"Black Soil Speechless" comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill

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"Black Soil Silence" is coming to an end. Unexpectedly, the scale is widening, and violent scenes come one after another.

In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly made a stunning appearance.

has no identity introduction and no previous background. It starts with serial killings, punishing evil and promoting good. The main theme is a straightforward and hearty story.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

is a direct reference to the classic killer in the history of movies. It makes people's blood boil and want to stop.

The war between several women, the entanglement between the Yan family and the Yang family, can be said to be intertwined and exciting!

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

01. Women’s War

First of all, it is the intrigue of the women in the play. is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Wang Ping, the ex-wife of the deceased Yan Hongqiao, was the head actress of Lanhe Fertilizer Factory when she was young. She was proficient in playing, playing and singing. She was an absolute top-notch host of broadcasting and theatrical performances. Capturing Yan Hongqiao's heart in one fell swoop.

The two got married successfully. Yan Hongqiao spent all day thinking about how to please Wang Ping, but Yang Lijia from the fertilizer factory was in poverty because her child Yang Xuesong was ill.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

He went to Yan Hongqiao to borrow money. Yan Hongqiao didn't want to be owed a favor, so she showed him the way. That is to kill Liu Jiangang, who is making trouble for the restructuring, so that Yan can use the money to treat Yang Lijia's children.

A penny stumps a heroic man. When he was at the end of his rope, Yang Lijia took a desperate risk and actually hammered his master Liu Jiangang to death at the entrance of the stairs, and fled in a panic with blood all over his body.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

At that time, Guan Yu was still a dazed young man who was demobilized from the army and had just entered society;

At that time, Yan Hongqiao still thought about pleasing his beloved wife Wang Ping all day long;

At that time, Lanhe Chemical Fertilizer Factory is brewing a turbulent wave that is swept by the times.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

At that time, materials were scarce and conditions were difficult, but everyone lived a peaceful and simple life. Without comparison, there would be no harm.

Until the wave of the times comes and destroys everything in sight.

Yan Hongqiao's sister Yan Hongmei is also a domineering and domineering woman.

Mama's boy Feng Gen fled in fear of crime and ran to Hainan. Even though he was wearing a red flower dress, he still felt chilled to the bone in Hainan because the shadow of murder was approaching him step by step.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

So his mother Yan Hongmei stepped in to control the situation and met Guan Yu directly to express her thoughts.

then approached Wang Ping, and the two heroines of different eras faced each other face to face. In terms of momentum, they refused to give in to each other, and they exchanged harsh words.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

The relationship between sister and sister-in-law is a headache in itself. Fortunately, Yan Hongqiao has been killed, so she does not have to face such entanglements like Fat Orange in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

There is also a tough and beautiful woman with an unpleasant name: Er Mazi, which forms a strong contrast.

Sister Ma’s role is mainly to advance the story line of Yang Xuesong’s body dumping. She was responsible for the transportation business of the Hongqiao Group. She was assigned by Wang Ping to kill Yang Xuesong and threw his body under the ice with Huang Mao.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

When dumping the body, Huang Mao accidentally obtained the evidence video from Yang Xuesong's mobile phone, which could prove that Wang Ping had met with him before; Huang Mao used the video to threaten Sister Ma, and Sister Ma used the video to find Wang Ping. First, it was a blackmail. , one is to claim credit, wants to run the transportation company alone.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Wang Ping naturally couldn't tolerate this kind of threat, so she sent a man with glasses to follow Sister Ma, and violently dealt with her. Sister Ma's face was covered with blood, and she disappeared.

The war between women continues in "Black Soil Silence".

02. Crazy criticism of the female killer who wipes out the villain

It can be said that the most exciting passages in the entire drama "Black Soil Silence" are all contributed by this unknown and nameless female killer. The introduction page of

provides her name: Jinzhuhua. Played by Lin Xiao.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

But the name doesn't matter at all. Her madness, her neatness, and her absolute calmness are directly comparable to those classic killers in the history of movies.

such as killer Leon , such as Hannibal , such as the female bodyguard in "Ballet Revenge" , such as Javier Bardem who uses a gas tank to kill people in "No Country for Old Men" .

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

It’s no exaggeration at all. When she appeared, she ate snacks in front of the TV and drank pills with beer. With a dark face and a strange expression, the audience has no idea what her role is. The TV was blaring, and there was roaring coming from next door, probably from a father who was violently abusing his daughter.

The woman answered the phone to confirm the prey and time, and then walked out of the room.

