Some time ago, when the popular actress Xin Zhilei attended an awards show, she was filmed "closing her eyes and relaxing". Someone judged from her breathing rate that she was really asleep, and she even threw her own at her feet. cell phone. Since Xin Zhilei became popular after

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Some time ago, when the popular actress Xin Zhilei attended an award show, she was filmed "closing her eyes and relaxing". Someone judged from her breathing rate that she was really asleep, and she was even throwing herself at her feet. mobile phone.

Some time ago, when the popular actress Xin Zhilei attended an awards show, she was filmed 'closing her eyes and relaxing'. Someone judged from her breathing rate that she was really asleep, and she even threw her own at her feet. cell phone. Since Xin Zhilei became popular after - Lujuba

Xin Zhilei has become popular since she starred in "Flowers". Apart from her role as Li Li, the glamorous proprietress of Yellow River Road, the most attractive thing to the audience is her amazing ability to "fall asleep anywhere".

Some time ago, when the popular actress Xin Zhilei attended an awards show, she was filmed 'closing her eyes and relaxing'. Someone judged from her breathing rate that she was really asleep, and she even threw her own at her feet. cell phone. Since Xin Zhilei became popular after - Lujuba

In a recently popular variety show, she was able to fall asleep easily while eating; she fell asleep in just one second while sitting on the ground. This ability makes viewers feel both curious and envious. Netizens have said, "Real sleep experts never complain about the environment." I hope to have the "sleep in seconds" skill like Xin Zhilei.

Experts remind

Drowsiness may be a disease

Professor Zhang Yonghua, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Zhejiang Province and the Medical Sleep Center of Hangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said that among the patients received in the clinic, most of them suffer from difficulties falling asleep, insomnia or poor sleep quality. Some people come to see a doctor because they are drowsy and get tired very easily, unable to wake up all the time, which affects their daily life.

Professor Zhang said that there are many causes of sleepiness, mainly the following: poor sleep at night, or too short sleep time, or sleep apnea, which affects the quality of sleep; insufficient nutrition and low energy intake, leading to fatigue , drowsiness; environmental factors, physical factors, drug factors and brain factors, etc. can cause drowsiness in the elderly; narcolepsy mostly starts after adolescence, and the main symptom is daytime sleepiness, regardless of time and place, such as with People will have sleep attacks while talking or working, but they generally do not cause other organic diseases.

Still drowsy even if you get enough sleep

You should be wary of the following diseases

Professor Zhang explained that the number of people suffering from narcolepsy is relatively small. Generally, people become sleepy mainly due to insufficient blood supply to the brain and relative lack of oxygen. If you have ensured 7-8 hours of sleep at night but are still sleepy during the day, you should be wary of the following six diseases.

1. Rhinitis

There is inflammation inside the nose, which causes breathing obstruction, which leads to poor oxygen supply to the brain, leading to drowsiness, and even general weakness and headache. If not treated in time, rhinitis can also cause sleep apnea syndrome, causing patients to lack oxygen during sleep.

2. Sleep apnea disorder

People suffering from sleep apnea disorder, in addition to being sleepy, weak, and lethargic during the day, will also snore thunderously at night, accompanied by intermittent respiratory cessation. Frequent apnea constantly interrupts sleep and deprives the body of oxygen. If this continues, all the organs in the body will not be able to rest well, and symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, and drowsiness will easily occur during the day.

3. Hyperlipidemia

In patients with hyperlipidemia, the blood flow in the body is relatively slow, which affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques may form, narrowing the blood vessel lumen, leading to cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, which in turn makes people sleepy. If you have a family history of hyperlipidemia, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or have long-term heavy drinking, high-fat, high-sugar diet and other risk factors, and are often sleepy, it is recommended to start early as soon as possible Go to the hospital to check your blood lipids.

4, heart disease

Fatigue and weakness are common symptoms of various heart diseases. Heart disease can cause poor blood circulation, and metabolic waste products (mainly lactic acid) accumulate in tissues, stimulating nerve endings and causing fatigue. It is recommended to check the heart, such as electrocardiogram, cardiac color ultrasound, etc.

5, anemia

The most common and earliest symptoms of anemia are fatigue and drowsiness, which may also be accompanied by dizziness, headache, tinnitus, vertigo, inability to concentrate, etc. It is best to go to the hospital for a routine blood test to confirm the diagnosis.

6. Cognitive impairment

Some elderly people often fall asleep while sitting, frequently feel sleepy or fall asleep while watching TV. This is often an early manifestation of cognitive impairment and must be paid great attention to. Family members should take the elderly with them in time. See a doctor.

I feel sleepy when I eat a lot

I feel sleepy when I read a book

What should I do?

Professor Zhang said that in life, he will also find that he will suddenly feel sleepy and unable to wake up. Sometimes he feels sleepy, which can be improved through some methods.

1. Feeling sleepy as soon as you are full: When people consume more high-protein foods, greasy foods, and foods with too much refined white starch, they are prone to fatigue. If there is a lack of exercise, the body's blood circulation function will be affected and blood sugar control function will also decrease.

recommends reducing the total amount of starchy staple foods during meals, replacing the white and soft staple foods with whole grains, beans and potatoes, and eating more green leafy vegetables and legumes with higher fiber content. You can do appropriate exercise one hour after a meal, such as walking, light housework, etc.

2. Feeling sleepy as soon as you read a book: When you continue to study when you are tired, your body will become sleepy because it cannot resist the invasion of fatigue. If this happens often, people will associate reading with sleeping, forming a conditioned reflex of feeling sleepy as soon as they pick up a book. It is recommended not to read when you are deeply sleepy, not to read immediately after a meal, and not to read while lying down.

3. Feeling sleepy as soon as you get to work: Sometimes the air circulation in the office area is poor, and allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and mold can easily accumulate. Chemical fumes, cigarettes, cockroaches, cold air, dust, paint, coworker's perfume, etc. can also become allergens. Chronic inflammation of the immune system can lead to fatigue. It is recommended to adjust the indoor humidity, clean dust frequently, and drink more water.

4. Feeling sleepy while driving: People who often feel sleepy while driving, have difficulty concentrating, snore at night, and have irregular breathing need to rule out sleep apnea. It is recommended that people who are prone to sleepiness while driving try to avoid driving in the early morning and around 3 p.m. They can drink a cup of coffee half an hour before driving and appropriately lower the temperature inside the car while driving.

Source: Shanghai News Broadcasting Comprehensive News Morning News, City Express

Tags: entertainment