When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called "Black Soil Silence" brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,

entertainment 3381℃

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called "Black Soil Silence" brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch, this drama has been like a breath of fresh air, arousing deep resonance and heated discussion among the audience.

In the fierce competition among many popular dramas today, why can "Black Soil Silence" stand out and become a masterpiece in the hearts of the audience? Is it because of its gorgeous cast, or is it because of its well-made production? Admittedly, these are all factors, but more importantly is the intertwining of tight plot and real life it shows.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Imagine that you are sitting in front of the TV on a quiet night, deeply attracted by every plot and detail in the play. The solid acting skills of those actors seem to pull you into the whirlpool of the plot, allowing you to breathe and share the fate of the characters in the play. The plot is so compact and gripping that it makes you want to find out more.

However, "Black Soil Silence" is not just an enjoyable criminal investigation drama. Behind it, there are many little-known stories and behind-the-scenes footage. For example, the hardships and efforts that the actors experienced during the filming process, the hard work of the behind-the-scenes team working day and night to present the best effects, and the thoughts about real life triggered by the plot.

In this drama, every character has his own story and experiences. They may be criminal police officers who move forward bravely for justice; they may be suspects with unknown secrets hidden behind them. But no matter what, they are just like us and are real entities in life. Their happiness, anger, sorrow, love and hatred are all closely related to us.

Because of this, "Black Soil Silence" is not only a criminal investigation drama, but also a discussion about human nature. It allows us to see the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature, and also allows us to have a deeper thinking and understanding of real life. In this play, we can see the battle between justice and evil, the glory and darkness of human nature, and the helplessness and hope of life.

Of course, the success of "Black Soil Silence" is also inseparable from the heroes behind the scenes. They may not be the focus of the screen, but their dedication and hard work are the key to the best effect of this drama. They use their professionalism and enthusiasm to present us a world full of suspense and reality.

Yan Hongqiao's "Hongmen Banquet": a horrifying scene in the factory

In a factory conference room full of steel and coldness, Yan Hongqiao carefully planned a unique "Hongmen Banquet". Today's banquet, on the surface, he wanted to invite everyone to gather together and connect with each other, but in fact, it was undercurrent and full of unknown dangers.

Yan Hongqiao, a well-known figure in Lanhe County, every move he makes seems to have some deep meaning. No, he is holding meat skewers at the moment, giving it to everyone present with a smile on his face, as if to say: "Come, have a taste of this delicious food."

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

"Brother, you have already set up a stick here, you speak If it doesn't work, who can help?" A voice sounded at the right time, with a bit of flattery and compliment. Yan Hongqiao just smiled and did not answer. Instead, he asked a seemingly insignificant question: "Is this meat delicious?"

"Well, brother, it tastes so good!" Everyone nodded in praise, and the meat skewers in their mouths were indeed delicious. Incomparable. However, Yan Hongqiao's next question stunned everyone: "Do you know what kind of meat this is?"

"Is it mutton, brother?" Someone tentatively answered. Yan Hongqiao shook his head, with a strange smile on his face: "Didn't you notice that there was one less person?"

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked and stopped chewing. The meat skewers in their mouths suddenly became hard to swallow. They looked at each other, fear rising in their hearts: Could it be that this meat...?

Yan Hongqiao looked at everyone's reaction and couldn't help laughing: "How can I let you eat human flesh? I was just joking." Although his words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, the tension in their hearts did not Not completely eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Dayong, the boss of Golden Horse Heat, was dragged out. He was in a state of utter disarray, obviously having gone through a fierce struggle. However, even in this situation, he still had a tough mouth and kept yelling that Yan Hongqiao was nothing. He even spat at Yan Hongqiao.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

This scene made everyone present take a breath. They knew that Jia Dayong's move was undoubtedly challenging Yan Hongqiao's bottom line. What will happen next, no one can predict.

