Recently, a well-known director made a statement that a 1.7-meter-tall actress in one of his works must lose 85 pounds before appearing on camera, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Most of them were opponents, but there were also some supportive voices. The cont

entertainment 8901℃

Recently, a famous director made a statement that a 1.7-meter-tall actress in one of his works must be as thin as 85 pounds before appearing on camera. This caused heated discussions among netizens. Most of them were opponents, but there were also some supportive voices. Behind the controversy is an attack on body anxiety.

I don’t know since when, “thinness” seems to have become our common pursuit. We don’t dare to eat and drink wantonly, and we always remember to lose weight, even if our weight is within the normal range. Professor Lin Lizhu, director of the Lingnan Cancer Institute of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, reminded that an appropriate amount of fat makes the body beautiful and makes the body more "testable".

Recently, a well-known director made a statement that a 1.7-meter-tall actress in one of his works must lose 85 pounds before appearing on camera, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Most of them were opponents, but there were also some supportive voices. The cont - Lujuba

With the improvement of living conditions, there are currently more people with overnutrition and insufficient exercise in general, so everyone emphasizes not to be too fat. But this does not mean that fat is bad and you have to work hard to lose weight - the right amount of fat can make your body look more graceful, full of energy, more friendly, and make people happy physically and mentally.

Professor Lin Lizhu said that the subcutaneous fat layer of slightly obese people is thicker than that of thin people, and they are more resistant to cold. Their disease resistance will be stronger than that of thin people, and they can withstand the "blow" of diseases better.

Scientists from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Vanderbilt University believe that mild obesity is better for health and can reduce the risk of premature death by 6%. Australian researchers also found that the mortality rate was lowest when the elderly had a BMI value of around 27.5.

Of course, BMI is just a health index to evaluate obesity. We also need to pay attention to other indicators, especially functional indicators of internal organs. We should also pay attention to the certain differences that exist in each country, each person, and each time period.

Changes in body weight have long been used by treating doctors to evaluate the prognosis and survival time of cancer patients.

Unexplained weight loss or progressive weight loss may be caused by malignant tumors, and sometimes weight loss is even the first symptom of certain tumors. Digestive tract tumors such as primary liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colorectal cancer have an insidious and slow onset. In addition to general digestive tract symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal distension, the most common symptom is progressive weight loss.

Professor Lin Lizhu explained that this is because:

First of all, tumors continue to proliferate and consume a large amount of nutrients. While cancer patients are ingesting nutrients, cancer cells are constantly competing for nutrients, consuming a large amount of nutrients from the human body, causing the body to gradually lose weight.

Secondly, the tumor tissue releases "toxins", causing the patient to have anorexia and fever. Cancer patients often suffer from symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, as well as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting after undergoing radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, which reduces the intake of nutrients and increases body consumption.

Furthermore, patients with tumors develop to an advanced stage or develop a series of symptoms after treatment, such as chronic consumptive blood loss caused by digestive tract cancer and cervical cancer. If tumor tissue becomes necrotic and destroys blood vessels, it can cause varying degrees of bleeding, leading to weight loss and anemia in patients. Digestive tract obstruction can also affect the digestion and absorption of food and the intake of nutrients.

Finally, some cancer patients are under great psychological pressure after learning that they have cancer. They do not think about food and drink, and are desperate for life. This mentality can also cause malnutrition and malabsorption, leading to weight loss. In addition, cancer pain, cancer fatigue, etc. not only torture patients physically, but also increase their mental burden, making cancer patients even more weightless and haggard.

"People are thinner than yellow flowers", "Life is thinner than paper". Traditional Chinese medicine often believes that people who are excessively thin have "deficiency of the spleen and kidneys and insufficient righteousness" and cannot tolerate anti-cancer treatment; when treating cancer, doctors must pay attention to the patient's nutritional status.

Research has found that if the weight loss does not exceed 7%, anti-cancer drugs can still be effective; if the weight loss exceeds 18%, the therapeutic effect of anti-cancer drugs will be greatly reduced. Excessive weight loss causes patients to have more clinical symptoms and lower quality of life, rendering many treatment methods "useless".

If you want to be healthier, you need healthy beliefs, reasonable diet, scientific exercise and perseverance. You must also cultivate healthy living and eating habits, eat a balanced diet, reduce the chance of obesity, avoid excessive weight loss, and reduce the risk of cancer. risks of!

Text | Reporter Chen Hui Correspondent Liu Yiting Chen Zhuangzhong

Picture | Visual China

Tags: entertainment