It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy "The Temporary Robbery" starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of "A Thousand Bones" starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production "The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children

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It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films, including the black humor comedy “Temporary Robbery” starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of “A Thousand Bones” starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production “The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children” In addition, there is also a re-released romance movie "I Still Think You're the Best" to choose from, with quite a variety of genres.

Among them, the one with the most gimmicks is "Temporary Heist". Aaron Kwok, who successfully won the "double" Best Actor Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards, played the ugly role of Mei Lantian, a buck-toothed gangster. "I have never been a gangster, so I want to give it a try!" Even before it was released, his catchphrase "Say thank you" in the movie has already become a hit on all major platforms.

It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy 'The Temporary Robbery' starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of 'A Thousand Bones' starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production 'The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children - Lujuba

This Tuesday, director Mai Qiguang also appeared in Hangzhou with leading actors Aaron Kwok, Lin Jiadong, and Zhang Keyi. Aaron Kwok, who had dyed blond hair, wore sunglasses and a windbreaker, stood out among the crowd. He screamed everywhere he went. Some female fans even pulled out Aaron Kwok's old photos from 30 years ago on their mobile phones and compared them on the spot. "Looks the same"!



It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy 'The Temporary Robbery' starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of 'A Thousand Bones' starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production 'The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children - Lujuba

Movie "Temporary Robbery" Hangzhou Road Show Aaron Kwok played a ugly gangster for the first time

Aaron Kwok answered Chengyou's question:

When Aaron Kwok came to Hangzhou this time, he also accepted an exclusive interview with Chengshi Interactive and sent gifts to all friends of Chengshi A New Year's greeting: I wish you all to get rich overnight!

Now let’s see what questions he has read from Orange friends?

1, "Multiple Wang": You rarely play villain roles. Do you have any new feelings playing the role of a gangster this time?

Aaron Kwok: In my impression, I have never played a gangster, but I have played a lot of police and justice roles. So this time I played the role of a gangster, and the film type this time was a very special black humor comedy. It was a big challenge for me. I put in a lot of hard work and did a lot of homework.

I feel that as an actor, it is rare to encounter a very good script. In addition, I have never played a role like a gangster, so I boldly put aside all ideas and went directly to Mei Lantian ( A state of the character played by Aaron Kwok in the movie).

2, "No need, no need": What was your first thought when you found out that this character is set to have big buck teeth?

Aaron Kwok: When I read the script and knew it was a black humor comedy, the image of Mei Lantian with buck teeth suddenly emerged. I communicated with the director and screenwriter. Can we add a buck-toothed design to increase the joy of the character? The director said why not, of course! We then went to find three different sets of dentures to try on. The first two sets of dentures didn't work. The teeth were very jagged and looked like aliens. After all, we were not making a horror movie, but a comedy. When the third set of dentures was put on, the director said it was OK, so I put them on and started practicing my lines.

When I wear dentures, they feel very real. I don’t think they are dentures. I think this is what this person looks like. He was originally a wrestler, so his appearance is not particularly handsome. I think he needs buck teeth. to show his affinity.

3, "What's the name?": Would you consider filming a TV series?

still needs to read the script. Because I am an actor, I should not have any baggage. As long as it is a good script, I will shoot even a TV series. Of course, making a movie will take a shorter time, usually two to three months, or up to half a year. If you are making a TV series, it may take a little longer. But if I can encounter a really good, high-quality script with a big production, I think I will choose it after asking myself.

My life is quite happy now

In 1984, 19-year-old Aaron Kwok broke into the entertainment industry after being admitted to the Hong Kong TVB dance training class. This journey lasted for 40 years, from a backup dancer to an all-round artist spanning music, movies and stage performances, a representative figure in singing and dancing.

It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy 'The Temporary Robbery' starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of 'A Thousand Bones' starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production 'The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children - Lujuba

At the Hangzhou road show, a middle-aged man stood up excitedly to "confess" to his father and Aaron Kwok, and accidentally made a slip of the tongue: "I came to see you on behalf of my father, who has been your idol since he was a child!" "The audience burst into laughter for a moment.

Aaron Kwok immediately recognized the slip of the tongue, but did not correct it on the spot. He hesitated for three seconds, and finally agreed humorously, "It's all fine."

It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy 'The Temporary Robbery' starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of 'A Thousand Bones' starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production 'The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children - Lujuba

It’s not unknown. At a glance, Aaron Kwok, who was popular in the 1990s with his “jarhead” haircut, is now 58 years old. However, he said frankly: “Age is not a secret to me. I am 58 years old.” I am 50 years old. I got married at 50 and now have two daughters and a wife. I feel that my life is quite happy now. Because I have a family and children, I am younger now and feel better at work than before. I am working more vigorously... After so many years, I have gained more experience and accumulation. I feel that if I had not gone through so many years, I would not be who I am today."

advises fans not to spend money randomly, making money is really It's not easy!

Many viewers thought that Aaron Kwok's buck-toothed character in "Provisional Robbery" was designed by the script, but in fact, Aaron Kwok said that he took the initiative to ask the director and screenwriter after reading the script and practicing his lines. , in addition to making the character more real, it can also "perform a sense of joy." Because I am playing a gangster, my lines have to be spoken very powerfully. Sometimes, in order to give a arrogant performance, my dentures will fly out as I speak, "It will be fine if it falls on the bed, but it will be terrible if it falls on the ground." ...

It’s Friday again, and there’s a new time for new films. In addition to the black humor comedy 'The Temporary Robbery' starring Aaron Kwok, the movie version of 'A Thousand Bones' starring Chen Duling, and the Sino-US co-production 'The Divine Dog Headed by a Family with Children - Lujuba

Although the buck teeth in the film greatly reduced Aaron Kwok's appearance in the movie, the effect was really great and provided most of the laughs in the movie. Some viewers even suffered from "Distressed Mei Lantian Syndrome". "Aaron Kwok has played a bad guy for most of his life, and it's hard to be ruthless."

In fact, there is no big bad guy in the film, but more of a small character who is forced into desperation by life and leads a ridiculous and nonsensical career as a robber. This is also what impressed Aaron Kwok about the character, "The characters are real and not just talk."

Aaron Kwok was present at the scene and repeatedly urged fans in his character's voice: "Don't spend money randomly, it's really not easy to make money!"

I hope to learn more and become a director myself

"Ten years ago, one day I was filming a commercial When I was playing, a story suddenly flashed in my mind, and I have been writing this story myself." In addition to preparing for concerts and actively filming movies and acting, Aaron Kwok told Chengshi that in the past ten years, he has actually been preparing to become a director. . But after experiencing four years of epidemic life, he has higher requirements for himself, "I think the audience's tastes have slowly changed in recent years, and their requirements for movies are higher, so for me, I I hope I can learn more, and when I have the opportunity to make a movie in the future, I can resonate with the audience."

In addition, he also discovered that he actually prefers comedy, so if there is a chance, he can make more movies with him. A little comedy. "After winning the award, everyone hopes that I will continue to play some very complicated roles, but no one has discovered my talent for comedy." This time, it can be considered a test of the waters. If I succeed in making everyone happy, directors and investors may wish to Remember to come find me for comedy! "

Tags: entertainment