Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of "Flowers", its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a "tone" and may become an orphan. The word "accent" means...

entertainment 3736℃

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

Still water runs deep, shallow water makes noise.

Author: Insightcc

After the finale of "Flowers", its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge.

CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a "tone" and may become an orphan.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

The word "tone" is the label of the drama "Flowers".

Its existence brings the personality charm of Mr. Bao, Uncle Ye, Miss Wang, Li Li, Lingzi and others in the play to the extreme.

So, if you have an accent in your life, you can escape from shallowness and mediocrity and live a prosperous life of your own.

What is "tone"?

is unclear. In my opinion, it has the following four levels of meaning.


Neither humble nor arrogant attitude

In "Flowers", there is a very charming female character, Li Li.

She is not only smart and independent, but also exudes a temperament that is neither humble nor overbearing.

Many netizens said that Li Li is the woman with the most "accent" in the drama.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

When she came to Shanghai to open a restaurant alone, she had just experienced the great grief of her lover's death.

But through her, you can't see the devastation caused by these experiences at all, you can only see her own confidence and calmness.

At that time, there were many restaurants on Huanghe Road, and the proprietress of Huanghe Road, headed by Lu Meilin, dominated the area.

As a new businessman, Li Li not only has no stage fright, but is also able to mediate among various forces with ease.

In less than three months, she relied on her superb business skills to make Zhizhenyuan a top-notch business on the Yellow River Road.

Later, because Zhizhenyuan's business was too popular, the landlady on Huanghe Road jointly targeted her, but Li Li did not show any timidity.

She first went to Mr. Bao to ask for advice on how to solve the problem, and then negotiated the terms with Mr. Bao without any delay, successfully turning her hotel around quickly.

In addition, Li Li also helps people she admires whenever she can, even if the other person has cheated her.

Lingzi, the proprietress of Night Tokyo, once raped Li Li for 500 yuan because of Mr. Bao.

Not long after, Lingzi broke up with Mr. Bao, and planning to reopen the hotel, she approached Li Li to get business advice.

Li Li not only received her personally, but also showed her a table full of dishes for free.

These actions also convinced Reiko completely, and she shook hands with Li Li from then on.

As the saying goes: is above others and regards others as others, and below others, regards oneself as others.

No matter what situation you are in, don't look at people's faces, and don't show others' faces. This is the best way to behave.

After all, there are always ups and downs in human life. There will be peaks and troughs, and there will be ebbs and flows.

With a peaceful and calm heart, and appreciating its ups and downs without being humble or arrogant, only then can you and I guard our hearts and walk the right path.


The Silent City

"Flowers" begins with a very telling statement: God does not make a sound, it is all up to me.

means that people who can really achieve great things often remain silent and low-key, always standing on the outside and strategizing.

For those who are half-baked, the big words have already spread ten miles away before the matter is completed, and the final result is often in vain.

When Mr. Bao was doing foreign trade business in the early days, he obtained the distribution rights of Sanyang brand T-shirts through Miss Wang's relationship.

However, when Mr. Fan from Sanyang brand came to Shanghai to discuss cooperation with Mr. Bao, Mr. Wei from Haining Leather City wanted to step in and steal Mr. Bao's big customer.

He first hosted a banquet with Mr. Fan in Zhizhen Garden, saying that he wanted to cooperate with him and win all his T-shirts.

also boasted that for every piece of clothing in Haikou, Mr. Fan would add $1.5 to the price given by Mr. Bao.

Mr. Fan was also moved by this.

Mr. Wei thought he had intercepted Mr. Bao's order, so he was so arrogant that he gave each table in the hotel a plate of Farewell My Concubine worth 388 yuan, spending more than 30,000 yuan in one night.

This arrogant treat also made the news that Mr. Fan was preparing to cooperate with Mr. Wei spread throughout Huanghe Road overnight.

When Ms. Wang found out, she was worried that Mr. Bao would lose her business and was extremely anxious.

But Mr. Bao watched with cold eyes from beginning to end, very calm.

Soon something unexpected happened. When Mr. Wei signed the contract, he found that the batch of goods contained 800,000 pieces, and he panicked instantly.

Because in Shanghai, only Hulian Commercial Building can swallow this batch of goods, but the sales channels of Hulian Commercial Building have long been controlled by Mr. Bao.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

In the end, Mr. Fan could only go to Mr. Bao shamelessly. Mr. Bao directly lowered the price by 1.5 yuan per item, which taught Mr. Fan a hard lesson and made him earn 1.2 million less.

Mr. Wei's efforts were all in vain, and he became the laughing stock of Huanghe Road.

This reminds me of a saying: Among the crowd, the more powerful and elegant the person, the more low-key and quiet he is.

