2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and "two-way travel." Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers.

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2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and "two-way travel." Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers.

From January 20 to 21, 2024, the "Answer" 2023 year-end show jointly launched by Observer.com and the China Research Institute of Fudan University was grandly held at the Shanghai Fancl Yihai Theater.

The theme of this year-end show is "China Going Global." The two-day event attracted nearly 4,000 visitors; more than 40 Chinese and foreign guests will communicate and discuss with the audience through 8 themed dialogues, talking about international politics, economy, technology and industry, contemporary young people, and the Renaissance in the new era... Observer.com will invite more viewers to participate through live broadcasts throughout the day.

2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and 'two-way travel.' Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers. - Lujuba

Jin Zhongwei, Editor-in-Chief of Observer Network

html On the morning of 20th, Jin Zhongwei, Chief Editor of Observer Network, said in his opening speech that although the world is full of wars and has attracted a lot of attention and traffic from public opinion, this does not represent the direction and future of the world. The world is undergoing tremendous changes, and this great change is all around us. It is a cognitive revolution driven by digital technology.

"In China, the degree of inclusiveness of new technologies far exceeds that of any other country in the world, so that the cognitive costs of ordinary people have been reduced thousands of times, and their cognitive abilities have been improved thousands of times. Every ordinary person Everyone has the opportunity to suddenly become a giant of thought at a certain moment, in a certain field, or in a certain scene in the digital world." Jin Zhongwei said.

"We 1.4 billion Chinese are the luckiest 'digital citizens' in the world. Should we be more confident?" Jin Zhongwei asked the audience, and bursts of applause broke out from the audience.

2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and 'two-way travel.' Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers. - Lujuba

Bei Danning, the author of "The Meritocracy" and a chair professor at the University of Hong Kong

In the dialogue on the theme of "Ten Years of Two Systems", Bei Danning, the author of "The Meritocracy" and a chair professor at the University of Hong Kong, mentioned, what is the ideal of communism? Socially necessary labor is completed by advanced machines, and people can freely display their creative talents. Mencius said that without permanent property, there is no perseverance. If most people need to struggle for survival, it is impossible to become moral people.

Bei Danning said that China has produced the earliest political system dedicated to ensuring the basic material needs of the people. This also helps explain why Marxism has taken root in China: it resonates with Confucianism, which holds that a government's primary responsibility is to provide material welfare for its people.

Bei Danning believes that this kind of national system will still be necessary in the future. He listed three points. First, a strong country is needed to deal with the possibility of artificial intelligence doing evil. Second, strong states are needed to deal with climate change, pandemics, and other unexpected global challenges. Third, capitalist countries such as the United States may seek to contain China's development. A strong country is a necessary guarantee for China's development.

2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and 'two-way travel.' Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers. - Lujuba

Li Shimo, a famous venture capitalist and political scientist

Li Shimo, a famous venture capitalist and political scientist, listed a series of data in his speech:

Over the past ten years, China's average contribution to world economic growth has reached 38.6%, exceeding The sum of g7 national contribution rates. According to IMF data, China will become the largest contributor to global economic growth in the next five years, and its contribution to world economic growth will be twice that of the United States. China is also the world's largest source of international development financing and the world's largest trading nation...

"Some countries and people in the world often clamor to 'decouple' from China. My answer is simple. Decoupling from China means decoupling from the world." Decoupling."

Li Shimo pointed out that the United States tried to curb the rise of China's technological innovation and proposed the so-called "small courtyard and high wall" strategy, but who is in the "small courtyard"? Who is outside the "small courtyard"? The countries in the "small courtyard" include the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan and other Western camp countries. Outside the "small courtyard" there are "middle ground" countries, and even the large-scale "Global South".

“The ‘small courtyard’ is small, but the world is huge.” Li Shimo said.

He said that China is undergoing economic structural adjustment and will promote a new round of growth of the world economy through the development of high-quality industries. "I think our goal is not only for the prosperity of China, but also for the common development of the world. A new world order that is more open, inclusive and balanced."

2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and 'two-way travel.' Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers. - Lujuba

Li Shimo (first from the left) and the guests started a roundtable discussion

In the subsequent roundtable discussion, Li Shimo and hugo, the founder of the technology self-media "Cold Play Lab", Chen Ruimin, a doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Young people in the fields of science and technology and economics, such as market investor @张媷婷 and science popularization blogger @百度伊德, discussed the development momentum of China's economy in the next 20 years. The three themed dialogues held on the afternoon and evening of

20 are "The Spiritual Dimension of Contemporary Young People", "Technology and Industry: The Boat Has Passed and the Resumption is Broken", and "The Turbulent World and China". Famous literary translator Lin Shaohua, Renmin University of China professor Mao Liping, former ZTE India CEO Wang Tao, Peking University professor Cao Heping, Shenzhen TV commentator Wu Wei and other experts and scholars discussed relevant topics respectively.

html On the 21st, "Bedtime News" program editor-in-chief Ma Dugong, famous screenwriter Wang Hailin, senior researcher at Taihe Think Tank Ding Yifan, British economist Luo Siyi, Xiamen University professor Zhao Yanjing, economist Jia Genliang, Renmin University of China professor Jin Canrong, Fudan University professor Shen Yi, Russian sociologist Du Jin and other domestic and foreign experts and scholars will appear in three keynote speeches: "Renaissance in the New Era", "New Historical Stage of the Monetary System", and "New Order in the Multipolar World".

During the two-day event, the three founders of the Observer Network - Jin Zhongwei, Li Shimo and Zhang Weiwei, director of the China Institute of Fudan University, appeared successively. Zhang Weiwei will serve as the finale guest and attend the dialogue on the theme of "The Globality of China's Modernization" on the evening of the 21st. Since 2019, the

Answers Year-end Show has invited well-known domestic and foreign experts and scholars, opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, science popularizers, etc. every year to bring a feast of academic and ideological knowledge to contemporary young audiences. Due to the epidemic, the Answer year-end show has been postponed twice. This year, we will meet the audience offline again to participate in the grand event. Observer.com will also continue to broadcast live, so stay tuned.

2023 is a year of recovery after experiencing shocks. China and the world have returned to high-speed connectivity and 'two-way travel.' Amid the instability and uncertainty, the world needs answers from China, and China, which is moving towards the world, also needs new answers. - Lujuba

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