On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's "Oriental Selection View the World" account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no

entertainment 9386℃

January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's "Oriental Selection View the World" account, the anchor Tianquan who previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room will return on the morning of the 16th.

On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's 'Oriental Selection View the World' account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no - Lujuba

Reporters noticed that on January 12, Oriental Selection had already announced the return of Tianquan on its official Weibo.

On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's 'Oriental Selection View the World' account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no - Lujuba

Regarding this, some netizens said, "I like Tianquan and welcome to come back." Some netizens also said, "Dongfang Selection will do whatever it takes to get traffic, and all employees will take the black and red route." Some netizens speculated, "The performance of Oriental Screening has dropped sharply after Dong Yuhui was separated. This is to divert traffic."

On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's 'Oriental Selection View the World' account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no - Lujuba

Previously, because Dong Yuhui was suspected of being suppressed within Oriental Selection, the Douyin live broadcast room of Oriental Selection has been constantly ridiculed and abused by netizens since its launch. The number of fans of the Oriental Selection account has also dropped rapidly, falling below 30 million. In this case, Oriental Screening anchor Tian Quan imitated CEO Sun Dongxu and threw his phone during the live broadcast, and his words were suspected of provoking fans. Claiming that "I personally am a person who is not afraid of big things", "We don't care how much money others give you to send these", "We have set up so many blocking words and we can still use other methods".

At the same time, when the audience questioned whether the new egg yolk cake was a temporary food, Tianquan ridiculed, "These people who are watching the upcoming food in the live broadcast room may not be able to afford this egg yolk cake with their salary today." The price shows that the latest price of this egg yolk cake is 39.8 yuan/box. In addition, Tianquan also said that many of the products sold in the live broadcast room are "sold at a discount". The company will lose money when the audience buys an order. In this way, consumers can "retaliate" against Oriental Selection.

On December 16, 2023, Oriental Selection issued an apology statement stating: In response to the inappropriate remarks made by the anchor Tian Quan in the live broadcast room, the company decided to stop the live broadcast for three months and severely criticized it.

At the same time, after experiencing a series of turmoils such as the "little composition" controversy, the removal of the CEO, the anchor's suspension, and the opening of Dong Yuhui's personal account, on January 9, the account "named" by Dong Yuhui and Hui Peer ushered in a live broadcast First show.

As of the end of the live broadcast, the number of likes for the first live broadcast with Hui Peer has exceeded 1.29 billion, the number of views has exceeded 42 million, and the sales have exceeded 150 million yuan. That night, Oriental Selection had 15.387 million likes and 20,000 views.

In the following days, although the average live broadcast time of "Walking with Hui" was only about 4 hours, the average number of viewers per game reached 1737.9w. Although the average number of viewers per game of Oriental Selection is around 13 million, its average live broadcast duration is about 15 hours, and the peak average number of viewers per game is 7.20,000, which is much smaller than the 41.50 million viewers with Hui.

On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's 'Oriental Selection View the World' account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no - Lujuba

In terms of sales, according to Gray Dolphin data, the average sales per game of Oriental Selection after January 9 are basically in the range of 1000w-2500w. After the sales of Youhui Peer exceeded 100 million in its debut, the average sales per game exceeded 10 million, with 3 times in the range of 2500w-5000w.

On January 15, according to the live broadcast preview released by Oriental Selection's 'Oriental Selection View the World' account, anchor Tian Quan, who had previously made inappropriate remarks in the live broadcast room, will return on the morning of the 16th. The reporter no - Lujuba

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Li Xuanzi

Tags: entertainment