However, Yan Hongqiao just smiled slightly, as if he didn't care about all this. He waved his hand and motioned for his men to take Jia Dayong down. Then, he picked up the meat skewers again and distributed them to everyone: "Come on, keep eating. Today's banquet has just begun."

Everyone took the meat skewers, but they no longer had the same appetite as before. They knew that this "Hongmen Banquet" was far from over, and what awaited them next would be an even more thrilling scene.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Yan Hongqiao, a well-known figure, stabbed straight at Jia Dayong with the iron string in his hand as if filled with endless anger. This scene can't help but remind people of Sun Xing in "The Storm", with the same ruthlessness and the same villain aura. However, if you think that Yan Hongqiao is the villain, you would be completely wrong.

In the early morning of the next day, a shocking murder occurred within the Hongqiao Group. Three people died tragically, one of whom turned out to be Yan Hongqiao. How can this be? How could the villain who was so aggressive last night die so easily? This is almost like a joke on us.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

The camera turned and Guan Yu, the captain of the Lanhe County Criminal Police Team played by Chen Jianbin, appeared handsomely. He issued a military order to his leadership and promised to solve the case within five days. And his eyes were firmly fixed on Yang Si, a reform-through-labor prisoner who had just been released from prison, played by Hu Jun.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

When faced with the interrogation, Yang Si behaved calmly and responded with ease. Although Guan Yu noticed some clues, he suffered from the lack of conclusive evidence. This cat-and-mouse game seems calm, but in fact it is undercurrent.

At the end of the film, three suspenseful questions are left: Where is Yang Xuesong? Was Chen Xiaoming's death a murder or a suicide? And how did Yan Hongqiao die? The answers to these questions seem to be hidden in those seemingly ordinary details, waiting for the attentive audience to reveal them one by one.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

From "Cao Cao" to "Old Policeman", does the acting school also have "bottlenecks"?

When the cast list of the TV series "Black Soil Silence" was announced, the names of stars such as Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, and Deng Jiajia were prominently listed. The audience's expectations for this drama were instantly high, but at the same time there were also some doubts. Especially Chen Jianbin, as the first actor to leave the country, the pressure he faces can be imagined.

Back in 2010, Chen Jianbin’s role as Cao Cao in “Three Kingdoms” was impressive. The character Cao Cao has historically been a man of both wisdom and courage, as well as domineering and arrogant character. Chen Jianbin lived up to expectations. Through a series of delicate performances, he played the role of Cao Cao, who held the emperor hostage in order to control the princes, to a high level. The audience had a great time watching it, and Chen Jianbin also won many fans with this role.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Cao Cao is the one who succeeds, and Cao Cao is the one who fails. Ever since he played Cao Cao, Chen Jianbin's acting career seems to have been defined. No matter what role he plays later, the audience can always see the shadow of Cao Cao in it. No, in "Trident", the old policeman Cui Tiejun he plays is obviously a multi-faceted character - cute and cute in front of his wife, mischievous and naughty in front of his comrades, serious in front of work, and hard-hearted in front of his apprentices. . But some viewers thought, why does this old policeman still look like Cao Cao?

This can’t be blamed on the audience’s “face blindness”, but it can only be blamed on Chen Jianbin’s performance of Cao Cao, which was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But having said that, isn't it also a success for an actor to have a memorable role? But for a powerful actor like Chen Jianbin, he is obviously not satisfied with being defined by just one role.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

So we saw his attempts and breakthroughs in "Black Soil Silence".His role in this drama is very different from before, requiring him to show more layers and connotations. Although he was questioned and challenged at the beginning, Chen Jianbin is Chen Jianbin, and he has proved with his strength that he is still young.

Of course, some people may ask whether Chen Jianbin can really get rid of the shadow of "Cao Cao" in this new drama? Let’s wait and see!

