I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the "I was at the scene" column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to "sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions" to tell

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I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was at the scene, recording the moment and making it history.

Starting in 2019, we have launched the "I was at the scene" column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to "sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions" to tell what they saw and heard at the scene of major news events. , what you think.

In 2023, they will practice the "Four Forces", from key projects of the "Belt and Road" to in-depth research along the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and the Great Wall; from the scene of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to entering an African country that has just experienced a coup; from the Arctic Circle From the key projects of the "Polar Silk Road" to the hot infrastructure projects in the Greater Bay Area; from the launch and recovery of the Shenzhou spacecraft to the development and operation and maintenance of the "China Sky Eye"; from the severe flooding in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to the Jishishan earthquake-stricken areas Life rescue; from the international competition venues of the World Championships, Asian Games, and Universiade to local events such as "Village Super" and "Village Ba"; from the father and son who have protected the martyrs for more than half a century to providing free door-to-door education for disabled children The rural teacher and his daughter...

They solidified the moment of news and recorded history.

Starting from January 1, 2024, the "I was there" column will successively broadcast the masterpieces of many Xinhua News Agency photographers in 2023 and the stories behind the photos. I hope their works and stories can bring you hope and strength.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

The sun shines on the colorful tropical rainforest, and the unique charm of Brazil is blown even more gorgeously by the morning breeze. I am in this country full of passion and vitality, witnessing various stories blooming here and people performing vivid poems here. As a photojournalist for Xinhua News Agency in Brazil, I shuttled between the noisy city and the deep jungle, wrapped in the diverse culture here, and felt the surprise and emotion brought by every moment. This is a fascinating and intoxicating stage, where everyone writes a unique story that belongs to Brazil.

At the beginning of 2023, the experience of the "new" Brazil

Brazil's current President Lula is quite legendary. After founding the Workers' Party in 1980, Lula ran for president several times and was finally elected in 2002. During his first two terms in office, Brazil returned to the top ten economies in the world, significantly reduced poverty, won the right to host the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, and increasingly expanded its influence on the international stage. When he left office, his approval rating was still as high as 80%. However, the Brazilian judicial authorities launched a large-scale anti-corruption investigation called "Operation Car Wash" in 2014. Lula was investigated and jailed in 2018 before being released the following year.

In October 2022, Lula was elected President of Brazil for the third time. The 77-year-old Lula was officially sworn in as Brazil's new president on the first day of 2023. In his inauguration speech, he emphasized that the new Brazilian government will be committed to "unity and reconstruction", solve the various crises and challenges currently facing Brazil, and promote Brazil's return to the ranks of the world's major economies.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On January 1, 2023, in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, Brazilian President Lula arrived at the presidential palace "Plateau Palace".

On the day of the inauguration ceremony, I took this scene: Lula and the people around him walked into the presidential palace together, arm in arm.

Who are they? Let’s start with the little boy standing next to Lula.

10-year-old Francisco (fifth from right) lives in the Sao Paulo suburb of Itaquila. His mother is a social worker and his father is a lawyer engaged in social affairs. After watching a movie about President Lula's life, the care and warmth Lula showed him at a Christmas garbage collector event made him feel that he too could become president.

33-year-old Erin Sousa (first from left) has been a garbage collector since she was 14 years old and is also a mother of seven children. Her mother and grandmother were both garbage collectors in the same cooperative. In 2013, she joined the National Movement of Waste Collectors on behalf of waste collectors in the Federal District of Brazil and serves as national coordinator.

90-year-old Chief Raoni Metuktil (fourth from left) has dedicated his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants. He is recognized by indigenous and riverine peoples as one of the leading representatives of the forest and Amazon community, and has traveled the world calling for peace.

Wesley (third from right), earned a degree in physical education through a student finance scheme. He also studied technical courses at training schools, including technical drawing, applied mathematics, electricianship and electrical controls.

Murillo (second from right), 28, is a teacher. As a Fulbright Scholar from 2021 to 2022, he works as a Portuguese teacher at Bluefield College in West Virginia, USA.

Cooking is the passion of Jussi Mara (third from left), a resident of Palotina, Paraná. She dedicated her life to the kitchen. She worked for the campaign for ten months after standing out for baking bread at a campaign in support of Lula. Today she is in charge of cooking at the Maringa University Staff Association.

Ivan Baron (fourth from right) comes from an indigenous tribe in northern Brazil. He contracted viral meningitis when he was 3 years old, resulting in cerebral palsy. He became a benchmark in the fight against disability and one of the ambassadors for social inclusion of people with disabilities.

