The TV series "Long Time Love" starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin

entertainment 1004℃

The TV series "Long Time Love" starring Yang Zi, Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air.

was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it was aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowing the life or death of Lan Yifei, one of the six sons of Hangtian City.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Huang Yingzi was alone every time he saw Lan Yifei, while the others told the group of only five people that everyone was here. The grandmother who is so important to Yifei is only taken care of by Guan Chao.

Guan Chao's wife said that there was an empty seat at the wedding banquet, but from Huang Yingzi's perspective, Lan Yifei was present...

Some netizens speculated that it was possible that Lan Yifei was really gone, and Huang Yingzi was the only one living in the past. Didn't come out. The email Lan Yifei replied to Huang Yingzi might have been answered by Jiang Yi.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

If this is the case, Jiang Yi is a very good friend.

Jiang Yi, Fan Chengcheng

I think Jiang Yi himself can no longer remember when he had a crush on Huang Yingzi, but Huang Yingzi will always live warmly in his memory, and is more important than himself.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

He will remember that Huang Yingzi said he likes whales, and will be worried that Huang Yingzi is afraid of the dark. He will patiently study the menu and choose Huang Yingzi's favorite dishes. The gifts he gives out will also cater to Huang Yingzi's preferences; he will post photos of Huang Yingzi's faces that others think are ugly. He secretly tore it off and stuck it on the back of his meal card. Even after 12 years apart, he still carried it in his wallet.

Jiang Yi is a sweetheart. Although he talks hard, he is actually the softest at heart. At the age of 18, I hope to be by Huang Yingzi's side forever, and care more about her every move. Twelve years later, she is still deeply affectionate, and she rented a house opposite Huang Yingzi's house just to see her.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

But because of his tough mouth, netizens felt that he was hopeless and hated iron for not being able to make steel.

Fan Chengcheng plays Jiang Yi. In fact, this actor has a very angry debut experience. He initially entered the industry under the aura of his sister, participated in the audition "Idol Producer", and finally debuted as a group with third place.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

When others were idols, he became a special and different existence among that group of people, a conspicuous figure in variety shows. After ending his life as an idol for about two years, he plunged into film and television dramas.

started out as a supporting role and never received much attention. In the summer of 2023, Fan Chengcheng played the role of the scumbag Yang Cheng in " Zeng Shao Shao " and attracted countless fans. He brought out the contradictions of Yang Cheng, loving him without knowing it. , Zha was confident and acted vividly.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Fan Chengcheng's appearance is average, and his facial features are not outstanding (compared to his sister), but people tend to pay more attention to his mouth and his funnyness than his appearance. It’s really just that the mouth flies in front, and the appearance chases behind.

And in "Long Time Love", there is actually a handsome handsome man, and he is also a love rival with Fan Chengcheng.

Ding Ye, Jin Shijia

Ding Ye became famous at a young age and wrote three novels. He became Huang Yingzi's idol when he was young and vowed to become friends with him one day.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Unexpectedly, Huang Yingzi really became friends with Ding Ye because of an interview.

Ding Ye's appearance was a "crime" that he carefully planned. He deliberately made Huang Yingzi a witness to him smashing the car and called the police himself. The reason is that the car owner is an unscrupulous reporter who wrote news that attacked him and did not code the girl involved, causing the other person to be picked on by netizens.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Ding Ye contacted the reporter and wanted to delete the girl's photos to reduce the impact, but the reporter counterattacked and asked him to accept an interview.

Under this opportunity, Ding also became Huang Yingzi's interview target. She took the initiative to approach him in order to win him for an interview. Ding Ye originally thought that Huang Yingzi was like other reporters. But found that she knew him better than she thought.

One wants to be interviewed, one doesn’t want to be interviewed, one is writing a book, and the other is reading. Ding Ye is essentially the person closest to Huang Yingzi in soul.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Ding is also used to reading the subtitles when watching movies, because he feels that it is a follow-up to the entire film production team, and Huang Yingzi does the same.

Two people sat together and looked at the rain outside the window, discussing the philosophy of umbrellas, throwing away umbrellas, and not taking umbrellas. For example, the two of them collided and came up with the best interpretation of love in the play. The current plot of

is that every time Huang Yingzi sees Ding Ye, Ding Ye's eyes become more affectionate, and the audience outside the drama feels that they are very close to each other.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

The actor Jin Shijia who plays Ding Ye is very good at playing this kind of affectionate plot, where love is unknown and secret love is a personal matter.

In 2020, Zhou Xun in "Twenty Not Confused", how many people were sad for Xun Guobe, and then he made a guest appearance in the sequel "Twenty Not Confused 2", appeared for five minutes, and a simple head-knocking action made Fei Qiming white for the entire season. play.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Jin Shijia encountered the role of Zhan Bo in "Love Apartment" when he entered the industry, which made his journey in the next few years smooth. But at the same time, it is also very uncomfortable, because Zhanbo is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that everyone will blurt out Zhanbo when they see him.

However, Jin Shijia never gave up his pursuit of acting skills. Later, he could be the investment elite Zhou Xun in "Twenty Not Confused", the criminal police captain Du Cheng in " Crime Hunting Illustrated Book ", the genius doctor Lin Yi in " Asking the Heart "...

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

Jin Shijia did not have a beard when he was young, but now that he is thirty years old, having a beard makes the audience think that he is mature and stable. His facial features are not very prominent, but his jawline is clear and his slightly pursed lips have reduced the greasiness of his beard a lot.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

These two actors play two roles with different identities in the play.

Fan Chengcheng's Jiang Yi is the person who accompanies Huang Yingzi through his youth. He is a sweetheart and a childhood sweetheart. He has seen the most embarrassing things about each other but still thinks that the other person is beautiful and handsome.

Ding Ye, played by Jin Shijia, is Huang Yingzi's favorite spiritual mentor from the age of eighteen to now. In the past, she read Ding Ye's ideas in books, and now exchanges worldviews and life views with Ding Ye face to face.

The TV series 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng is currently on the air. It was a sentimental youth drama that was promoted before it aired, but the more viewers watch it, the more they realize that this drama is a suspense drama. The play has been foreshadowin - Lujuba

For Huang Yingzi, both people are extremely important.

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