She knocked on the door next door first, without saying anything, and pushed the violent man down the stairs. Then she patted the girl's injured face and told her to write whatever she wanted.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Then he knocked on Ma Zai's door. He was also ruthless and didn't say much. He just strangled his neck with tape and locked him to the ground. In less than five minutes, Ma Zai was handed over.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Huang Mao followed, who also knocked on the door and entered the room, imprisoning Huang Mao.

She first pressed the finger with her buttocks to find out the hidden address of the mobile phone. Then he waited for the next instruction. After getting the mobile phone, he pushed Huang Mao to the bathroom and cut his throat with a knife. Huang Mao's hot blood instantly sprayed all over the bathroom.

This simple method is very similar to the way Zhao Xinguo died in the Hongqiao murder case. It is obvious that the female killer also participated in the massacre of three people in one case.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Throughout the entire crime process, she calmly dealt with the neighbors who came to her door, and calmly put on new sneakers and a mink coat. When he went downstairs to face the questioning of the two investigating detectives Shi Ce, he was even more calm, clear and smooth, and escaped quickly after getting away. The whole process of

's appearance is done in one go. When killing, he is ruthless and crisp. When he goes out, his expression is calm and contented. He is almost in the same vein as the pathological killers mentioned above.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Although there is Wang Ping's scornful attitude towards the world, Yan Hongmei's passing through thousands of sails, and Sister Ma's bright and tragic. But when the female killer swept away the villains smoothly, she still got carried away uncontrollably.

At the last moment, the man with glasses returned home after a busy day, but he was keenly aware that someone was inside.

Yes, it is our crazy female killer, sitting on his sofa, waiting for another villain to come home. Next is another bloody storm.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

By the way, the screenwriter of "Black Soil Silence" and the screenwriter of "The Three Brigades" must be friends, because by such a coincidence, eight-bit game consoles appeared, and there were tense moments of misplaced knocks on the door.

In "The Three Brigades", Wang Dayong, who is on the run from crime, also has the habit of playing Tetris; Cheng Bing's knock on the door to remind the victim girl is also time-space misaligned with the scene of another group of murderers knocking on the door.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

03. Emotional footnotes from the righteous side

Of course, the hunt for the real culprit continues to advance. Guan Yu kept visiting the place where the crime occurred and the whereabouts of the murderer, getting closer to the truth step by step like peeling an onion.

The series also provides corresponding emotional support for this group of outstanding people's defenders.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

After all, we are all flesh and blood, and young Guan Yu also had sad moments when he burst into tears.

Because in the process of hunting down the bad guys, a senior was sacrificed. Guan Yu took him back and tried his best to rescue him, but he was still unable to save him.

Looking at his hands full of blood, Guan Yu felt extremely painful and remorseful. The senior sacrificed his precious life in order to protect him.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

As a people's policeman, we must have the responsibility and responsibility of sacrificing our lives for justice.

The same is true for Mr. Zhongyi, the glasses man whose throat was cut by Huang Mao. At the last moment of his death, he scratched in the sand, leaving behind clues about the "king".

But loving parents also need to bear the grief of losing a child in old age.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Guan Yu and Shi Ce are also sad. Shi Ce, a young and bright man, was devastated and cried silently after losing such an enthusiastic and positive colleague.

Guan Yu naturally felt uncomfortable. He saw his colleagues around him being killed, and even his wife and brother Xie Haijun was murdered, and he was unable to protect him.

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

Seeing Xie Xiaoying leave in pain, and now her beauty is gone, her widowed sister-in-law is poor and helpless, who can know the sadness in 's heart?

When Zhongyi said goodbye, Guan Yu and Shi Ce turned on the radio in the car. Yes, it was the song "Young Aspirations Don't Tell the Sorrows" again.

The golden shield, forged with blood, shows its strength in dangerous places.

For the mother’s smile, for the harvest of the earth.

In these prosperous years, why should we fear romance?

In these prosperous years, why should we fear romance?

'Black Soil Speechless' comes to an end, and unexpectedly the scale is widened, with violent scenes happening one after another. In the eighth episode, a mysterious female killer suddenly appeared. There is no identity introduction, no previous background, it is about serial kill - Lujuba

The song is easy to sing, but when you have to shoulder the real responsibility and face the torture of life and death, you still face it without hesitation. That is true greatness and bravery.

salute the people's police!

is also looking forward to the truth of the case coming to light and the arrival of the finale.

Tags: entertainment