Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h

entertainment 3238℃

Some people are in love with paper people, and some people are dating netizens. Recently, sheep have watched a strange thing on the Internet: Someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him.

originally thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, he would at least temper his skills offline, but he didn't expect that in the end he was shattered by the troll's comments.

It turns out that we really know nothing about the evil of human nature...

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

The protagonist who leads this experiment on human nature is the blogger "Ruirui Ni" .

switched from Douyin private messages to private life, and then gradually became a WeChat friend. He spent six months "working hard" and finally became a real "friend" with this Internet troll who should have been blocked instantly.

You must see with your own eyes what this person who is full of trolls and geographical attacks on the Internet is like in real life - With this mood, Ruirui planned an offline meeting with the troll.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Confront Internet trolls offline? Rui Ruini was filled with indignation, but netizens speculated that the ending would be a happy ending.

After all, in most people’s minds, trolls use the keyboard to get into a rage, but become very well-behaved offline.

Some people also imagined a bloody Internet masterpiece based on Rui Ruini's trailer video, and some even took the lead in eating it as a tribute.

Could it be that this is really a touching drama of brotherly love?

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

However, to everyone's surprise, not only did the two not "bury the hatchet" as imagined, but instead, through Ruirui Ni's lens, everyone witnessed a colder humanity.

"Your grandpa" online, "I don't deserve it" offline

He opens his mouth to greet other people's relatives, likes to talk about regional discrimination, and is used to judging the lives of strangers without any sense of boundaries. The

troll is just such a typical netizen who is very good at "teaching you how to behave" online.

Half a year ago, Ruirui Ni posted a video on her trumpet about buying a car and was confused about the brand. As a result, she was humiliated by a private message from the other party for no reason: "Buying a car under 600,000 yuan is xxx."

Regional discrimination and personality insult , Groundless abuse... It's hard for you to understand how much malice comes from a stranger, and Ruirui Ni obviously can't understand it either.

So he quietly lurked into the troll's circle of friends and became his "friend" in real life, wanting to personally tear off the troll's mask.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

clicked on the troll’s homepage and found out effortlessly that he was a 28-year-old motorcycle enthusiast. So, Rui Ruini disguised herself as a motorcycle novice and made friends with this motorcycle veteran under the guise of "apprenticeship".

never expected that from heavy blows to gentle guidance, the first thing Ruirui got from the trolls was to split .

Faced with the "little brother" who came to ask humbly for advice, the troll changed his previous attitude of "teaching him a lesson" and became very polite. Patiently recommended car models, carefully guided prices, and readily agreed to the request to add him on WeChat.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Not only is he no longer the keyboard warrior who trolls people everywhere, but the trolls also often chat with Rui Ruini about literature and movies.

Even once, he shared that he bought all the vegetables because he sympathized with the old woman selling vegetables at the stall.

Ruirui Ni is extremely curious. Is this still the same troll who attacks stranger netizens indiscriminately?

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

After all, communication through network cables could not piece together a real person. Ruirui Ni was still looking for an opportunity to meet.

Suddenly one day, the troll invited Ruiruini out to climb Huangshan Mountain on the grounds that "I was depressed after being laid off" . Only then did he finally catch the good opportunity.

Are you going to confront the trolls in front of them and repay those dirty words one by one? Or should we turn hostility into friendship, let go of our inner grudges and become friends completely? With this mood, Rui Ruini went to the appointment. After

arrived in Huangshan, he also gave the audience an imaginative setting: and the troll were in the same room .

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Through continuous contact in reality, the image of trolls has gradually become more "three-dimensional".

Inadvertently, I can still vaguely see the shadow of Internet trolls.

For example, when Ruirui was provoked and said, "The weather is very bad, it's because you didn't prepare a strategy well," the troll used a familiar geographical attack.

blamed the weather in Huangshan and the feng shui in Anhui, but never mentioned that he had indeed failed to prepare a strategy.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

However, when Ruiruini began to promote the main purpose of this offline meeting - to understand why the trolls troll people, the other party suddenly turned into a gentle big brother, with a positive energy that was completely different from the online trolls. speak .

On the way back, Rui Ruini pretended to chat casually. Someone once commented on his car purchase: Those who drive this car are low-class people (Of course, someone here is a troll. son).

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

At this moment, the troll sitting next to him, who seemed to have regarded him as a friend, consoled him: "Why do you care about these people? Most of the people who think like this are xx."

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

What a hearty self-introduction , the troll has obviously forgotten his original remarks.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

He also added firmly that the person who said those words must be a loser in life: "A person who can drive a luxury car will not say such things. He must have a person who is beyond ordinary people and worthy of his wealth." Literacy."

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

When Rui Ruini once again hit the mark and asked the troll what he thought of buying a car, the troll was completely weakened: "Am I worthy?" "No one has the right to look down on you for buying a car. The choice of car."

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

went from "I don't even want this car if it was given to me for free" to "Do I deserve it too?"

went from "You are a loser if you buy this kind of car" to "It is also your ability to buy a used car."

