The suspense drama "Black Soil Silence" co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like "The Long Season", is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji

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The suspense drama "Black Soil Silence" co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like "The Long Season", is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series of

was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, with a full Northeastern atmosphere. In addition, the entire cast is made up of 90% Northeastern actors, making it truly down-to-earth. The dialogues between the characters are all filled with unique Northeastern humor, which has the excitement of a suspense drama and the joy of distinctive regional characteristics.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

There are only 12 episodes in the series. It starts with three people offline on Christmas Eve. The boss who was aloof one second was brutally killed the next second. From the murder case to the murderous journey, to the serial reversal, the final justice is satisfying, and what is behind the truth is the complex and real human nature. The three people who died at the beginning of

were Yan Hongqiao, a black-and-white character, her mistress Chen Xiaoming, and a security guard wearing an outstanding employee medal.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

Although Chen Xiaoming does not have many roles and becomes a corpse at the beginning, he is a key figure in promoting the plot. Yan Hongqiao's death involved conflicts of interest and emotional entanglements. Did the three victims kill each other? Or was he killed by the same murderer? Or were they killed by different murderers? After multiple clues were unfolded, the case became confusing.

Chen Xiaoming is a high school student from a poor family but beautiful. The moment he walked out of school, he had a high ponytail, bright eyes, and fair skin. He really fit the profile of a school belle. He amazed many people and attracted a lot of attention. Got offended by some gangsters.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

Yang Xuesong, who also had a group of younger brothers, heroically saved the beauty, and Chen Xiaoming and Yang Xuesong became a couple. Both of them were from poor families, but they had a good time together. But later, he wanted to leave his poor family, wanted a better life, gave up the illusory love, and went to find Feng Gen, a young gangster with better conditions.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

Not long after, Chen Xiaoming was attracted by Feng Gen's uncle Yan Hongqiao. Bombarded by Yan Hongqiao's house and money, Chen Xiaoming became Yan Hongqiao's mistress, and Chen Xiaoming began to date rich people.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

Yang Xuesong was very injured and threatened to kill Yan Hongqiao. The police found that Yang Xuesong had a motive for murder. All the evidence pointed to Yang Xuesong, but the case was not that simple.

Chen Xiaoming is played by Yang Yutong, who is 25 years old this year. She graduated from the Chinese Opera School and was named the school beauty of the Chinese Opera School because of her outstanding appearance.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

The role that everyone remembers most before is Seo Young-ja in "The Dark Side", and she is also remembered by everyone because of her beauty. Xu Yingzi is miserable. She is a timid and honest low-class girl with a younger brother who is not motivated. In order to save his younger brother, he did not hesitate to be insulted and framed by Sun Xing and others. After her younger brother was killed, Xu Yingzi no longer had any hope in the world and chose to jump off the building.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

played another character with a miserable fate in "The Ordinary Road". He was bullied online because he helped Pan Yan testify, and was tortured by the social environment to the point where he had no hope.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

He also played a victim in "Nine Righteous People". Tian Xiaoling, who came from a scholarly family, wanted to learn embroidery at Yanyu Embroidery House, but was tarnished by Wu Lian and lost her innocence, and finally chose to become a monk. She and Li Chunfeng were originally in love, but because they couldn't get past her, their lovers were separated. In the end, Li Chunfeng died for revenge, and she also lost the person who truly loved her.

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

The same goes for Chen Xiaoming in "Black Soil Silence". He was only 18 years old and fell to his death in the prime of his youth. Yang Yutong is really a professional in "beautiful, weak and miserable"! Each of the characters he plays is more miserable than the last, and each one makes people feel more distressed than the last!

The suspense drama 'Black Soil Silence' co-starred by Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, Deng Jiajia and others, like 'The Long Season', is a high-quality criminal investigation drama with distinctive Northeastern suspense characteristics. The entire series was filmed in Mudanjiang, Heilongji - Lujuba

Yang Yutong's facial features are exquisite, small and memorable, her cheek lines are smooth and skeletal, and she is a standard beauty. She looks sweet and youthful when she laughs, but pitiful when she cries, and feels utterly broken. Playing such a tragic character always makes people deeply sympathize and sigh!

So, which drama did you know her from?

Text/Yujun Falling into the Star River (pictures come from the Internet, contact us for deletion)

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