Chen Jianbin and Hu Jun: The competition and breakthrough between acting schools

When Chen Jianbin in "Trident" broke into the audience's field of vision with his unique charm, his handsome, cool, silly and witty temperament seemed to make us watch He has become a new person, but he always seems to have a little bit of "Cao Cao" in him. Is it a limitation of his acting skills or the imprint of his character? The audience has their own opinions.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

In the comedy movie "The Unknown Man", Chen Jianbin once again challenged himself, playing the role that is both humorous and full of emotion. When facing his sister and daughter, his performance was so precise and emotional that people couldn't help but be moved by it. Does this mean he has successfully shed his past image and impressed audiences?

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Unlike Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun's acting skills appear more mature and changeable. From Xiang Yu in "The Legend of Chu and Han" to Xu Xiao in "Swordsman in the Snow" to Lei Suisheng in "Changjin Lake", he can interpret the characters vividly. But the most impressive thing is his role as Qiao Feng in "Dragon Movie". The tough and tender image seems to have become a label on him and is deeply loved by the audience.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

However, whether it is Chen Jianbin or Hu Jun, they are constantly challenging themselves and seeking breakthroughs. Chen Jianbin hopes to show his versatility through different roles, while Hu Jun is constantly trying new roles and performance styles. This pursuit of acting skills and reverence for the characters is the reason why they have been able to thrive in the entertainment industry.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

So, what do you think of these two powerful actors? Do you prefer Chen Jianbin's challenging and changing acting style, or do you prefer Hu Jun's mature and steady acting skills? In any case, they have brought us countless classic roles and unforgettable performance moments. Let us look forward to more exciting performances from them in the future!

Hu Jun and Deng Jiajia: The brilliance of the acting school and the counterattack of the "little aunt"

In the bright starry sky of the entertainment industry, Hu Jun is a dazzling star. His acting skills are like a sword that has been tempered for thousands of times. Sharp and sharp. The audience's evaluation of him is: He is good at what he does, and he is well-deserved to be in the first echelon of acting. Behind such praise is Hu Jun's persistence and dedication for many years, as well as his in-depth interpretation of each role.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

However, in this starry sky, there is another unique star, she is Deng Jiajia. Speaking of her, the first thing that the audience thinks of may be the quirky and popular "little aunt" in "Love Apartment". In the play, "Little Aunt" brought countless laughter and tears to the audience with her unique "Down syndrome acting method". Her vanity, her fantasies, and her nonsense all made the audience love and hate her.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Compared with Hu Jun's calmness, Deng Jiajia, who plays "Little Aunt", has experienced more twists and turns in her acting career. She is the oldest among the senior cast of "Love Apartment". Compared with several other recent graduates, she has richer acting experience and solid foundation. But this also means that she needs to bear more pressure and expectations.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

In the play, the "little aunt" always presents herself in an exaggerated and dramatic way. This may be a role setting, but it also reflects Deng Jiajia's certain persistence and pursuit in her acting career. She is unwilling to be mediocre and unwilling to be stereotyped. She always strives to try different roles and performance methods, hoping to bring more surprises and touches to the audience.

Hu Jun and Deng Jiajia, one is a calm and unhurried actor, and the other is a counterattacker full of twists and turns. Each of them shines with a unique light in the entertainment industry, and together they have brought countless classic roles and works to the audience.For the audience, they are not only the images on the screen, but also the symbol of the love and pursuit of acting career in their hearts.

When the lights go out and the images on the screen begin to flow, a passionate criminal investigation drama called 'Black Soil Silence' brings us into a world full of suspense and reality. It is not only a drama, but also a journey of thinking about real life. Since its launch,  - Lujuba

Today, Hu Jun is still making steady progress on the road of acting, and Deng Jiajia has gradually gained more recognition and opportunities with her own efforts and talents. Their stories continue, and the audience's expectations for them will never stop. In this entertainment industry full of possibilities, who can say for sure? Perhaps one day, "little aunt" can become a representative of the acting school in the hearts of the audience like Hu Jun, and Hu Jun may also try some new roles and challenges and continue to expand his acting boundaries.

Tags: entertainment