After watching this highly contrasting dialogue, the audience's cerebellum shrank. At this time, a sentence floated across the barrage: The complexity of human nature.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

"Trolling people to death is to eliminate harm for the people"

The night after climbing the mountain, Rui Ruini played a game with the troll for a while, and witnessed the troll spitting out fragrance in the game.

As the exchanges increased, Rui Ruini felt baffled by the dirty words the trolls blurted out from time to time. So he finally plucked up the courage to directly ask the question in his mind: Why do you like to troll people so much?

After hearing the conclusive reasons given by the troll, Ruiruini suddenly felt a chill running down his spine and could not recover for a long time.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

is dirty about his exit in the game. The trolls have already had a mature theory: since knows that he is a bad guy and can no longer stand up in the game, he can only use the method of trolling his opponents to find trouble for himself. Have fun.

What he is talking about is a game, but in fact it is also his life in the real world.

Let's not discuss the difficulty of "turning over". Most people in this world are ordinary people, struggling on their own paths.

And "doomed to fail", can it be a reason to wantonly harm others?

I'm afraid not.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

However, when Ruirui Ni asked further, didn't you think that someone would be hurt or even commit suicide?

may have completely opened his heart to Ruiruini, but the troll contributed a shockingly cold speech.

"I am killing harm for the people."

"This kind of mentality can still be entertained on the Internet. Sooner or later he will die sooner or later. The Internet is a cesspit ."

"If he commits suicide, he may still be considered me in advance. Let him be reincarnated and end his life."

"Is it possible that I can still accumulate virtue?"

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Eliminating harm for the people, who will define that "harm"?

In the eyes of the troll, he does not take a human life seriously. Instead, thinks that he has a clear distinction between the Internet and the real world..

On the Internet, you can be yourself, scold and complain whenever you want, but in the real world, you will be "constrained by the so-called sense of morality" and be a "good person" in a universal sense.

As for the innocent person on the Internet who was harmed by him, although he also understood that behind the virtual ID was a real person who was harmed. Even if this damage is superimposed by thousands or hundreds, it may cause a devastating blow to people.

But he doesn't care.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

The troll’s comments are hopelessly frank and self-consistent.

He hurt another stranger without any need for a reason, or rather, he was too lazy to make up one.

Yes, we can accept the complexity and diversity of human nature, and we can accept that people have all kinds of dark and subtle emotions.

But what we cannot accept is that there is no concealment of malice, no awareness of harm to others, and no respect for life.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

His indifference towards life also makes it difficult for us not to think about the innocent lives lost in cyber violence.

We once ideally thought that their departure would make the trolls feel regretful, start to control their words and deeds, and stop hurting a stranger for no reason.

However, the facts tell us that some evils in human nature cannot be avoided.

The only consolation is: When you unfortunately encounter such a troll, please be sure to believe that what he does is completely baseless and entirely out of a perverted pleasure. and you did nothing wrong.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Is the logical closed loop of the trolls tenable?

Ruirui Ni’s troll video series provides everyone with an immersive Internet “making friends” experience.

Some people say that the story of Ruirui Ni and the troll can be used as material for psychology research .

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

A friend who seems to be a professional in the related field really analyzed the psychology of trolls - is a kind of psychological distortion caused by the combination of aversion to weakness and admiration for strength, projecting the disgust of oneself as a weak person onto others.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Some people are shocked, some are scared, and many people are moved by the so-called "closed-loop logic" of .

- Since it is doomed to fail, it is better to liberate oneself;

- Since the Internet is already filthy, it is better to join it and add a foot in this quagmire...

Someone left a message in the barrage saying: is logically clear, transparent and useful. reason. Even Rui Ruini himself said that he was a little shaken by his outlook on life.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

However, when you carefully analyze the seemingly justified speech of the troll, is actually a sophistry for his own broken outlook and evil deeds.

The "so-called morality" he sneers at is the bottom line of what makes humans human;

His sense of empathy, which is not obvious, is the cornerstone of why humans can have truth, goodness and beauty, and be able to make alliances and friendships.

The reason why there is truth, goodness and beauty, and there are people who always have a sense of morality, is why this world has not really turned into a huge "cesspit".

You don’t even have to try to understand the psychological world of trolls.

does not need to go through his seemingly logical closed-loop inner confession to try to understand trolls or even become trolls.

But when you recall cyber violence, or are about to face cyber violence, you should think of these remarks and understand that the malice you received has nothing to do with you, but only to do with the person who committed the cyber violence.

Some people are in love with paper people, some are dating netizens, and recently a strange thing happened on the Internet: someone spent six months becoming an old friend with an Internet troll who scolded him. I thought that no matter what kind of top keyboard warrior he was, h - Lujuba

Compared with the wavering of some people, Yang is willing to believe that more people will be firm in their choices like this barrage.

"If he is right, then why do we feel happy in the friendship and companionship of helping each other?"

Tags: entertainment