50-year-old Flavio Pereira (back row, second from left) is a craftsman who participated in activities supporting Lula for 580 days, during which he helped carry out daily activities.

These eight representatives represent people from all walks of life and from all walks of life, and are the government's commitment to diversity, unity and reconstruction.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On January 1, 2023, in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, Brazilian President Lula attended the inauguration ceremony at the presidential palace "Plateau Palace".

At the inauguration ceremony, the Brazilian national anthem was played in the audience, and the people present passed a huge national flag to the presidential palace. Lula's back was turned to reporters, but he could feel a little excited. The president's wife stood on his right side and kept caressing Lula's back with her left hand. After delivering a speech at the Presidential Palace, Lula turned around and raised his left hand with only four fingers (at the age of 21, Lula cut off one of his fingers due to an accidental machine accident while still working in a factory) and addressed the people in the presidential palace. The waiting dignitaries, ministers, media and guests paid their respects.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On January 1, 2023, in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, Brazilian President Lula attended the inauguration ceremony at the presidential palace "Plateau Palace".

Lula has visited China many times and has witnessed China's rapid development. He has paid attention to China's great achievements in rejuvenating the country through science and education, poverty alleviation, and infrastructure construction. He often publicly praises the governance ability of the Communist Party of China. China-Pakistan relations have a bright future!

Results of the implementation of Chinese culture in Brazil

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On April 19, 2023, visitors experienced Chinese calligraphy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

In 2010, the United Nations designated "Grain Rain" day, one of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, as "United Nations Chinese Language Day". On this day, various celebrations are held all over the world.

On April 19, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil held the United Nations Chinese Day event. Speaking of the celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, we must first introduce a design idea for Brazilian urban architecture, which is to design a large area of ​​public space on the first floor of the building as a A place where people communicate with each other and carry out various activities. In Brazil, there are many public buildings designed in this way, such as the first floor of the teaching building of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On April 19, 2023, performers showed off Hanfu in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On the day of the

event, Hanfu, martial arts and tea art performances attracted frequent applause from the audience, while the Chinese calligraphy experience that was held at the same time was the most eye-catching. Some Brazilian students even started painting on rice paper on the spot. The Chinese food stalls nearby were even more crowded. Brazilians love to taste Chinese fried dumplings, steamed buns, fried spring rolls and other delicacies. In addition, there are activities such as traditional Chinese medicine cultural experience and Chinese classes.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On April 19, 2023, a student experienced traditional Chinese medicine treatment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

On the evening of September 29, 2023, the "Waterfall Night" Mid-Autumn Festival Gala hosted by the Asian Cultural Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil was held in front of the Iguazu Falls in Brazil, one of the three largest waterfalls in the world. Overseas Chinese from Brazil, Argentina and other places and all walks of life in Brazil Friends gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On September 29, 2023, the actor played the guzheng at the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala held in Foz do Foz, Brazil.

Asian Cultural Center has held many Mid-Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival parties in front of Iguazu Falls, but due to the COVID-19 epidemic, it has not been held for nearly three years. This party is the first after the epidemic. The Iguazu Falls are composed of more than 270 waterfalls of different sizes, spanning from Brazil to Argentina. The stage for the party was set up at the starting point of the scenic trail. Although the nearest waterfall was several hundred meters away, you could already faintly hear the sound of the waterfall and even feel the mist. The weather was beautiful, and the event site was particularly dazzling under the fiery red sunset. The traditional Chinese dragon dance, folk music, and dance in front of the waterfall brought multiple shocks to the audience.

A close-up shot of Brazilian President Lula

This was the most memorable and interesting experience in this year’s photo reporting activities. The story begins with the groundbreaking ceremony of the East-West Railway held in Bahia, Brazil, on July 3, 2023. The East-West Railway is the main artery connecting Brazil's inland and coastal transportation. It will be connected to Brazil's North-South Railway, with a total length of about 1,500 kilometers. Once completed, it will greatly promote transportation and logistics in the east and west of Brazil, and can transport up to 60 million tons of goods annually. , greatly assisting the development of mining, agriculture and other industries in central and western Brazil.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On July 3, 2023, in Ilhéus, Brazil, Brazilian President Lula attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the Brazil East-West Railway Project and delivered a speech.

China Railway 10th Bureau is responsible for the construction of the first section of the first bid section (537 kilometers) of the East-West Railway, which is 127 kilometers long. The project construction period is 36 months and has already started. Our reporting team arrived in this small seaside town in Bahia one day early. The next morning, the event was held as scheduled. The media were arranged on a small special platform directly opposite the guests. When we arrived, there were already many camera reporters occupying favorable positions. However, because the media who came to report were not It's a lot, and there's room to move around.

