Recently, the TV series "Dajiang Dahe 3" (referred to as "Dajiang Dahe 3") starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit

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Recently, the TV series "Dajiang Dahe 3" ("Dajiang Dahe 3") starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times with their small-scale portraits and real and profound aura. When the series is on the air, Wang Kai, who plays "Song Yunhui" in the series, accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Nandu. He talked about the growth of his character and his new feelings about the "Dajiang Dahe" series that has accompanied him and the audience for seven years.

Recently, the TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' (referred to as 'Dajiang Dahe 3') starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit - Lujuba

Growth and changes

"Responsibility is Song Yunhui's unchanging quality"

"Dajiang Dahe 3" takes over the previous plot and tells the entrepreneurial journey of Song Yunhui, Lei Dongbao and Yang Xun. In the era of reform and opening up, their A story in which both career and family will undergo tremendous tests. In the series, Song Yunhui, played by Wang Kai, experienced a huge gap from the Donghai factory to the Pengyang factory. As a pesticide layman, he still adhered to his original intention of struggle and led everyone to carry out "low-toxic and efficient" pesticide research and development, so that in the A small pesticide factory on the verge of being banned is coming back to life.

In the first and second parts of "Dajiang Dahe", Song Yunhui grew up from a college student who just left the society to a leader who can take charge of his own role, with an age span of 15 years. In the first two films, Wang Kai has already portrayed the role of Song Yunhui very vividly, successfully shaping Song Yunhui into one of the most discussed and watched characters on the screen in recent years. Now the "3.0 version" of Song Yunhui has entered its final chapter, and many viewers are looking forward to what challenges and growth he will face in the series.

Recently, the TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' (referred to as 'Dajiang Dahe 3') starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit - Lujuba

According to Wang Kai, Song Yunhui was at the lowest point of his career from the beginning of the third part, and then went through nine or eighty-one difficulties. The series revolves around him leading everyone to revitalize the Pengyang factory and then returning to the Donghai factory to solve problems. It is worth mentioning that when the series premiered, the scene in which Song Yunhui was "smashed on the head" at the beginning quickly attracted a lot of discussion among the audience. What followed was a series of plots investigating pesticide poisoning incidents, with so many twists and turns that even Wang Kai himself posted on Weibo to share: "I seem to have walked into the wrong set? Is this a period drama or a suspense drama?"

"He (Song Yunhui) and I ) is too familiar. There is not much change in age in this film. The biggest difficulty is that there are too many lines related to professional terms. Just like the pesticide poisoning incident at the beginning of the series, a lot of professional terms were used before filming started. I put a lot of effort into it," Wang Kai said.

In Wang Kai's view, Song Yunhui's tenacity that will never be defeated should be recognized by the audience. He also revealed that Song Yunhui, who is engaged in both career and relationship, will also give the audience surprises and breakthroughs. He told reporters from Nandu that Song Yunhui, as a growing character in the "Dajiang Dahe" series, has gradually become another person. Wang Kai is so familiar with Song Yunhui that he doesn't even need to deliberately design certain details of the performance in order to create changes.

In the first part of "Dajiang Dahe", Song Yunhui stood under the scorching sun and memorized the "People's Daily" clip more than 200 times, which still impresses many viewers; in the second part, Song Yunhui designed the glasses-pushing action, which made the audience watch at a glance I can feel the changes that the character has gone through; Song Yunhui in the third part has arrived at the pesticide factory from the beginning, and looks particularly downtrodden compared to the first two parts, so Wang Kai's appearance is less elite and looks more down-to-earth. When a reporter from Nandu mentioned the changes when the original cast members reunited again, Wang Kai said with a smile, "They are so familiar, and the whole filming atmosphere is very comfortable. Our aim is to cooperate happily and tacitly."

About Song Yunhui in Chapter 1 Wang Kai bluntly said about the growth and changes in the three films: "Song Yunhui is not easy. From the beginning, he will have a lot of grievances and unwillingness in his heart. After coming to the Pengyang factory, there were ups and downs. When he encountered being Thinking that pesticides were not up to standard and causing death, being misunderstood, being beaten, and a series of other problems, if this were placed on ordinary people, their mentality would have already collapsed. Even so, he can quickly adjust himself and tell himself that it is okay In this way, I can also break into a new world. This is the spiritual core of Song Yunhui in this drama."

Wang Kai said that Song Yunhui's growth in the "Dajiang Dahe" series is indeed very exciting. His sense of responsibility is that no matter where he is, as long as he takes over something, he must complete it and do it well. It doesn't matter. It seems that it is not his task, but following his heart is to be responsible for things. This is Song Yunhui's quality that has never changed.

Character Reflections

"Song Yunhui and I have many things in common"

Since the broadcast of the "Dajiang Dahe" series Since its release, many viewers have praised Wang Kai's role as Song Yunhui, saying that he made Song Yunhui "alive", which also earned him a lot of audience popularity and good reputation. In his opinion, the charm of Song Yunhui's character is It comes from his own character charm. He believes that "relying on hard work to bounce back" is what touches the audience the most, and he also confirms that many of Song Yunhui's characteristics are indeed similar to his own.

