I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that "JJ Lin" had become "Lin Zixiang". Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17,

entertainment 6279℃

Finally got the ticket, but after paying, I found that "JJ Lin" had become "Lin Zixiang". Returns and exchanges are still not supported?

Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets↓↓

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

According to the cover news, as of 2 pm on January 17, Damai platform staff have successively contacted the ticket buyers in the rights protection group and agreed. A full refund will be processed for those who did not attend the show without verification, and the money will be returned to the ticket purchase account within 1-7 working days.

grabbed the concert tickets but found that they had been "adjusted"

On January 12, "JJ Lin JJ20 World Tour Concert - Chengdu Station" was publicly sold on Damai, Maoyan and other platforms. Many netizens found themselves after successfully grabbing tickets. The tickets I originally wanted to buy for JJ Lin's concert in March were changed to Lin Zixiang's concert, and since the show started the next day, the platform refused to refund the tickets.

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

Netizens reported the situation on social platforms

Ms. Jiang from Chengdu, Sichuan, was an eyewitness to the above situation. On January 12, she grabbed tickets to JJ Lin’s concert and was about to happily share them with her friends, but suddenly she discovered that the ticket she had bought It's not a ticket to JJ Lin's concert, but "2024 Lin Zixiang 50 Kin Concert". She immediately wanted to refund the ticket, but was told by the Damai platform that the customer service staff had gone off work. After the customer service went to work at 9 a.m. the next day, the concert started at 7:30 p.m. According to the refund rules, refunds were prohibited.

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

Subsequently, on social platforms, many netizens shared their experiences of JJ Lin’s concert being “switched” to Lin Zixiang’s concert. In addition to the netizens who had this problem during the ticket grabbing period on January 12, there were also netizens who "picked up" the remaining tickets and purchased the remaining tickets on January 13 and found the same problem.

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

JJ Lin concert ticket purchase page

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

Lin Zixiang concert ticket purchase page

Platform: It is not a "bounced ticket", a full refund

Lawyer: The platform should improve the refund mechanism

Since there are not a few netizens in the same situation, some netizens suspect that it is the platform "Bounced ticket".

It is understood that on the home page of the day's ticket purchase platform, there is a special ticket purchase entrance with JJ Lin's avatar. Click on this window to go directly to the ticket purchase page. However, in the upper right corner of the window, there is also a line of small characters that reads "Lin Zixiang Chengdu". This is also one of the important grounds for the platform and some netizens to question whether ticket buyers accidentally clicked the wrong ticket.

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

Platform homepage JJ Lin concert ticket purchase portal

html On January 16, Damai platform staff stated that after receiving problems reported by netizens, they verified through the backend that it was not a system "bounce".

html On 17th, Damai Platform agreed to provide full refunds for those who did not attend the show without verification.

Li Mengxue, a lawyer at Beijing Anbo (Chengdu) Law Firm, said that if consumers encounter suspected "bounced tickets" when purchasing tickets, they need to provide purchase process records, order information and other evidence, but in practice it is indeed difficult to provide evidence. If the company fails to negotiate, consumers can complain to consumer associations and administrative regulatory authorities, or choose to file a lawsuit or other methods to reasonably safeguard their rights.

According to Articles 8 and 9 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, consumers have the right to know the true situation of the goods they purchase and use or the services they receive, and to choose goods or services independently.

In September 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Events to Promote the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market". The notice clearly stated that performance organizers should establish a refund mechanism for large-scale performance events. , set a reasonable tiered refund fee standard to protect the legitimate refund rights of ticket buyers . The notice requires that the culture and tourism administrative departments should strengthen the management of performance ticket sales platforms.

I finally got a ticket, but after paying, I found that 'JJ Lin' had become 'Lin Zixiang'. Returns and exchanges are still not supported? Recently, many people have encountered such a situation when grabbing concert tickets. According to the cover news, as of 2 p.m. on January 17, - Lujuba

Editor | Duan Lian Gai Yuanyuan

Proofreading | Wang Yuelong

Daily economic news is synthesized from China Youth Daily, cover news, Chengdu Daily Jinguan News, the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, public information, etc.

Daily economic news

Tags: entertainment