On January 19, Wycombe Abbey School in Hangzhou issued a notice regarding the "bullying incident of Hao Shaowen's daughter". The full text is as follows: Dear parents: Regarding the recent negative incident among students in our school, and the resulting students involved Parents

entertainment 6681℃

On January 19, Wycombe Abbey School in Hangzhou issued a notice regarding the "Hao Shaowen daughter was bullied incident". The full text is as follows:

On January 19, Wycombe Abbey School in Hangzhou issued a notice regarding the 'bullying incident of Hao Shaowen's daughter'. The full text is as follows: Dear parents: Regarding the recent negative incident among students in our school, and the resulting students involved Parents - Lujuba

Dear parents:

Regarding a recent negative incident among students in our school, and the resulting involvement The parents of the student in question continued to post public opinions on the so-called "campus bullying" incident on social media (the "incident"), which has attracted a certain amount of public attention. Regardless of the facts of this incident, we sincerely apologize to the children and families who were affected and concerned about this incident. They should not be pushed to the forefront of public opinion and endure unprecedented attention and discussion.

Since the incident, our school has attached great importance to it and has fully cooperated with the joint investigation team sent by the government to complete the investigation of this incident. Upholding our school's adherence to the school philosophy of "whole-person education" and with awe of the spread of public opinion, our school hereby reports to all parents the true story and investigation of this incident, and makes it clear how our school is handling this incident. position and express our school’s serious attitude towards this incident.

1. Factual background

Regarding the specific process of this incident, the following is a detailed explanation:

1. On the afternoon of December 16, 2023 (Saturday), the father of classmate A (a certain class in the third grade) sent a message to the principal of the elementary school to complain. My own child was "bullied" by two children in the same class at school. The principal of the primary school responded to parents and said that the school would give parents feedback as soon as possible after investigation on Monday, and notified the middle leaders, third grade team leaders and class teachers of the primary school.

2. On the evening of December 17, 2023 (Sunday), the father of classmate A once again sent a message to the principal of the elementary school and informed him that he had prepared lawyers and police matters. The principal responded that he would investigate immediately after class on Monday.

3. On the morning of December 18, 2023 (Monday), the teacher checked the surveillance. The surveillance records showed that during the physical education class, several students were playing with the scene of falling to the ground. During this process, Student A’s I was hit in the face by classmate B. After questioning him, classmate A said he was not sure whether classmate B made an unintentional mistake while playing or hit him intentionally. Student A also mentioned that classmate B took out her tissue without her consent, and that another classmate had two things that made her unhappy. Apart from that, there were no other unhappy things.

4. At 12:20 pm on December 18, 2023 (Monday), three teachers, the principal of the primary school, the head teacher of the class, and the grade leader, had a conversation with classmate A and several students whose names were mentioned by him. The teachers emphasized several points on the ways, methods and sense of boundaries between classmates. Student B apologized to Classmate A because he played inappropriately during the recess game and hit Classmate A in the face. Classmate A also accepted Classmate B's apology.

5. At 14:50 pm on December 18, 2023 (Monday), the head teacher and grade leader held a parent-teacher meeting with the parents of student A, a representative of his agency, and another parent. The parents of classmate A asked the school to expel classmate B, rejected other educational solutions proposed by the school, and warned the school that the next step would be to take legal measures, conduct media exposure, and call the police. At this meeting, due to the inadequate communication methods and methods of individual school representatives and lack of empathy at the time, the antagonism between parents and schools was intensified.

6. December 19, 2023 (Tuesday),

a) The primary school department of our school will arrange a full-time teaching assistant teacher to pay close attention to all the students in the class. Because other students suddenly started discussing the affairs of classmate A and classmate B after arriving at school in the morning, which made classmate A very unhappy. The teacher immediately took Student A to the psychological care classroom for counseling. After Student A's mood improved, he started playing with other students.

b) Because parents were dissatisfied with the school's handling methods and results, they complained to the principal's office through the grade parent committee on December 19 and requested an appointment with the school principal. The school office director confirmed the specific time of the meeting on December 20.

c) On the same day, our school received a call from the staff of Daicun Police Station, reporting that the parents of student A sent a lawyer to the police station to inquire about issues related to school bullying and requested the school to issue an explanation of the situation.

d) On the same day, the principal of the primary school, the grade leader, and the parents of classmate B held a meeting to understand the situation of the child's return and parents' feedback, and found no abnormalities.However, the school recommends that parents pay more attention to and guide their children.

7. On December 20, 2023 (Wednesday), the school received the mayor’s public call list 12345. The petition time was 16:21 pm on the 19th. The content read: “The child was beaten and robbed of items by two classmates. It is currently known that Five students were bullied one after another, which lasted for 2 months. The school's attitude towards handling the incident was not positive, claiming that it was students who were making trouble. The parents of the students who were spanked needed to provide evidence of long-term bullying. They said that the school had surveillance and photographed their children being spanked. , so we hope that the district education bureau will intervene." On the morning of the same day, the principal met with four groups of parents (including the parents of student A) who came to report the situation to listen to parents' feedback. At the request of the parents of student a, the school promised to give a clear answer by December 22, 2023 at the latest.

