After watching "Flowers", it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there

entertainment 8580℃

After watching "Flowers", it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure have caused the dreams and shattering of many people.

Life is like a dream. Maybe you and I are both passers-by. There is no need to be sad when we leave indifferently. At least there have been gorgeous moments, laughter and tears, which have become special memories in life, hidden deepest in my heart.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

The flowers have fallen, some are happy and some are sad.

Miss Wang tried her best to prove herself, but she lost her most precious heart.

Lingzi guarded her heart and guarded him, but left the scene gloomily.

Mr. Bao (played by Hu Ge) has lost his halo and turned into the original A Bao planting flowers in the suburbs...

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Ms. Wang, played by Tang Yan, has made many people feel heartbroken and confused. Her fiery heart that was willing to risk everything for love made many people's hearts beat faster?

In the author's heart, I really want Mr. Bao and Ms. Wang to achieve success, but unfortunately they are not destined to be together. Mr. Bao does not want to be Mr. Bao, he just wants to return to Abao.

If Miss Wang had not come out from the 27th, maybe after 1997, she would have become Abao's other half; if Miss Wang was not so anxious to force Mr. Bao to respond, she might have become the woman who accompanied Abao.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Mr. Bao never forgot his five-year appointment with Miss Wang. He looked at the light of the Oriental Pearl Tower among the crowd on the ground. Miss Wang stood at the agreed height and lowered her head to look for him.

Miss Wang fulfilled her promise, but she lost Mr. Bao. Maybe he never belonged to her, and she was just unwilling to accept it. Why couldn't the revolutionary friendship of pork ribs and rice cake be sublimated into sweet love?

Bao is always a passionate and ruthless man. He can give you the glory and wealth you want, but he can only lock up his heart.

The "Wal-Mart" order is not so much that Ms. Wang has regained face for herself, but rather that it is the last "gift" given to her by Abao.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Destiny always likes to play tricks on people. Two people who are obviously incompatible meet and fall in love due to some bad fate, but they cannot grow old together.

Ms. Wang comes from a good family and went to work on the 27th as soon as she graduated. Her life should have gone smoothly, but her life path was completely changed because of meeting Mr. Bao.

After getting the first order, in the dead of night, Ms. Wang felt empty-hearted: she regretted her impulse, regretted that she wanted to get Mr. Bao, regretted that she could prove herself, regretted that she wanted to get back a slap from Mr. Bao and become him. "opponent".

people, sometimes if they miss a second, they may miss their whole world.

Miss Wang, who lost Mr. Bao, also lost her own color.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Lingzi, played by Ma Yili, was once jealous of Miss Wang. She was called a "debt collector" by her uncle. She originally thought that she was special in Mr. Bao's heart. She stayed until the end, but she did not become the one who laughed last.

Compared with Miss Wang, the relationship between Lingzi and Mr. Bao seems more ambiguous.

She came to Shanghai for him and stayed in Night Tokyo. She believed in luck, so she was reluctant to leave before he left. In the end, it ended badly.

The bleakness here refers to emotion. Reiko did not come back for Tokyo Night. What she went for was love, and it was just that the flowers fell and the water flowed ruthlessly.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Lingzi always likes to be duplicitous. She is obviously not a money fan, but she always asks Mr. Bao to give her more money. It seems that she wants to use money to dilute their relationship and dilute her aching heart.

She realized her dream, opened a store of her own, gained wealth, but lost her "freedom" in her heart!

Lingzi seems to be more free and easy-going than Miss Wang, but in fact she is the most difficult person to get out. In order to heal her wounds, she once again packed up her bags and went to Hong Kong.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

Lingzi and Miss Wang, two women who met because of Mr. Bao, suffered miserably in these prosperous years and lost to Mr. Bao's sweetheart.

html When Po went to Hong Kong in 2097, the author thought he would look at Reiko from a distance, but I didn’t expect that he was going to follow the footsteps of his first love and go on a ten-year date.

After seeing this, the author realized that Abao's dream of being rich from beginning to end was just to make an agreement with his first love.

Miss Wang and Lingzi are passers-by in Abao's dream, confidantes in his wealthy years, but they are not the lovers that Abao wants.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

They all say that the best thing is what you can't get. Abao left all his love to his first love. Even if she was married or divorced, he would not let go.

In 1987, after her first love divorced and she returned to her hometown, Abao never forgot her, and the two made a 10-year agreement.

They met by chance in Hong Kong in the 1990s. Even though she was in despair, Mr. Bao did not laugh at her, but was full of heartache, but she refused his help.

He wanted to prove to her that he was rich, and he wanted her to regret it, but she left her regret to him.

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

wrote to the end: There are four women who are inextricably linked to Mr. Bao. Miss Wang lost, Lingzi lost, Li Li became a monk, and his first love died.

The story of Abao and his first love was separated because of money and ended because of money.

If you fall in love with such a woman, won’t Abao regret it?

From 1987 to 1994, perhaps in the beginning, what Mr. Bao wanted was not glory and wealth, but to prove that he was "good" in front of his sweetheart!

After watching 'Flowers', it feels like a long century has passed. The story of Mr. Bao and them is full of ups and downs and is exciting. Their success and failure are the dreams and shattering of many people. Life is like a dream, maybe you and I are both passers-by, and there  - Lujuba

I will write down my interpretation of "Flowers" here for the time being. More exciting interpretations will be discussed in the next chapter.

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Tags: entertainment