Brazilian President Lula personally witnessed the signing of the strategic cooperation agreement between China Railway 10th Bureau and Eurasian Resources Group, as well as the strategic cooperation agreement between China Steel International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. Brazil and Eurasian Resources Group. Afterwards, Lula began to deliver a speech. After taking the frontal photos, I wanted to move to the left to capture a few side shots of President Lula, and happened to run into Ricardo, the Presidential Media Director, walking towards me. Ricardo used to be Lula's personal photographer and has now been promoted to the media director of the presidential palace. I stepped forward and introduced myself as a photojournalist from Xinhua News Agency. After exchanging pleasantries and preparing to leave for work, he stopped me and said, "Chinese photographer, come with me."

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑ July 3, 2023 , in Ilhéus, Brazil, Brazilian President Lula attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the Brazil East-West Railway Project and delivered a speech.

The next step is the surprise moment. Ricardo led me to the infield, where only the presidential photographer and videographer could enter, and told me I could stay here and film. Frankly speaking, this unexpected encounter did have an element of luck, but it also shows that our country is becoming more and more powerful in the eyes of Brazilians. It also shows that Xinhua News Agency is becoming more and more influential in the world, and our voice is more powerful. Sonorous and powerful!

Chinese sand volleyball girls achieved great results in Brazil

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On April 9, 2023, Xue Chen (right)/Xia Xinyi celebrated scoring in the game.

Chinese pair Xue Chen/Xia Xinyi defeated the host Brazilian pair Carroll/Barbara 2-0 in the final of the World Beach Volleyball Tour Itapema, Brazil, on April 9, winning the championship.

Although the Brazilian combination had the home court advantage, Xue Chen/Xia Xinyi performed better. They won the first game 21-18. In the second game, their opponents started to take the lead amidst the cheers of the home audience. However, Xue Chen/Xia Xinyi quickly took advantage of two service errors by their opponents to overtake the score. They maintained the lead thereafter and finally won 21-21. 17 ends the game.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

 ↑On April 9, 2023, Xue Chen (left)/Xia Xinyi were in the game.

Near the end of 2023, Xue Chen/Xia Xinyi once again embarked on a journey to Brazil to compete in the Joao Pessoa Classic in Paraiba. This time, although they failed to defeat the world's number one Brazilian combination Ana Patricia/ Duda, however, performed well in the third place match and defeated the experienced American combination Nuss/Clout. The game was thrilling and finally won the third place amidst the cheers and cheers of the audience.

The most interesting thing is that starting from the second quarter of the game, all the Brazilians started to cheer for the Chinese team. During the break, the host handed the microphone to an overseas Chinese watching the game and asked him to tell the audience to "come on". How to say it in Chinese, and then the audience began to imitate it. Some overseas Chinese also brought small flags and distributed them to other audiences. The children present scrambled to get them and returned to their seats to wave.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On November 26, 2023, the women’s gold medalist Brazilian combination Ana Patricia (third from right)/Duda (third from left), and the silver medalist Brazilian combination Barbara (first from left)/Carol (second from left) ) and bronze medalist Chinese pair Xue Chen (second from right)/Xia Xinyi (first from right) took a group photo at the award ceremony.

The Brazilian audience's support for the Chinese players not only shows their respect for the Chinese team, but also recognizes the strength and charm of the Chinese team in the game. Sports competitions transcend national boundaries and are also platforms for cross-cultural exchanges. The support and cheers of the audience represent a friendly international friendship.

Feel the power of China in Latin America

In October 2023, the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing. Experts and scholars from Latin America who participated in the series of events said that China and Latin America's joint efforts to build the "Belt and Road" have yielded fruitful results and provided Latin America with Regional development in areas such as infrastructure construction, unimpeded trade, economic development, ecological protection and poverty reduction has opened windows of opportunity.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On March 25, 2023, at the Longping Brazilian Seed Factory in Jardinopolis, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, staff inspected the sorting of corn seeds.

"Now there are sugar cane on both sides of the road. These crops can be used to produce sucrose. Sucrose is an important industrial fermentation raw material and is used to produce alcohol and so on." Longping Brazil General Manager Shi Liang introduced it to me while driving.