8. From December 21st (Thursday) to 22nd (Friday), 2023,

a) school leaders conducted interviews and investigations on this matter and reviewed surveillance videos. The conclusion reached is consistent with the previous feedback given to parents by the primary school department: there is no actual bullying behavior.

b) On the morning of the 22nd, the school leaders communicated with several parents about the investigation results, as well as the school’s subsequent measures to strengthen attention to students and guide education. However, they failed to discuss the characterization of student b’s behavior and the intensity of punishment for him. Parents reached a consensus.

c) In the afternoon of the same day, the school received a notice from the police station and went to the police station to listen to the parents’ appeal.

9. On January 2, 2024 (Tuesday), the mother of classmate A posted "We were deceived by the fake propaganda of Wycombe Abbey Experimental School in Hangzhou" on Weibo and Xiaohongshu. Public opinion spread. Considering the sensitivity of personal information of minors under the age of 14, the school did not respond publicly on any social platform.

10. On the morning of January 3, 2024 (Wednesday),

a) the school director arrived at the school, conducted an independent investigation, obtained complete surveillance, and conducted interviews with 6 students in the class.

b) In the afternoon, staff from the district education bureau and police station went to the school to understand the situation, and then informed our school that the government would send a joint investigation team to the school, asking the school to cooperate.

11. On January 4, 2024 (Thursday), a joint investigation team entered the school to conduct an investigation.

12. On the afternoon of January 5, 2024 (Friday), our school director accompanied the joint investigation team to the place of residence of student A, and took the initiative to apologize to the parents of student A and the representative of his agency for the inconvenience and trouble this incident has caused them. And listen to the three appeals of the parents of classmate a: 1. What measures will the school take to avoid bullying in the future, how to deal with bullying behavior, and how to implement it; 2. The school’s apology and response in public channels; 3. The school leaders asked a in private The classmate apologized.

13. On the morning of January 8, 2024 (Monday), the school director, principal, class teacher and assistant teacher of class A came to visit, apologized to classmate A for the impact of this incident on her, and once again apologized to classmate a’s parents for the entire incident. He once again sincerely apologized for the lack of timely communication and handling, introduced the school's ten follow-up measures, and informed him that he would publicly apologize to all parents through parent-teacher meetings for the school's problems in this incident. Parents said on the spot that they had reached an understanding with the school. However, parents do not agree with the form of public apology and require the school to have an official written document released through public channels.

14. On January 11, 2024 (Thursday), the father of classmate A sent a WeChat message to the school director, informing him that if there is still no news on January 15, he would continue to take action. In response, the school director called the father of classmate A. Considering that both parties were not in Hangzhou from Friday to Sunday, they confirmed that they would meet on Monday (January 15) to discuss a disclosure method acceptable to all parties.

15. On January 14, 2024 (Sunday), the joint investigation team went to the school and read out the results of the joint investigation team to the school and parent committee representatives.

16. On January 14, 2024 (Sunday), the school director tried to contact classmate a’s father about the location of the meeting on the 15th, but classmate a’s father refused to meet.

17. On January 15, 2024 (Monday), the school director tried to contact him again. The father of classmate A said on the phone that 4 pm was the last time for the school to publicly apologize. At 4 o'clock, the school director contacted classmate A's father and informed him that the results of the investigation team had come out and informed the school and family committee representatives.Even regardless of the investigation conclusion, any open letter or media report will only set off another wave of unknown and inflammatory public opinion, once again pushing every child to the forefront and causing secondary harm. The school has a responsibility to Student A and every other Wycombe Abbey student, especially for minors who are just in third grade. Therefore, the school cannot agree to this so-called public apology. The father of classmate A expressed his disapproval and reprimanded the school, and informed the school manager that they would continue to speak out online to give everyone feedback.

18. From January 17th (Wednesday) to January 18th (Thursday), 2024, the father and mother of classmate A continued to ferment the matter on Weibo, Xiaohongshu and other media platforms, including "I hope our experience can make other people Parents are even more alert: It turns out that we cannot expect every school to give our children the protection and justice they deserve. It turns out that trusting communication between parents and children is so rare and precious!", "God is watching what you do. If you are right, you will get more help, but if you are wrong, you will get less help. God's principles are at ease in people's hearts. Come to an end and stride forward. ”, “Half a month has passed and we finally got the results” etc.

19. On the evening of January 18, 2024 (Thursday), the school director, accompanied by relevant government departments, met again with the father of classmate A and his companions, and once again expressed the impact of the school's incident on classmate A and his family Apologizing, the father of classmate A once again asked the school to issue a public apology statement.

2. Investigation results

Regarding the investigation results of this incident, the joint investigation team notified our school and three family committee representatives on January 14, 2024. The specific situation is as follows:

The joint investigation team called in the monitoring and investigation After reading the school’s written report and asking classmates, teachers and students’ parents, they also fully understood the school’s work to prevent student bullying, and conducted interviews on whether bullying existed in the class, as well as students’ daily performance, daily relationships, behavioral habits, etc. fully understand in detail. At the same time, the investigation team also went to the residence of the classmate involved and conducted some inquiries with the classmate and his family. The investigation team believed that Student B’s classmates were not subjectively intentional or malicious, and did not identify the incident as “bullying behavior.” At the same time, it also pointed out the problems existing in the school's handling of this incident, including home-school communication, emergency response, and daily refined management. It is hoped that the school will strengthen management in these three aspects.