Because still water is deep, shallow water is noisy.

A true strong man never needs too many words, his strength is enough to prove everything.

And the weak person who is shallow inside, no matter how fiercely he screams, is just a paper tiger.


Friendship that is neither far nor near

The relationship between people has always been very delicate.

If we are too close, it is easy to burn each other; if we are too far apart, we will hurt people's hearts.

's wisest approach is to maintain the state of "neither far nor close, and the relationship will never leave."

In "Flowers", Po's background has always been affectionate and righteous.

When he was young, he loved a woman named Xuezhi wholeheartedly.

Later, Xuezhi abandoned him for material things and chose to marry a Hong Konger. Abao suffered from this for many years.

He knew that he could no longer fully open his heart to someone, and he didn't want to extend his pain to others.

Therefore, he has always kept a close distance with his confidante Miss Wang, Lingzi and others.

When Miss Wang boldly confessed to him and recklessly said that she would leave No. 27 on the Bund for him and sell tea eggs together.

Abao reluctantly chose to refuse, because he knew that Miss Wang's dream had always been to become a "golden flower" on the 27th.

He didn't want Miss Wang to regret it in the future, so he chose to let go.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

After that, Abao has been silently accompanying her to grow up, watching her transform from the cry-loving Miss Wang to Mr. Wang who can take charge of her own business.

For another confidante Reiko, Abao also personally broke Reiko's illusion of love for him and withdrew from the shares of Night Tokyo.

These things also made Reiko gradually let go of her bond with A Bao. She no longer relied on men, but gradually found herself, and managed Night Tokyo prosperously.

A relationship that is too close will make each other lose their grace;

a seemingly indestructible friendship will often become vulnerable because the relationship crosses the line.

Just like what Sanmao said: No matter how close friends are, if they don't miss the mark, if they think they are familiar, the result will be isolation.

Only friendship that is neither far nor close can keep you from losing the tone that people should have in interacting with each other, no matter how long you have known each other.


Reasonable and affectionate attitude

Many netizens said: The most unforgettable thing in "Flowers" is the female accent of Reiko.

They are reasonable and affectionate, both powerful and gentle. Face all kinds of difficulties in life and never give up easily.

From them, you will clearly feel: The more women live to the extreme, the more independent and powerful they are.

is like Miss Wang.

She has always had smooth sailing from childhood to adulthood, without too many detours.

It wasn’t until she was stabbed in the back by her colleague Mei Ping and was sent to the dock to move goods. Later, her relationship with Mr. Bao fell apart and she lost the person she could rely on that she truly experienced the storm.

But in the wind and rain, she did not fall down like those delicate flowers growing in the greenhouse. Instead,

transformed into a strong grass on the edge of the cliff, showing its stubbornness and tenacious vitality.

She shouted that she would become her own dock and open her own company in the storm of life.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

Although the outside world is not optimistic about her, competitors are also chasing her everywhere.

However, Ms. Wang still overcame many obstacles and won her first big order with her own efforts, achieving results that impressed everyone.

In the end, she became his support, from Xiao Wang in Hongkou to the bright Mr. Wang.

is like Reiko.

Her dream has always been to open her own store.

Especially after breaking up with Mr. Bao, she devoted all her energy to the management of the hotel.

With her efforts, the business in Night Tokyo has become extremely prosperous, even to the point where it is difficult to find a building.

Later, she went to Hong Kong to open a branch and start her new life.

Still water runs deep, shallow water is noisy. Author: Insight CC After the finale of 'Flowers', its popularity has not diminished and its stamina is huge. CCTV even bluntly stated that this is a work with a 'tone' and may become an orphan. The word 'accent' means... - Lujuba

Gao Xiaosong once said a very classic saying:

Life will never give you special treatment just because you are a woman. Instead of being defeated by life sooner or later, it is better to kick life hard when you are young.

In the wind and rain of life, instead of waiting for someone's umbrella, it is better to go through the wind and rain yourself and see the world.

The past is full of twists and turns, but the road ahead is long and bright.

No matter what kind of darkness you are experiencing right now, if you grow toward the sun, the flowers in the greenhouse can also grow into a sonorous rose with a full accent.

"Accent", in Shanghai dialect, means that a person's behavior, posture, conversation, and handling of things are all very tasteful and stylish.

It is not pretentious or pretentious, but inner strength and outer character. It is also a love of life and the pursuit of dreams.

Life is full of ups and downs, and setbacks are unpredictable. If you are confused, you might as well take a look at "Flowers".

Let’s take a look at how the characters in the play remain calm in the face of danger, how they bounce back, and how they behave.

Perhaps, from their stories, you can also find your own life style and encounter your own blooming flowers.

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