Liang Daolin, needless to say, Song Yunhui is particularly important at this time. He is the director of Donghai Factory, and his status is equivalent to that of the main hall. What's more important is that Song Yunhui is very important in terms of backing and connections. good.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

Liang Fan's failure made Liang Daolin completely let go of his dependence on the family, and he also understood how important a qualified heir was. The second generation of the Liang family did not have a suitable heir, so Liang Sishen married Song Yunhui became Liang Daolin's choice, so Liang Sishen and Song Yunhui got married because of this.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

They did not participate much in the affairs of the Liang family, so even if they had a close relationship, they could escape unscathed. In the end, Song Yunhui took Liang Sishen away. After this incident, the Liang family was severely weakened and even defeated.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba


Lei Dongbao was destroyed because of his domineering character, lack of knowledge and vision, so he was played by Lei Zhengming. If it were not for Lei Zhengming’s calculations, judging from Lei Dongbao’s character, Lei Dongbao might You can't do anything big and formal if you keep track of your achievements, but at least it's not a big problem to save your life.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

However, the domineering, arrogant, self-righteous and self-willed nature of his character, as well as his Tu-Emperor mentality, caused him to completely lose the best opportunity to save himself. It is not surprising that he was replaced by Lei Zhengming and Shi Hongwei in the end. If he had his own insights, Maybe everything will be different.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

As for Song Yunhui, he is indeed hypocritical. Compared with Yang Xun, his character is not much better, especially the concealment and cover for Liang Daolin, which makes people think of his character and the time when he reprimanded Yang Xun before. , it’s really a world of difference.

The TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' is about to come to an end. The plots of the new episodes can be said to be very explosive. The stories of Yang Xun, Lei Dongbao, and Song Yunhui are becoming more and more powerful. Among them, the one that develops the most smoothly is Yang Xun ca - Lujuba

All in all, after the whole drama, if there is no character that has collapsed, there is probably only one Yang Xun left, whether it is Lei Dongbao or Song Yunhui, whether it is the ending or the methods used secretly, they are not very good. brilliance.

Tags: entertainment