3. Follow-up handling

Through this incident, our school realizes that any incident related to students' welfare should be handled with caution. Regardless of the facts of this incident, our school, as an educational unit, will adhere to a zero-tolerance attitude towards campus bullying, make every effort to ensure that every child in our school can receive a good education and healthy growth opportunities, and always adhere to fairness and selflessness Treat every child respectfully. At the same time, we always believe that school should be a fault-tolerant environment, uphold the concept of teaching and educating, give children space to learn from mistakes, and allow children to stand up bravely when they fall.

When such an incident occurs, our school must first reflect on itself as to why this problem, which was originally a problem between 8 to 9-year-old friends, has expanded to such an extent. After an internal review of the entire incident, we have discovered a number of issues that need improvement and have taken measures to improve them:

1. Strengthen communication between the school and parents, be more empathetic, and improve home-school relations.

2. Review and revise the student code of conduct (reward and punishment measures), reiterate the appeal channels and procedures, so as to detect signs of problems early and deal with them promptly, and speed up feedback and response.

3. Improve the daily management system, prepare emergency plans for relevant incidents, assist in handling public opinion, and ensure implementation.

Throughout the entire incident, our school and relevant government departments have always insisted on protecting the privacy and mental health of minors, especially those children who were directly involved in this public opinion storm. From beginning to end, our school has adopted a rational and introspective attitude, actively communicated with the parents involved, fully understood and respected their emotions, and worked hard to meet their reasonable requirements. At the same time, we have not responded to this incident through any public channels to avoid unnecessary spread of public opinion and secondary harm to the children.Despite repeated attempts by our school and government departments at all levels to negotiate, the parents involved continued to publish relevant one-sided information about this incident on platforms such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu from January 17 to 18, 2024, and continued to Expand public opinion and repeatedly request the school to formally apologize and respond through public channels. As requested, our school hereby provides an appropriate formal response to this incident, apologizes to parents and the public, and uses this to calm public opinion and set the record straight.

Dear parents, we sincerely appeal to everyone to maintain rational communication. If you are dissatisfied with the teaching and education work of our school, you can file a complaint with the principal and request an investigation. If you are not satisfied with the principal's decision, you can report it through the appeal email and our group will conduct an independent investigation. If you still have objections to the group's handling results, you can seek help through official government complaint channels or legal channels.

At the same time, we urge parents to be cautious in using media channels to express their demands. Online public opinions often do not understand the truth in an in-depth and objective manner, nor do they consider the deep impact on children's psychology. This is not only about the disclosure of the children involved and their personal information, but also affects students and their families in the entire class, grade, and even the entire school. We appeal to everyone that if you have special public platform resources or channels, you should know that "with greater capabilities, you need to bear greater responsibilities." This incident has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Government leaders at all levels are also actively paying attention to the matter and investing a large amount of public resources, which has had a negative impact on society.

We always welcome all parents and all walks of life to continue to supervise the work of our school and make valuable suggestions. We hope to return peace and calm to the children, families and other students at the school involved. At the same time, we will take this incident as an opportunity to reiterate the school's zero-tolerance attitude towards campus bullying, further improve school management, and ensure that every student can grow up healthily at Wycombe Abbey School.

Finally, we once again express our sincere apologies for the impact this incident has had on all children and parents!

Previously, Hao Shaowen’s wife Lin Ningrui posted an article saying that her 8-year-old daughter was bullied at school. Hao Shaowen also posted a video saying: "This matter did not happen in a day or two. It has been dealt with during this period. I want my daughter to know that no matter how the world changes, I will still be behind you and be your most stable person." I have a backer to protect you from wind and rain. We also believe that this world has its own justice, and I will do my best to protect my family."

On January 19, Wycombe Abbey School in Hangzhou issued a notice regarding the 'bullying incident of Hao Shaowen's daughter'. The full text is as follows: Dear parents: Regarding the recent negative incident among students in our school, and the resulting students involved Parents - Lujuba

Subsequently, Xiaoshan issued a briefing stating that education, public security Other departments have launched an investigation into the incident. On January 17, Hao Shaowen posted another article saying: "It turns out that we cannot expect every school to give our children the protection and justice they deserve. It turns out that trusting communication between parents and children is so rare and precious." Hao Shaowen said that the school representative It promised that the school would rectify the school management system and implement it, and privately apologize to the families and children of the four victims. However, for the sake of other parents, the school will not publicly apologize for this.

Hao Shaowen once entered the entertainment industry with "The Boy in the Laughing Forest" and became popular after playing the role of a young monk wearing sunglasses in the movie "New Oolong Courtyard".

Source: Hangzhou Wycombe Abbey School WeChat official account, parties’ social accounts, etc.

Tags: entertainment