Recently, the TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' (referred to as 'Dajiang Dahe 3') starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit - Lujuba

"When I first took on this drama, I I saw many similarities with myself in Song Yunhui. For example, they are all children from ordinary families, without any connections or backgrounds, and they rely on their own beliefs to persevere to the end. In this process, you will also meet the support and help of some noble people, plus the blessing of luck, etc., and then you will realize your own ideals and life value. "

Song Yunhui's personal and spiritual shining points are considered by Wang Kai to be the epitome of the spirit of the times. Song Yunhui not only has the sense of responsibility to lead everyone together, but more importantly, he is not afraid when facing difficulties and challenges. , but showed firm determination and perseverance. In addition, as a technical expert, he also has excellent leadership skills. "If he encountered small waves in the first and second parts, then in the third part It was a big gap, and Song Yunhui bottomed out. People will definitely grow after experiencing something, and Song Yunhui eventually became a very mature and qualified leader. He also understood that no matter how great a person's ability is, he cannot represent everything. He needs to unite the masses and everyone needs to work together to accomplish one thing. This is the long-term solution. "

Recently, the TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' (referred to as 'Dajiang Dahe 3') starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit - Lujuba

Wang Kai and Song Yunhui have been together for seven years. They have been together and can almost be said to have become one. He admitted frankly that during these seven years, each other has changed, but these changes are subtle and do not happen overnight. "A lot of times I don't know if it has changed or not. I may not know myself very well, but others will say that I feel different in the past few years. It may be that the authorities are obsessed with it and the onlookers can't tell." However, through the opinions of friends and viewers around us, we can still feel that there have indeed been changes in each other.

Wang Kai also laughed and talked with Nandu reporters about the filming scene of "Dajiang Dahe 3", describing the day of filming as "war-like". "Because I had other work to catch a flight that day, I was supposed to shoot a scene on a sunny day. , but God seemed to be joking with us, and it suddenly started raining heavily. There was no other way, so the director then thought of another shooting plan for rainy days. After filming, on the way to the airport, a message came from the scene saying that the weather was clear! It’s quite interesting to think about it now. "

After filming the "Dajiang Dahe" series, Wang Kai deeply felt that every moment and every person during the filming brought him special deep feelings. "We are like screws on a big machine, everyone is on Respective positions rotate. But each person is like many small rivers. They all flow and eventually merge into one river and become a big river. All the happy life we ​​can have today is inseparable from the hard work and efforts of our parents' generation. We should make a movie like this to pay tribute to them. "

40 years old

"40+, masculine charm begins to bloom"

In recent years, Wang Kai has performed brilliantly in many reality-themed dramas and has gained recognition from many audiences. As an actor, he shared with Nandu reporters On his views on acting well in reality-themed dramas. He said that he first needs to understand the background of the era clearly, and then make detailed designs based on the character setting. In addition, he also needs to communicate more with the director and screenwriter, and also needs to add some self-understanding.Wang Kai’s current preference for scripts is that the script should not be too floating, and the story needs to be complete and logical. As long as the script and characters suit his preferences, and he thinks it is interesting, he is willing to try and challenge it. He also revealed that he has recently become interested in science fiction. The subject matter is more interesting.

Recently, the TV series 'Dajiang Dahe 3' (referred to as 'Dajiang Dahe 3') starring Wang Kai, Yang Shuo, Dong Zijian, Yang Caiyu, etc. is currently on the air. As the final chapter of the series, the original cast reunited to resonate with the audience's memories of the times wit - Lujuba

In life, Wang Kai would go out to travel to relax, play games at home, and catch up on TV dramas. He claims to be either "e" (extrovert) or "i" (introvert). But it still depends on the occasion. If the occasion is full of "i people", Wang Kai will rush out as the "e person" immediately. In the past year, Wang Kai said that the work pace was within his comfortable threshold, saying bluntly, "If the work schedule is too full and too tight, it will be very consuming."

Wang Kai, who has just entered his 40s, has a new understanding of growth. For him, after turning 40, he needs to get rid of some of his childishness and show a more calm side. He said with a smile: "The charm of a mature man will be more vivid at the age of 40. Before the age of 40, he may still have the youthfulness of a 20-year-old and the passion of a 30-year-old, but after the age of 40, he needs to become calm. If you say '40, a flower', then what I understand is that masculine charm begins to bloom at this stage."

While following the path of being an actor, Wang Kai admitted that he would also have anxiety. He revealed that there was a time in the past few years when he worked too hard, and in terms of feelings, he could not stay in a particularly tight state. "Actually, if you don't have a life in the crew all year round, it's a waste for an actor. You still have to balance work and rest. Now I still want to act in the works and roles I like, or choose some better projects. Anxiety is also Yes, but if you think about it clearly, you won't be so anxious."

In the new year, Wang Kai said that he hopes to meet his favorite characters and hopes that everyone can work and live happily in 2024. "Happy New Year, pay attention to your health and become who you want to be!" Wang Kai said.

Interview and writing: Nandu reporter Lin Jingwu

Picture: provided by the interviewee

Tags: entertainment