Chinese-funded company Longping Brazil is an important scientific and technological innovation platform for the research and development of crop seeds such as corn, soybeans, and sorghum in Brazil. It is committed to producing crop seeds that adapt to Brazil’s diverse climate and soil conditions. Its market share exceeds 20% of Brazil’s domestic market. One of the largest corn seed companies, the China-Brazil shuttle breeding project started in 2018, successfully realizing the exchange of germplasm resources and breeding technologies between the two countries, and improving the technological level and international competitiveness of the two countries' seed industries.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑Longping Brazil R&D Center and Seed Factory photographed in Jardinopolis, Sao Paulo State, Brazil on March 25, 2023.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On October 11, 2023, scientific researchers worked in the Longping Brazilian Molecular Biology Laboratory in Cravinhos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil.

"China is accelerating agricultural modernization, integrating innovative measures such as precision planting, advanced irrigation systems and biotechnology applications to improve agricultural production efficiency and sustainability, ensuring food security for its own people, and ensuring food security for people in other parts of the world through international cooperation. Contribute to food security." Ronny Lins, director of the Brazilian Center for China Studies, said in an exclusive interview with me.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑On March 25, 2023, in the Longping Brazil experimental field located in Jardinopolis, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, the experimental corn varieties grew well.

So far, 22 Latin American countries have signed cooperation documents on the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" with China. China and Latin America continue to deepen ties and strengthen cooperation in many fields.

The Roma Blanca Wind Farm on the outskirts of Puerto Madryn in central Argentina is one of the largest wind farms in Argentina. The project is divided into six phases. Among them, the first, second, third and sixth wind farms and the Miramar wind farm in Buenos Aires Province are invested and constructed by China Goldwind Technology Co., Ltd. Helios Wind Power Project Group.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑ The first phase of the Roma Blanca wind farm photographed in Puerto Madryn, Chubut Province, Argentina on June 12, 2023.

Here, my colleagues and I followed Ling Peitian, Managing Director of Goldwind Technology Argentina Branch, in a car as we drove out of the small town and drove on the straight wilderness road. Facing the tall wind turbines, from far to near, and then to the eyes, there is a sense of fear and oppression caused by the huge giant. Windmills stand in sequence and stretch along the hillside for several kilometers. Each fan is 100 meters high, and the roaring sea breeze drives the 68-meter-long streamlined blades to rotate continuously. Directly below the running wind turbine, staff were checking the operating condition of the wind turbine. The huge blades were rotating overhead, making a heavy and rhythmic rustling sound.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑Roma Blanca Phase I wind farm photographed in Puerto Madryn, Chubut Province, Argentina on June 12, 2023. A total of 109 wind turbines have been installed in the

Helios wind power project group, with a total installed capacity of 355 MW. They will all be connected to the grid and put into commercial operation in April 2021. They will provide Argentina with approximately 1.6 billion kilowatt hours of clean energy every year and are important for promoting Argentina. Energy transition and economic development are of great significance.

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑ On June 12, 2023, at the Roma Blanca Phase I Wind Farm in Puerto Madryn, Chubut Province, Argentina, project engineer Malie (right) and local staff inspected the operating status of the wind turbine.

Biodiversity is a valuable resource of Puerto Madryn. When developing industries, the local government first considers protecting the environment and biodiversity. As a clean energy source, the wind power provided by Chinese companies helps local economic development and is more integrated with local development concepts. As my colleague wrote in the report: "In Puerto Madryn at night, the sound of whales lapping the waves can be heard from time to time in the distance. The sea breeze passes through the wilderness, lighting up the lights, warming the quiet night of the small town..." 

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

↑ The Christ the Redeemer statue and Tijuca National Forest Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, taken on March 1, 2023.

In Brazil and Latin America, the story continues... During every fascinating journey, I have witnessed many stories blooming in the land of Brazil. Every smiling face and every ups and downs experience will become the most beautiful poems deep in my memory. Brazil, this vibrant land, exudes unique charm and shows its profound cultural roots. Here, stories and people are intertwined into a magnificent picture. Here, every scene and every moment is poetic and moving. And I am fortunate to be a witness in this colorful picture and moving poem, and the stories here are deeply engraved in my life memory.

Scan the QR code in the picture below to watch other reports by Wang Tiancong in 2023↓

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

I was there, recording the moment and making it history. Starting from 2019, we have launched the 'I was at the scene' column, which uses the precious interview experience of Xinhua News Agency reporters to 'sink their hearts, bend down, and integrate into their emotions' to tell - Lujuba

Planner: Lan Hongguang

Coordinator: Wu Wei, Fei Maohua, Zhou Daqing, Liu Jinhai

Reporter: Wang Tiancong

Editors: Xu Jinquan, Liu Jin Hai, Jin Ma Mengni, Hao Jianwei, Yang Chun

Tags: entertainment