Kuomintang "legislator"-elect Han Kuo-yu and "legislator" Jiang Qichen will visit the People's Party caucus of Taiwan's public opinion organization tomorrow (29th) to seek support for the election of the chief and deputy heads of Taiwan's public opinion organization. The process

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Kuomintang "legislator"-elect Han Kuo-yu and "legislator" Jiang Qichen will visit the People's Party caucus of Taiwan's public opinion organization tomorrow (29th) to seek support for the election of the chief and deputy heads of Taiwan's public opinion organization. The process is said to require closed-door talks. Some Kuomintang "legislators" said that the Kuomintang is not the "ruling party" and does not have many interests to exchange. The most that can be discussed is "calling committees."

Kuomintang 'legislator'-elect Han Kuo-yu and 'legislator' Jiang Qichen will visit the People's Party caucus of Taiwan's public opinion organization tomorrow (29th) to seek support for the election of the chief and deputy heads of Taiwan's public opinion organization. The process  - Lujuba

Kuomintang "legislator" Wang Hongwei said that Hanguo-yu and Jiang Qichen will show full sincerity and communicate with the Kuomintang tomorrow. However, she hopes that this exchange will not be conducted in the form of closed-door talks to avoid being questioned by the outside world as to whether there is a secret room negotiation. After all, the public will still pay attention to whether there will be a secret exchange of conditions in the secret room.

Wang Hongwei pointed out that the outside world hopes that the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the People's Party should be open and transparent, and that both parties can talk about the values ​​and policies that both parties jointly pursue. But if we talk behind closed doors, it will be difficult to win the trust of the public. If the two parties want to cooperate, they should open the door and take the broad road. If they continue to operate, it will not only destroy mutual trust, but also cause the outside world to question this cooperation and whether there are any backroom transactions. She supports Han Kuo-yu and Jiang Qichen in seeking support from the People's Party, but hopes that the People's Party will not insist on closed-door talks. This is a way to protect everyone. Only the final results and decisions can win the public's trust.

Kuomintang "legislator" Hong Mengkai said that the People's Party "legislators" can recall the situation they have faced in the past four years, and they can ask the previous People's Party "legislators" if they don't understand. Do You Xikun, the head of the Taiwan Public Opinion Organization of the Democratic Progressive Party, and Cai Qichang, the deputy head of the Taiwan Public Opinion Organization, respect the voices of the "opposition"? If not, why support it?

Hong Mengkai said that the Kuomintang's "Han Jiang Pei" is ready to express their voices, respect the voices of all "legislators", and do a good job in consultation between the "government and the opposition". He believes that the People's Party will definitely be able to select the most capable people for the operation of Taiwan's public opinion institutions. Good candidate.

According to Taiwan's "United News Network", some Kuomintang "legislators" said that the Kuomintang is not "in power" now. With the current situation, there is no issue of negotiation or non-negotiation between the two sides. Han Kuo-yu and Jiang Qichen must use The most sincere way to ask for support. The key point is to let the eight "legislators" of the People's Party understand why the KMT's "Han Jiangpei" is more suitable to serve as the head of Taiwan's public opinion organization than the DPP's "You Changpei".

"Blue Committee" pointed out that they have always emphasized that the combination of ideas is the most important. Even the People's Party said so and there will be no exchange of interests. Now the "ruling party" is the Democratic Progressive Party, and the one who holds the position is not the Kuomintang. The Blue Camp will not negotiate an exchange of interests with the White Camp, unless the People's Party wants to exchange interests with the DPP privately.

Some "legislators" of the Kuomintang pointed out that Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the People's Party, does not understand the situation. The person in charge of Taiwan's public opinion organization must remain neutral, and the chief and deputy chiefs cannot even interfere in the affairs of their own party group. Therefore, we cannot and will not commit to any conditions proposed by the Popular Party. Tomorrow will be a courtesy visit.

"Blue Committee" said that according to Han Guoyu's personality, he will not make too many preparations for his visit to the People's Party tomorrow. Even visiting voters is what you should do. Jiang Qichen did mention reform on Facebook before, and tomorrow he may also discuss similar ideas with the People's Party "legislators". At most, this is the talk. (Compiled by Straits Herald reporter Lin Jingxian)

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