[Global Network Report] According to a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network on the 29th, the "legislator"-elect Han Kuo-yu and "legislator" Jiang Qichen, who represented the Kuomintang in the race for the head of Taiwan's legislative body, visited the people's party group t

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[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan’s Zhongshi News Network on the 29th, the “legislator”-elect Han Kuo-yu and “legislator” Jiang Qichen, who represent the Kuomintang in the race for the head and deputy head of Taiwan’s legislative body, visited the People’s Party Group today (29th) morning Ask for support. The two sides met earlier, and Han Kuo-yu said in an interview after the meeting that they only talked about four reforms and the consensus was very good.

[Global Network Report] According to a report from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network on the 29th, the 'legislator'-elect Han Kuo-yu and 'legislator' Jiang Qichen, who represented the Kuomintang in the race for the head of Taiwan's legislative body, visited the people's party group t - Lujuba

Han Guoyu (middle) and Jiang Qichen (left) paid a visit to the legislative group of the People’s Party on the 29th. The picture is from Taiwan's "United Daily News"

reported that Hanguo-yu said that he and Jiang Qichen visited eight "members" of the People's Party that morning to communicate with them about the reform of the legislative body and whether the "opposition parties" can join forces to meet the needs and expectations of the Taiwanese people in the future. , “We talked about almost anything and the communication was very thorough.”

Han Guoyu also said that the other thing is emotional exchange. Many people say that "secret room negotiations" seem to involve collusion of interests. He once again clarified that the Kuomintang is an "opposition party" today and does not have any resources. It can only exchange opinions with the Kuomintang sincerely and appeal to Please do not view this benign and competitive visit with negative thoughts.

Huang Guochang, the "legislator" elect of the People's Party, said that he would like to thank Hanguo-yu and Jiang Qichen for visiting the People's Party. As Hanguo-yu said, this is a very healthy and benign interaction, and there is no "private execution hall or secret room negotiation" as described by the outside world. .

reported that Han Guoyu and Jiang Qichen arrived at the People's Party caucus before 9 o'clock that day. They were asked by the media whether they were worried about being deceived by the People's Party. Neither of them responded. After Han Guoyu and Jiang Qichen arrived at the scene, they called out the names of the elected "legislators" of the People's Party one by one and shook hands. They were full of sincerity and the atmosphere was pleasant. When the two parties took a photo, Hanguo Yu also took the initiative to put his shoulder to Huang Guochang and asked, "Do you want a hug?"

According to previous reports, in the "legislative" election on January 13, the Chinese Democratic Party won 52 of the 113 seats, plus 2 seats without party membership, for a total of 54 seats; the Democratic Progressive Party 51 seats, and the People's Party 8 seats. Since the three parties of blue, green and white are less than half, the People's Party's 8 seats have become a key minority. People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe asked the blue and green candidates to communicate with his party group on the 26th, preferably on the 29th, and said that the party's "8 votes" Groups come in and out, and those who run away from the party will be expelled from the party."

According to relevant regulations, the president and deputy heads of Taiwan’s legislative bodies are elected from each other by “legislators”, and all “legislators” are ex-officio candidates. If no one gets half of the votes in the first round of voting, the two people with the most votes will vote again, and the one with the majority of votes will be elected. Taiwan's United News Network said that although DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te won the Taiwan region's leadership election, the "Legislative Yuan" seats fell back to 51 seats, which were less than half. On the contrary, the opposition parties won a combined majority of 62 seats. In the future, they must cooperate to exert supervision and balance. Strength can prevent the DPP from continuing to "eat copper and iron to seize Taiwan."

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